123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398 |
- --The terminal !--
- local _LIKO_Version, _LIKO_Old = BIOS.getVersion()
- local _LIKO_TAG = _LIKO_Version:sub(-3,-1)
- local _LIKO_DEV = (_LIKO_TAG == "DEV")
- local _LIKO_BUILD = _LIKO_Version:sub(3,-5)
- local PATH = "D:/Programs/;C:/Programs/;" --The system PATH variable, used by the terminal to search for programs.
- local curdrive, curdir, curpath = "D", "/", "D:/" --The current active path in the terminal.
- local editor --The editors api, will be loaded later in term.init()
- --Creates an iterator which returns each path in the PATH provided.
- local function nextPath(p)
- if p:sub(-1)~=";" then p=p..";" end
- return p:gmatch("(.-);")
- end
- local fw, fh = fontSize() --The LIKO-12 GPU Font size.
- local history = {} --The history of commands.
- local hispos --The current item in the history.
- local btimer, btime, blink = 0, 0.5, true --The terminal cursor blink timer.
- local ecommand --The editor command, used by the Ctrl-R hotkey to execute the 'run' program.
- local buffer = "" --The terminal input buffer
- local inputPos = 1 --The next input character position in the terminal buffer.
- --Checks if the cursor is in the bounds of the screen.
- local function checkCursor()
- local cx, cy = printCursor()
- local tw, th = termSize()
- if cx > tw then cx = tw end
- if cx < 0 then cx = 0 end
- if cy > th then cy = th end
- if cy < 0 then cy = 0 end
- printCursor(cx,cy,0)
- rect(cx*(fw+1)+1,blink and cy*(fh+2)+1 or cy*(fh+2),fw+1,blink and fh or fh+3,false,blink and 4 or 0) --The blink
- if inputPos <= buffer:len() then
- printCursor(cx,cy,-1)
- print(buffer:sub(inputPos,inputPos),false)
- printCursor(cx,cy,0)
- end
- end
- --Splits a string at each white space.
- local function split(str)
- local t = {}
- for val in str:gmatch("%S+") do
- table.insert(t, val)
- end
- return unpack(t)
- end
- local term = {} --The terminal API
- function term.init()
- editor = require("Editors") --Load the editors
- clear() fs.drive("D") --Set the HDD api active drive to D
- SpriteGroup(25,1,1,5,1,1,1,0,editor.editorsheet)
- printCursor(0,1,0)
- color(_LIKO_DEV and 8 or 9) print(_LIKO_TAG,5*8+1,3) flip() sleep(0.125)
- cam("translate",0,3) color(12) print("D",false) color(6) print("isk",false) color(12) print("OS",false) color(6) cam("translate",0,-1) print(" ".._LIKO_BUILD) editor.editorsheet:draw(60,(fw+1)*6+1,fh+2) flip() sleep(0.125) cam()
- color(6) print("\nhttp://github.com/ramilego4game/liko12")
- flip() sleep(0.0625)
- if fs.exists("D:/autoexec.lua") then
- term.executeFile("D:/autoexec.lua")
- elseif fs.exists("C:/autoexec.lua") then
- term.executeFile("C:/autoexec.lua")
- else
- if _LIKO_Old then
- color(7) print("\n Updated LIKO-12 Successfully.\n Type ",false)
- color(6) print("help Whatsnew",false)
- color(7) print(" for changelog.\n")
- else
- term.execute("tip")
- end
- color(9) print("Type help for help")
- flip() sleep(0.0625)
- end
- end
- --Reload the system
- function term.reload()
- package.loaded = {} --Reset the package system
- package.loaded["C:/terminal.lua"] = term --Restore the current terminal instance
- --Reload the APIS
- for k, file in ipairs(fs.getDirectoryItems("C:/APIS/")) do
- dofile("C:/APIS/"..file)
- end
- editor = require("Editors") --Re initialize the editors
- end
- function term.setdrive(d)
- if type(d) ~= "string" then return error("DriveLetter must be a string, provided: "..type(d)) end
- if not fs.drives()[d] then return error("Drive '"..d.."' doesn't exist !") end
- curdrive = d
- curpath = curdrive..":/"..curdir
- end
- function term.setdirectory(d)
- if type(d) ~= "string" then return error("Directory must be a string, provided: "..type(d)) end
- local p = term.resolve(d)
- if not fs.exists(p) then return error("Directory doesn't exist !") end
- if not fs.isDirectory(p) then return error("It must be a directory, not a file") end
- term.setpath(p)
- end
- function term.setpath(p)
- if type(p) ~= "string" then return error("Path must be a string, provided: "..type(p)) end
- p = term.resolve(p)
- if not fs.exists(p) then return error("Directory doesn't exist !") end
- if not fs.isDirectory(p) then return error("It must be a directory, not a file") end
- local drive, path
- if p:sub(-2,-1) == ":/" then
- drive = p:sub(1,-3)
- path = ""
- else
- drive,path = p:match("(.+):/(.+)")
- end
- if p:sub(-1,-1) ~= "/" then p = p.."/" end
- curdrive, curdir, curpath = drive, "/"..path, p
- end
- function term.getpath() return curpath end
- function term.getdrive() return curdrive end
- function term.getdirectory() return curdir end
- function term.setPATH(p) PATH = p end
- function term.getPATH() return PATH end
- function term.prompt()
- color(7) print(term.getpath().."> ",false)
- end
- function term.resolve(path)
- path = path:gsub("\\","/") --Windows users :P
- if path:sub(-1,-1) == ":" then -- C:
- path = path.."/"
- return path, fs.exists(path)
- end
- if path:sub(-2,-1) == ":/" then -- C:/
- return path, fs.exists(path)
- end
- if not path:match("(.+):/(.+)") then
- if path:sub(1,1) == "/" then -- /Programs
- path = curdrive..":"..path
- else
- if curpath:sub(-1,-1) == "/" then
- path = curpath..path -- Demos/bump
- else
- path = curpath.."/"..path -- Demos/bump
- end
- end
- end
- local d, p = path:match("(.+):/(.+)") --C:/./Programs/../Editors
- if d and p then
- p = "/"..p.."/"; local dirs = {}
- p = p:gsub("/","//"):sub(2,-1)
- for dir in string.gmatch(p,"/(.-)/") do
- if dir == "." then
- --Do nothing, it's useless
- elseif dir == ".." then
- if #dirs > 0 then
- table.remove(dirs,#dirs) --remove the last directory
- end
- elseif dir ~= "" then
- table.insert(dirs,dir)
- end
- end
- path = d..":/"..table.concat(dirs,"/")
- return path, fs.exists(path)
- end
- end
- function term.executeFile(file,...)
- local chunk, err = fs.load(file)
- if not chunk then color(7) return 3, "\nL-ERR:"..tostring(err) end
- local ok, err, e = pcall(chunk,...)
- color(7) pal() palt() cam() clip() patternFill()
- if not ok then color(7) cprint("Program Error:",err) return 2, "\nERR: "..tostring(err) end
- if not fs.exists(curpath) then curdir, curpath = "/", curdrive..":/" end
- return tonumber(err) or 0, e
- end
- --[[
- Exit codes:
- -----------
- 0 -> Success
- 1 -> Failure
- 2 -> Execution Error
- 3 -> Compilation Error
- 4 -> Command not found 404
- ]]
- function term.execute(command,...)
- if not command then return 4, "No command" end
- if fs.exists(curpath..command..".lua") then
- local exitCode, err = term.executeFile(curpath..command..".lua",...)
- if exitCode > 0 then color(8) print(err or "Failed !") color(7) end
- textinput(true)
- return exitCode, err
- end
- for path in nextPath(PATH) do
- if fs.exists(path) then
- local files = fs.getDirectoryItems(path)
- for _,file in ipairs(files) do
- if file == command..".lua" then
- local exitCode, err = term.executeFile(path..file,...)
- if exitCode > 0 then color(8) print(err or "Failed !") color(7) end
- textinput(true)
- return exitCode, err
- end
- end
- end
- end
- color(9) print("Command not found: " .. command) color(7) return 4, "Command not found"
- end
- function term.ecommand(command) --Editor post command
- ecommand = command
- end
- local function splitFilePath(path) return path:match("(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$") end --A function to split path to path, name, extension.
- function term.loop() --Enter the while loop of the terminal
- cursor("none")
- clearEStack()
- checkCursor() term.prompt()
- buffer, inputPos = "", 1
- for event, a,b,c,d,e,f in pullEvent do
- checkCursor() --Which also draws the cursor blink
- if event == "filedropped" then
- local p, n, e = splitFilePath(a)
- if e == "png" or e == "lk12" then
- if b then
- fs.write("C:/.temp/"..n,b)
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- print("load "..n)
- term.execute("load","C:/.temp/"..n)
- term.prompt()
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- else
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- print("load "..n)
- color(8) print("Failed to read file.") color(7)
- term.prompt()
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- end
- end
- elseif event == "textinput" then
- print(a..buffer:sub(inputPos,-1),false)
- for i=inputPos,buffer:len() do printBackspace(-1) end
- buffer = buffer:sub(1,inputPos-1)..a..buffer:sub(inputPos,-1)
- inputPos = inputPos + a:len()
- elseif event == "keypressed" then
- if a == "return" then
- if hispos then table.remove(history,#history) hispos = false end
- table.insert(history, buffer)
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- print("") -- insert newline after Enter
- term.execute(split(buffer)) buffer, inputPos = "", 1
- checkCursor() term.prompt() blink = true cursor("none")
- elseif a == "backspace" then
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- if buffer:len() > 0 then
- --Remove the character
- printBackspace()
- --Re print the buffer
- for char in string.gmatch(buffer:sub(inputPos,-1),".") do
- print(char,false)
- end
- --Erase the last character
- print("-",false) printBackspace()
- --Go back to the input position
- for i=#buffer,inputPos,-1 do
- printBackspace(-1)
- end
- --Remove the character from the buffer
- buffer = buffer:sub(1,inputPos-2) .. buffer:sub(inputPos,-1)
- --Update input postion
- inputPos = inputPos-1
- end
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- elseif a == "delete" then
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- print(buffer:sub(inputPos,-1),false)
- for i=1,buffer:len() do
- printBackspace()
- end
- buffer, inputPos = "", 1
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- elseif a == "escape" then
- local screenbk = screenshot()
- local oldx, oldy, oldbk = printCursor()
- editor:loop() cursor("none")
- printCursor(oldx,oldy,oldbk)
- palt(0,false) screenbk:image():draw(0,0) color(7) palt(0,true) flip()
- if ecommand then
- term.execute(split(ecommand))
- checkCursor() term.prompt() blink = true cursor("none")
- ecommand = false
- end
- elseif a == "up" then
- if not hispos then
- table.insert(history,buffer)
- hispos = #history
- end
- if hispos > 1 then
- hispos = hispos-1
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- print(buffer:sub(inputPos,-1),false)
- for i=1,buffer:len() do
- printBackspace()
- end
- buffer = history[hispos]
- inputPos = buffer:len() + 1
- for char in string.gmatch(buffer,".") do
- print(char,false)
- end
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- end
- elseif a == "down" then
- if hispos and hispos < #history then
- hispos = hispos+1
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- print(buffer:sub(inputPos,-1),false)
- for i=1,buffer:len() do
- printBackspace()
- end
- buffer = history[hispos]
- inputPos = buffer:len() + 1
- for char in string.gmatch(buffer,".") do
- print(char,false)
- end
- if hispos == #history then table.remove(history,#history) hispos = false end
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- end
- elseif a == "left" then
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- if inputPos > 1 then
- inputPos = inputPos - 1
- printBackspace(-1)
- end
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- elseif a == "right" then
- blink = false; checkCursor()
- if inputPos <= buffer:len() then
- print(buffer:sub(inputPos,inputPos),false)
- inputPos = inputPos + 1
- end
- blink = true; checkCursor()
- elseif a == "c" then
- if isKDown("lctrl","rctrl") then
- clipboard(buffer)
- end
- elseif a == "v" then
- if isKDown("lctrl","rctrl") then
- local paste = clipboard() or ""
- for char in string.gmatch(paste..buffer:sub(inputPos,-1),".") do
- print(char,false)
- end
- for i=inputPos,buffer:len() do printBackspace(-1) end
- buffer = buffer:sub(1,inputPos-1)..paste..buffer:sub(inputPos,-1)
- inputPos = inputPos + paste:len()
- end
- end
- elseif event == "touchpressed" then
- textinput(true)
- elseif event == "update" then
- btimer = btimer + a
- if btimer > btime then
- btimer = btimer%btime
- blink = not blink
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return term