123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355 |
- #!/usr/bin/env jruby
- #
- # A loose equivalent of the svm_toy applet which is
- # distributed with libsvm.
- #
- require "java"
- require "svm-toolkit"
- include SvmToolkit
- ["BorderLayout", "Color",
- "Dimension", "GridLayout",
- "event.ActionListener", "event.MouseListener"
- ].each do |i|
- import "java.awt.#{i}"
- end
- ["Box", "BoxLayout", "JButton", "JComboBox", "JFrame", "JLabel",
- "JOptionPane", "JPanel", "JScrollPane", "JSpinner", "JTextField",
- "SpinnerNumberModel", "WindowConstants", "border.TitledBorder"
- ].each do |i|
- import "javax.swing.#{i}"
- end
- class Display < JPanel
- Point = Struct.new(:x, :y, :colour)
- class MyMouseListener
- include MouseListener
- def initialize parent
- @parent = parent
- end
- def mouseEntered e; end
- def mouseExited e; end
- def mousePressed e; end
- def mouseReleased e; end
- def mouseClicked e
- @parent.clicked(e.x, e.y)
- end
- end
- attr_accessor :colour # current label/colour of point to show
- Width = 800
- Height = 600
- def initialize
- super()
- self.preferred_size = Dimension.new(Width, Height)
- add_mouse_listener MyMouseListener.new(self)
- @points = []
- @support_vectors = []
- @colour = Color.blue
- end
- def paint g
- super
- if @buffer.nil?
- g.background = Color.lightGray
- g.clear_rect(0, 0, Width, Height)
- else
- g.draw_image(@buffer, 0, 0, self)
- end
- @support_vectors.each do |point|
- g.color = Color.yellow
- g.fill_oval(point.x-7, point.y-7, 14, 14)
- end
- @points.each do |point|
- g.color = point.colour
- g.fill_oval(point.x-3, point.y-3, 6, 6)
- end
- end
- def clear
- @points.clear
- @support_vectors.clear
- @buffer = nil
- repaint
- end
- def clicked(x, y)
- if x < Width and y < Height
- @points << Point.new(x, y, @colour)
- repaint
- end
- end
- def background_colour prediction
- if prediction.zero?
- Color.new(100, 200, 100)
- else
- Color.new(100, 100, 200)
- end
- end
- def train(kernel, cost, gamma, degree)
- return if @points.empty?
- labels = []
- instances = []
- @points.each do |point|
- if point.colour == Color::blue
- labels << 1
- else
- labels << 0
- end
- instances << [point.x / Width.to_f, point.y / Height.to_f]
- end
- problem = Problem.from_array(instances, labels)
- param = Parameter.new(
- :svm_type => Parameter::C_SVC,
- :kernel_type => kernel,
- :cost => cost,
- :gamma => gamma,
- :degree => degree
- )
- model = Svm.svm_train(problem, param)
- buffer = self.create_image(Width, Height)
- buffer_gc = buffer.graphics
- window_gc = self.graphics
- instance = Node[2].new
- instance[0] = Node.new(0, 0)
- instance[1] = Node.new(1, 0)
- Width.times do |i|
- if i < 498 # draw a progress line
- buffer_gc.color = Color::red
- buffer_gc.draw_line(i+1, 0, i+1, Height-1)
- window_gc.color = Color::red
- window_gc.draw_line(i+1, 0, i+1, Height-1)
- end
- Height.times do |j|
- instance[0].value = i / Width.to_f
- instance[1].value = j / Height.to_f
- prediction = Svm.svm_predict(model, instance)
- buffer_gc.color = background_colour prediction
- buffer_gc.draw_line(i, j, i, j)
- window_gc.color = background_colour prediction
- window_gc.draw_line(i, j, i, j)
- end
- end
- @buffer = buffer
- @support_vectors = []
- model.support_vector_indices.each do |index|
- @support_vectors << @points[index]
- end
- repaint
- end
- end
- class DemoFrame < JFrame
- class LabelListener
- include ActionListener
- def initialize(display, box)
- @display = display
- @box = box
- end
- def actionPerformed e
- @display.colour = if @box.selected_item == "blue" then
- Color.blue
- else
- Color.green
- end
- end
- end
- class KernelChoiceListener
- include ActionListener
- def initialize(kernel_choice, gamma_choice, degree_choice)
- @kernel_choice = kernel_choice
- @gamma_choice = gamma_choice
- @degree_choice = degree_choice
- end
- def actionPerformed e
- case @kernel_choice.selected_item
- when "linear"
- @gamma_choice.enabled = false
- @degree_choice.enabled = false
- when "polynomial"
- @gamma_choice.enabled = false
- @degree_choice.enabled = true
- when "RBF", "sigmoid"
- @gamma_choice.enabled = true
- @degree_choice.enabled = false
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize
- super("Support-Vector Machines: Demonstration")
- self.setSize(700, 400)
- @display_panel = Display.new
- add(JScrollPane.new(@display_panel))
- add(createLabelButtons, BorderLayout::NORTH)
- add(createTrainButtons, BorderLayout::EAST)
- add(createHelpLine, BorderLayout::SOUTH)
- self.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants::DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
- end
- def createHelpLine
- JLabel.new(<<-END)
- <html><body>
- Select a class colour and click on main panel to define instances.<br>
- Choose kernel type and parameter settings for training.
- </body></html>
- end
- def createLabelButtons
- panel = JPanel.new
- panel.layout = BorderLayout.new
- combo_box = JComboBox.new
- ["blue", "green"].each do |item|
- combo_box.add_item item
- end
- combo_box.add_action_listener LabelListener.new(@display_panel, combo_box)
- clear_button = JButton.new "clear"
- clear_button.add_action_listener do
- @display_panel.clear
- end
- @message = JLabel.new
- pane = JPanel.new
- pane.add JLabel.new("Class:")
- pane.add combo_box
- pane.add clear_button
- panel.add(pane, BorderLayout::WEST)
- panel.add @message
- return panel
- end
- def createTrainButtons
- kernel_choice = JComboBox.new
- ["linear", "RBF", "polynomial", "sigmoid"].each do |item|
- kernel_choice.add_item item
- end
- cost_choice = JTextField.new(10)
- cost_choice.text = "1.0"
- cost_choice.setMaximumSize(cost_choice.getPreferredSize)
- gamma_choice = JTextField.new(10)
- gamma_choice.text = "1.0"
- gamma_choice.setMaximumSize(gamma_choice.getPreferredSize)
- gamma_choice.enabled = false
- degree_choice = JSpinner.new(SpinnerNumberModel.new(1, 0, 30, 1))
- degree_choice.enabled = false
- kernel_choice.add_action_listener KernelChoiceListener.new(kernel_choice, gamma_choice, degree_choice)
- run_button = JButton.new "Train"
- run_button.add_action_listener do
- # -- kernel
- case kernel_choice.selected_item
- when "linear"
- kernel = Parameter::LINEAR
- when "RBF"
- kernel = Parameter::RBF
- when "polynomial"
- kernel = Parameter::POLY
- when "sigmoid"
- kernel = Parameter::SIGMOID
- end
- # -- cost
- begin
- cost = Float cost_choice.text
- rescue ArgumentError
- JOptionPane.show_message_dialog(self,
- "Cost value #{cost_choice.text} is not a number",
- "Error in cost value",
- return
- end
- # -- gamma
- begin
- gamma = Float gamma_choice.text
- rescue ArgumentError
- JOptionPane.show_message_dialog(self,
- "Gamma value #{gamma_choice.text} is not a number",
- "Error in gamma value",
- return
- end
- # -- degree
- degree = degree_choice.model.number
- #
- @message.text = "Training and updating display: Please wait"
- swt = MySwingWorker.new
- swt.task = lambda do
- run_button.enabled = false
- @display_panel.train(kernel, cost, gamma, degree)
- @message.text = ""
- run_button.enabled = true
- end
- swt.execute
- end
- panel = JPanel.new
- panel.border = TitledBorder.new("Training options")
- panel.layout = GridLayout.new(5, 2, 10, 10)
- panel.add JLabel.new("Kernel type:", JLabel::RIGHT)
- panel.add kernel_choice
- panel.add JLabel.new("Cost:", JLabel::RIGHT)
- panel.add cost_choice
- panel.add JLabel.new("Gamma:", JLabel::RIGHT)
- panel.add gamma_choice
- panel.add JLabel.new("Degree:", JLabel::RIGHT)
- panel.add degree_choice
- panel.add JLabel.new ""
- panel.add run_button
- pane = JPanel.new
- pane.add panel
- return pane
- end
- class MySwingWorker < javax.swing.SwingWorker
- attr_accessor :task
- def doInBackground
- @task.call
- end
- end
- end
- javax.swing::UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels.each do |info|
- begin
- if "Nimbus" == info.name
- javax.swing::UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.className)
- end
- rescue Exception
- # ignore exceptions
- end
- end
- DemoFrame.new.visible = true