1. **********
  2. * WHENCE *
  3. **********
  4. This file attempts to document the origin and licensing information,
  5. if known, for each piece of firmware distributed for use with the Linux
  6. kernel.
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Driver: keyspan_pda -- USB Keyspan PDA single-port serial device
  11. File: keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.fw
  12. Source: keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.S
  13. File: keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.fw
  14. Source: keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.S
  15. Licence: GPLv2+
  16. Compiled from original 8051 source into Intel HEX, used in our binary ihex form.
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Driver: ATARI_DSP56K - Atari DSP56k support
  21. File: dsp56k/bootstrap.bin
  22. Source: dsp56k/bootstrap.asm
  23. Licence: GPLv2 or later
  24. DSP56001 assembler, possibly buildable with a56 from
  25. http://www.zdomain.com/a56.html
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. Driver: DVB AV7110 -- AV7110 cards
  30. File: av7110/bootcode.bin
  31. Licence: GPLv2 or later
  32. ARM assembly source code available at https://linuxtv.org/downloads/firmware/Boot.S
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------