123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- # This example illustrates loading a datafile from a CSV file,
- # and display of information available for a model and when
- # predicting a value for a given instance of data.
- require "svm-toolkit"
- include SvmToolkit
- puts "Classification with LIBSVM"
- puts "--------------------------"
- # Sample dataset: the 'Play Tennis' dataset
- # from T. Mitchell, Machine Learning (1997)
- # --------------------------------------------
- Dataset = Problem.from_file("weather.csv", Problem::Csv)
- # Iterate over each kernel type
- Parameter.kernels.each do |kernel|
- # -- train model for this kernel type
- params = Parameter.new(
- :svm_type => Parameter::C_SVC,
- :kernel_type => kernel,
- :cost => 10,
- :degree => 1,
- :gamma => 100
- )
- model = Svm.svm_train(Dataset, params)
- # -- report information on model
- puts "Model has kernel: #{Parameter.kernel_name(model.kernel_type)}, cost #{model.cost}, gamma #{model.gamma}"
- puts "Model has #{model.nSV.to_a.join(",")} support vectors for the #{model.number_classes} classes"
- puts "The instances used as support vectors for training are: #{model.support_vector_indices.join(",")}"
- # -- test kernel performance on the training set
- accuracy = model.evaluate_dataset(Dataset, :print_results => true)
- puts "Kernel #{Parameter.kernel_name(kernel)} has #{accuracy} on the training set"
- Dataset.size.times do |i|
- puts "Instance #{i} is predicted as #{model.predict(Dataset, i)} with value #{model.predict_values(Dataset, i)}"
- end
- end