readme.txt 1.5 KB

  1. Banana Pro
  2. Intro
  3. =====
  4. This default configuration will allow you to start experimenting with the
  5. Buildroot environment for the Banana Pro. With the current configuration
  6. it will bring-up the board, and allow access through the serial console.
  7. How to build it
  8. ===============
  9. Configure Buildroot:
  10. $ make bananapro_defconfig
  11. Compile everything and build the SD card image:
  12. $ make
  13. How to write the SD card
  14. ========================
  15. Once the build process is finished you will have an image called "sdcard.img"
  16. in the output/images/ directory.
  17. Copy the bootable "sdcard.img" onto an SD card with "dd":
  18. $ dd if=output/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX
  19. Notes:
  20. - replace 'sdX' with the actual device with your micro SD card
  21. - you may need to be root to do that (use 'sudo')
  22. Insert the micro SD card in your Banana Pro and power it up. The console
  23. is on the debug TTL UART, 115200 8N1.
  24. Ethernet
  25. ==========
  26. # udhcpc -i eth0
  27. Wifi
  28. ==========
  29. # wpa_passphrase YOUR_SSID >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
  30. (enter the wifi password and press enter)
  31. # wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B
  32. # udhcpc -i wlan0
  33. Note:
  34. - replace 'YOUR_SSID' with the actual SSID from your access point
  35. Audio
  36. ==========
  37. Connect a headphone to the 3.5mm jack (TRRS). Note, that the Banana Pro
  38. has an on-board microphone, too.
  39. # amixer cset name='Power Amplifier DAC Playback Switch' on
  40. # amixer cset name='Power Amplifier Mute Switch' on
  41. # amixer cset name='Power Amplifier Volume' 42