@@ -297,6 +297,74 @@ examle, if `items` lists items in reverse chronogical order, then so does
+## previousVersions {#prop-previousversions}
+**URI:** `https://forgefed.peers.community/ns#previousVersions`
+**Notes** Specifies the previous versions of the subject, as an ordered list in
+reverse chronological order.
+**Domain:** [Object][]
+**Range:** `rdf:List` of objects of the same `@type` as the subject
+**Functional:** Yes
+**Inverse of:** (None, but see [currentVersion](#prop-currentversion))
+ "@context": [
+ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
+ "https://forgefed.peers.community/ns"
+ ],
+ "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/notes/107",
+ "type": "Note",
+ "attributedTo": "https://dev.example/aviva",
+ "content": "I agree!!!!! (edit: fixed a typo)",
+ "previousVersions": [
+ "https://dev.example/aviva/notes/107_old_version",
+ "https://dev.example/aviva/notes/107_very_old_version",
+ "https://dev.example/aviva/notes/107_ancient_version"
+ ]
+## currentVersion {#prop-currentversion}
+**URI:** `https://forgefed.peers.community/ns#currentVersion`
+**Notes** Specifies the latest. current, up-to-date version of the subject.
+Once the subject specifies the `currentVersion` property, it SHOULD NOT get any
+changes to any other properties. The exception is `currentVersion` itself,
+which MUST be updated whenever needed, to always point to the latest version.
+**Domain:** [Object][]
+**Range:** [Object][], of the same `@type` as the subject
+**Functional:** Yes
+**Inverse of:** (None, but see [previousVersions](#prop-previousversions))
+ "@context": [
+ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
+ "https://forgefed.peers.community/ns"
+ ],
+ "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/notes/107_old_version",
+ "type": "Note",
+ "attributedTo": "https://dev.example/aviva",
+ "content": "I agree!!111",
+ "currentVersion": "https://dev.example/aviva/notes/107"
## assignedTo {#prop-assignedto}
**URI:** `https://forgefed.peers.community/ns#assignedTo`