4.1 KB


Easy-DeepNude is a new implementation of the DeepNude project, the goal of Easy-DeepNude is to offer a CLI to process photos from the console and a new GUI (Graphical user interface) to use the program easily.

  • The CLI version allows you to transform photos using commands in a console, with this you can create automated systems such as Bots, web pages or a new GUI. Use the argument --help to get more information about usage, keep in mind that the CLI by itself does not have a cropping system so you will have to manually resize your photos to 512x512

  • The GUI version is a new friendly interface that includes a cropping system, so you only have to tell the program which photo you want to transform and you will get results in a few clicks.



This is a very early version, although it has worked for me without problems it is possible that in your computer does not work ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I will try to help in any problem you have.

Backups & Community

To avoid the loss of the project due to the censorship attempt, the project will be available in:

You can join the project community, ask for help or ask the Bot to transform your photos in Telegram:




If you are not a developer or are only interested in using the program, these are the files you should download:

  • CLI: The program responsible for transforming the photos. It is heavier than the original due to the implementation of GPU processing.
  • CLI Checkpoints: The models used by the artificial intelligence. Yes, they are required.
  • GUI: The graphical user interface so you do not have to use commands or manually crop the photo.


  • If you want to use only the console version, download the CLI and CLI Checkpoints zip files.
  • If you want to use the version with graphical interface download all 3 zip files.
  • Create a folder called "easydeepnude" (where you want), open it and inside place the zip files you have downloaded.
  • Unzip the and file (if you downloaded it) In the end you should have the folders cli/ and gui/.
  • Unzip the contents of inside the cli/ folder. At the end you must have the folder cli/checkpoints folder with 3 .lib files inside.
  • Congratulations, now you can use the console version when executing the cli/cli.exe file from... a console. If you want to use the graphical interface, you should only run the gui/EasyDeepNude.exe file


Work in progress...



The following instructions should be applied within the src/ folder

Install the necessary libraries and packages to compile the project by running the install.bat file

Compile the project by running the build.bat file, this should generate the dist/ folder with the projects ready for use. Run dist/gui/win-unpacked/EasyDeepNude.exe once and close it, now transfer all files from dist/gui/win-unpacked/ to dist/gui/

With this you should have a functional version