123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532 |
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # Sortle interpreter - Implements the esoteric programming language "Sortle"
- # Written in 2012 by Scott Feeney aka Graue
- # Last modified Mar. 12, 2012 - Optimize regex matching for groups of just dots
- #
- # http://esolangs.org/wiki/Sortle
- # http://esolangs.org/wiki/User:Graue
- #
- # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
- # and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
- # worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
- # with this software. If not, see:
- # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- #
- # If this implementation disagrees with something explicitly stated in the
- # language spec, it is a bug in the implementation, not the spec. Please let
- # me know of any such bugs you find! You can email me via my user page on the
- # wiki (linked above). Thanks.
- use strict;
- # maybe use bignums for integer calculations and conversions(?)
- # test some more
- # clean up debug msgs
- # $verbose can be:
- # 0: no debug info - only print the final expression's name (if program halts)
- # 1: show state after each evaluation - useful for non-halting programs
- # 2: show state AND show progress of stack during evals
- # 3: all that AND show progress of regex matches
- # 1000: all that AND random debugging crap
- my $verbose = 0;
- # Leave strings untouched, while converting integers to strings,
- # with the odd requirement that in Sortle, the integer 0
- # becomes the null string.
- #
- # All input strings should be prefixed with '"'.
- # Output string is also prefixed with '"'.
- #
- sub sortlestring($) {
- my $s = $_[0];
- return $s if substr($s, 0, 1) eq '"';
- return '"' if $s == 0;
- return "\"$s";
- }
- # Convert to integer without any annoying warning about the argument
- # not being numeric (just use 0 then).
- # If input is a string, and it is prefixed with ", this marker will be removed
- # prior to conversion.
- sub toint($) {
- my $s = "$_[0]";
- $s = substr($s, 1) if substr($s, 0, 1) eq '"';
- my $x;
- if (($x) = $s =~ /^([+-]?\d+)/) {
- $x = int $x;
- } else {
- $x = 0;
- }
- return $x;
- }
- # return 1 if both strings are equal, 0 otherwise,
- # considering the character "." in $a to be equivalent to any character in $b.
- sub stringequaldot($$) {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return 0 if length $a != length $b;
- for (my $x = 0; $x < length $a; $x++) {
- my $ac = substr $a, $x, 1;
- next if $ac eq ".";
- my $bc = substr $b, $x, 1;
- return 0 if $ac ne $bc;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub matchregex($$;$);
- # match a verified well-formed regex against a specific string
- # (no substrings)
- # return: string containing captures, or undef if no match
- sub matchregex($$;$) {
- my ($regex, $s, $captureall) = @_;
- if ($verbose >= 3) {
- print " ";
- # print - if non-recursive
- print (defined($captureall) ? " " : "-");
- print "matchregex \"$regex\" \"$s\" ";
- print "capt:$captureall" if defined $captureall;
- print "\n";
- }
- # $captureall is only set when this is called recursively.
- # if not set, turn it off if regex contains () and on otherwise.
- if (!defined $captureall) {
- $captureall = $regex !~ /\(/ || 0;
- }
- # a null string is matched only by an empty regex,
- # which captures the empty string
- if ($s eq "") {
- if ($regex eq "") { return ""; }
- else { return undef; }
- }
- # otherwise, if regex is empty it's a non-match
- return undef if $regex eq "";
- # separate out any non-grouped characters at beginning of regex
- # not followed by a modifier (@ or !)
- my ($reghead) = $regex =~ /^([^([@!]+)(?![@!])/;
- if (defined $reghead) {
- my $stringhead = substr $s, 0, length $reghead;
- print " (found reghead: $reghead vs. $stringhead)\n" if $verbose >= 1000;
- return undef if !stringequaldot($reghead, $stringhead);
- print " (heads match)\n" if $verbose >= 1000;
- # head matches, see if the rest does
- my $tailmatch = matchregex((substr $regex, length $reghead),
- (substr $s, length $reghead), $captureall);
- return undef if !defined $tailmatch;
- # so it did match and captured $tailmatch. If capturing all,
- # prepend our part-match to that, otherwise leave it alone
- return ($captureall ? $stringhead . $tailmatch : $tailmatch);
- }
- # at the beginning of the regex,
- # we have either a group, or a single character with modifier
- # (which we can treat as a [] group with modifier).
- # first, get the group.
- my ($group) = $regex =~ /^(\[[^[]*\])/;
- ($group) = $regex =~ /^(\([^(]*\))/ if !defined $group;
- $group = "[" . substr($regex, 0, 1) . "]" if !defined $group;
- # now get its modifier, if any.
- my $mod;
- my $tailidx = length $group; # string offset in regex after group
- # if group was a single character, and we added [] around it,
- # account for that.
- print " group is >>>$group<<<\n" if $verbose >= 1000;
- print " length of group before adjusting is $tailidx\n" if $verbose >= 1000;
- $tailidx -= 2 if index("([", substr($regex, 0, 1)) == -1;
- print " length of group is $tailidx and length of regex is "
- . length($regex) . "\n" if $verbose >= 1000;
- if ($tailidx == length $regex) { $mod = ""; }
- elsif (substr($regex, $tailidx, 1) eq "@") {
- $mod = "@";
- $tailidx++;
- } elsif (substr($regex, $tailidx, 1) eq "!") {
- $mod = "!";
- $tailidx++;
- } else { $mod = ""; }
- # min and max number of times the group must repeat
- my $minrepeat = (($mod eq "@") ? 0 : 1);
- my $maxrepeat = (($mod eq "!") ? -999 : 1);
- # content of group:
- # if $group is "(foo)" or "[foo]", $content is "foo"
- my $content = substr $group, 1, -1;
- # match group with fewest number of repetitions that allows
- # rest of string to match (minimal munch)
- my $tailmatch = undef; # set to partial capture when tail matched
- my $matchcount; # num chars matched in the string
- if ($content =~ /^\.+$/ && $maxrepeat < 0) {
- # optimize: group is entirely dots, like the common (.)! pattern
- # with no maximum repetition count
- my $dotstep = length $content; # step size, e.g. (..)! can only
- # match an even number of chars
- my $dots;
- for ($dots = $minrepeat*$dotstep; $dots <= length $s; $dots += $dotstep) {
- # guaranteed the dots match... does the tail match?
- $tailmatch = matchregex(substr($regex, $tailidx),
- substr($s, $dots), $captureall);
- last if defined $tailmatch;
- }
- $matchcount = $dots if defined $tailmatch;
- } else {
- # general case
- my ($acc, $reps);
- for ($acc = "", $reps = 0;
- $reps-1 != $maxrepeat;
- $acc .= $content, $reps += 1) {
- print " ACC is >>>$acc<<< REPS is $reps NEED [$minrepeat, $maxrepeat]\n" if $verbose >= 1000;
- # do we have enough repetitions yet?
- next if $reps < $minrepeat; # nope, build up $acc first
- # does the repeated group match?
- last if !stringequaldot($acc, substr($s, 0, length $acc));
- # does the tail match?
- $tailmatch = matchregex(substr($regex, $tailidx),
- substr($s, length $acc), $captureall);
- last if defined $tailmatch;
- }
- $matchcount = length $acc if defined $tailmatch;
- }
- # if tail not matched for any allowed number of repetitions,
- # then the whole regex doesn't match
- return undef if !defined $tailmatch;
- # 1. If capturing all, return what we matched here, plus the tail.
- if ($captureall) {
- return substr($s, 0, $matchcount) . $tailmatch;
- }
- # 2. Otherwise, if this group was (), return what we matched here.
- elsif (substr($group, 0, 1) eq "(") {
- return substr($s, 0, $matchcount);
- }
- # 3. Group [] and not capturing all, so return (possibly empty) tail
- # only.
- else { return $tailmatch; }
- }
- # evaluate a regex (against $s OR all other expression names)
- # and return string result: capture if matched, "" otherwise
- # if () are not used in regex, the capture is the whole string
- sub evalregex($$$$) {
- my ($regex, $s, $ip, $exprref) = @_;
- # check regex for nested groups
- die "Nested groups not allowed in regex \"$regex\""
- if $regex =~ /\([^)]*[([]/
- || $regex =~ /\[[^\]]*[([]/;
- # or unclosed []s
- my $opencount = 0;
- $opencount++ while $regex =~ /\[/g;
- $opencount-- while $regex =~ /\]/g;
- die "Unclosed [] group in regex \"$regex\"" if $opencount != 0;
- # or unclosed or multiple ()s
- $opencount = 0;
- $opencount++ while $regex =~ /\(/g;
- die "Multiple () groups not allowed in regex \"$regex\""
- if $opencount > 1;
- $opencount-- while $regex =~ /\)/g;
- die "Unclosed () group in regex \"$regex\"" if $opencount != 0;
- if ($s ne "") {
- # Test every substring of $s, starting with one-byte
- # substrings from left to right.
- my $match = undef; # set to captured string when matched
- for (my $len = 1; $len <= length $s && !defined $match;
- $len++) {
- for (my $start = 0; length $s - $len >= $start
- && !defined $match; $start++) {
- $match = matchregex($regex,
- (substr $s, $start, $len));
- }
- }
- return $match || "";
- }
- # op1 is "", so search all expression names other than the current
- # expression ($ip).
- # The .pdf spec doesn't specify an order, but the earlier sortle.txt
- # spec says expression names are searched in reverse order, starting
- # with the one before the current expression.
- # So we'll do that. To start, find the index of the current ip.
- my @expnames = reverse sort keys %{ $exprref };
- my $idx;
- for ($idx = 0; $expnames[$idx] ne $ip; $idx++) {
- die "Internal error" if $idx == $#expnames;
- }
- $idx = ($idx + 1) % (scalar @expnames);
- my $match = undef; # set to captured string when matched
- while ($expnames[$idx] ne $ip && !defined $match) {
- $match = matchregex($regex, $expnames[$idx]);
- $idx = ($idx + 1) % (scalar @expnames);
- }
- return $match || "";
- }
- # evaluate an expression (array reference)
- # and return string result. 2nd arg - ip; 3rd - reference to exprs hash
- sub evalexpr($$$) {
- my @expr = @{ $_[0] };
- my $ip = $_[1];
- my $exprref = $_[2];
- my @stack = ();
- foreach my $tok (@expr) {
- if ($verbose >= 2) {
- # print stack and token
- print " -stack:";
- foreach my $elmt (@stack) {
- print " [$elmt]";
- }
- print "\n";
- print " token: $tok\n";
- }
- # literal string
- # Note: This preserves the " at the beginning (not end)
- # when pushing on stack. This is done because there is
- # seemingly no way to distinguish string "0" from number 0
- # in Perl (it's too eager to convert one to the other).
- # We need this because in Sortle, the number 0 coerced to a
- # string becomes not "0" but "".
- # Thus, on the stack, we would store "0" as ["0]
- # and 0 as [0], without the [].
- # toint() will remove the leading " if needed
- # (but does not require it), and sortlestring() adds the "
- # if not present.
- if (my ($s) = $tok =~ /^(".*)"$/) {
- # handle escape sequences: \ab => character 0xab
- $s =~ s/\\([[:xdigit:]]{2})/chr hex $1/ge;
- # (To be pedantic, we could check for uses of \
- # outside a valid escape sequence, and report an
- # error - but I'm too lazy, so that can just be
- # considered undefined behavior.)
- push @stack, $s;
- next;
- }
- # literal number
- if ($tok =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) {
- push @stack, toint($tok);
- next;
- }
- # must be an operator... all of which take 2 operands
- die "Stack empty" if 1+$#stack < 2;
- my $op1 = pop @stack;
- my $op2 = pop @stack;
- if (index("+*/%", $tok) != -1) {
- # operator requires and produces numbers
- $op1 = toint($op1);
- $op2 = toint($op2);
- push(@stack, $op1 + $op2) if $tok eq "+";
- push(@stack, $op1 * $op2) if $tok eq "*";
- push(@stack, int($op1 / $op2)) if $tok eq "/";
- push(@stack, $op1 % $op2) if $tok eq "%";
- } else {
- # operator requires and produces strings
- $op1 = substr sortlestring($op1), 1;
- $op2 = substr sortlestring($op2), 1;
- push(@stack, '"' . $op2 . $op1) if $tok eq "~";
- if ($tok eq "^" || $tok eq "\$") {
- if ($op1 gt $op2) { push(@stack, '"' . $op1); }
- else { push(@stack, '"' . $op2); }
- }
- push(@stack, '"' . evalregex($op2, $op1, $ip, $exprref))
- if $tok eq "?";
- }
- }
- # Need exactly one expression on stack
- if (scalar @stack != 1) {
- die "Expression left " . (scalar @stack) . " values on stack";
- }
- print " -final stack: [$stack[0]]\n\n" if $verbose >= 2;
- # Convert the one expression to a string, if needed
- my $final = $stack[0];
- $final = sortlestring($final) if $final !~ /^"/;
- # Remove the " prefix when returning the string
- return substr($final, 1);
- }
- # print current state
- # usage: printstate($ip, \%exprs)
- sub printstate($$) {
- my $ip = $_[0];
- my %exprs = %{$_[1]};
- foreach my $key (sort keys %exprs) {
- print "*" if $ip eq $key; # expression to evaluate next
- print "$key :=";
- foreach my $x (@{ $exprs{$key} }) {
- print " $x";
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- # run one step of the program
- # usage: advancestate(\$ip, \%exprs)
- sub advancestate($$) {
- my $ipref = $_[0];
- my $oldname = $$ipref; # needed in case the expression suicides
- my $exprref = $_[1];
- my $newname = evalexpr([@{ $exprref->{$$ipref} }], $$ipref,
- $_[1]);
- # store expression under new name, unless new name is blank (suicide)
- $exprref->{$newname} = $exprref->{$$ipref}
- unless $newname eq "";
- # delete old name, unless it's the same as the new name
- delete $exprref->{$$ipref}
- unless $$ipref eq $newname;
- # find next expression in sorted order, wrapping, after $newname.
- # exception: if $newname is blank (expression has committed suicide),
- # we want the one after where the suicided expression WAS.
- my $isnext = 0;
- undef $$ipref;
- foreach my $x (sort keys %$exprref) {
- if ($newname eq "" && $x gt $oldname) {
- # expression suicided, but would have been before
- # this one.
- $$ipref = $x;
- last;
- }
- if ($x eq $newname) {
- $isnext = 1;
- next;
- }
- if ($isnext == 1) {
- $$ipref = $x;
- $isnext = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (!defined $$ipref) { # means we need to wrap around
- $$ipref = (sort keys %$exprref)[0];
- }
- }
- # Top-level interpreter
- my %exprs = (); # code expressions
- # for concatenating multiple lines when a line ends with a \
- my $partialline;
- # read source code from stdin or named input files
- while (my $line = <>) {
- chomp $line;
- if (defined $partialline) {
- $line = $partialline . " " . $line;
- undef $partialline;
- }
- next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/; # skip blank lines
- # if the line ends with a \, but the \ is NOT within a comment,
- # delete the \ and prepend this line to what's on the next line
- # ($tmp stores $line with quoted strings removed, to test if a
- # comment is present)
- my $tmp = $line;
- $tmp =~ s/"[^"]*"//g; # remove closed quoted strings from $tmp
- $tmp =~ s/"[^"]*$//; # remove an unclosed string, if present
- if ($tmp !~ /#/ && $line =~ /\\$/) { # no comment, but a \ on end
- $partialline = substr $line, 0, -1;
- next;
- # rest of line will be read, and line parsed, on next loop
- }
- # split expression name and value
- my ($name, $contents) = $line =~
- /^\s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)\s*:=(.+)$/;
- die "Sortle syntax error" if !defined $name || !defined $contents;
- $contents =~ s/^(\s*)//;
- $contents =~ s/(\s*)$//;
- # split tokens at whitespace (except inside quoted strings)
- # Note: this code will allow strings to contain escaped double-quotes
- # e.g "this is a \"string\"", which technically isn't how Sortle
- # works. But it is undefined behavior because backslashes are
- # only supposed to be used in Sortle strings when followed by
- # two hex digits, e.g. \0a for newline. Backslashes should be
- # escaped in the same manner, i.e. "this is a \5c\22string\22\5c"
- my @tokens = $contents =~ m/\s* ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*" | '(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*' | \S+)/gx;
- die "Empty expression" if (scalar @tokens) <= 0;
- # check that tokens are valid, and remove comments
- my @terms = ();
- foreach my $tok (@tokens) {
- last if $tok =~ /^#/; # comment: ignore further tokens on line
- push @terms, $tok;
- next if $tok =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/; # number
- next if $tok =~ /^".*"$/; # string
- next if length $tok == 1
- && index("+*/%^~?\$", $tok) != -1; # operator
- die "Invalid token: $tok";
- }
- @{ $exprs{$name} } = @terms;
- }
- die "Last line cannot end with \\" if defined $partialline;
- die "No expressions defined" if scalar keys %exprs == 0;
- my $ip = (sort keys %exprs)[0];
- my $evalcount = 0;
- while (scalar keys %exprs > 1) {
- if ($verbose >= 1) {
- printstate($ip, \%exprs);
- print "$evalcount expressions evaluated\n\n";
- }
- advancestate(\$ip, \%exprs);
- ++$evalcount;
- }
- if ($verbose >= 1) {
- printstate($ip, \%exprs);
- print "$evalcount expressions evaluated\n\n";
- }
- print((keys %exprs)[0] . "\n");