12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 |
- uniform sampler2D tex;
- uniform sampler2D videoTex;
- uniform vec4 cnst;
- uniform vec3 texStepX; // = vec3(vec2(1.0 / texSize.x), 0.0);
- in vec2 scaled;
- in vec3 misc;
- in vec2 videoCoord;
- out vec4 fragColor;
- void main()
- {
- float scan_a = cnst.x;
- float scan_b = cnst.y;
- float scan_c = cnst.z;
- float alpha = cnst.w;
- vec3 t = (vec3(floor(scaled.x)) + alpha * vec3(fract(scaled.x))) * texStepX + misc;
- vec4 col1 = texture(tex, t.xz);
- vec4 col2 = texture(tex, t.yz);
- float scan = scan_c + scan_b * abs(fract(scaled.y) - scan_a);
- vec4 col = (col1 + col2) / 2.0;
- vec4 vid = texture(videoTex, videoCoord);
- fragColor = mix(vid, col, col.a) * scan;
- #else
- // optimization: in case of not-superimpose, we moved the division by 2
- // '(col1 + col2) / 2' to the 'scan_b' and 'scan_c' variables.
- fragColor = (col1 + col2) * scan;
- #endif
- }