multiVis.c 37 KB

  1. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. This file contains functions to create a list of regions which
  3. tile a specified window. Each region contains all visible
  4. portions of the window which are drawn with the same visual.
  5. If the window consists of subwindows of two different visual types,
  6. there will be two regions in the list. The list can be traversed
  7. to correctly pull an image of the window using XGetImage or the
  8. Image Library.
  9. Copyright 1994 Hewlett-Packard Co.
  10. Copyright 1996, 1998 The Open Group
  11. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
  12. documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
  13. the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
  14. copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
  15. documentation.
  16. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
  17. in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  25. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
  26. not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
  27. other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
  28. from The Open Group.
  29. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  30. #include <stdlib.h>
  31. #include <X11/Xlib.h>
  32. #include <X11/Xutil.h>
  33. #include <X11/X.h>
  34. #include <stdio.h>
  35. #include "list.h"
  36. #include "wsutils.h"
  37. #include "multiVis.h"
  38. /* These structures are copied from X11/region.h. For some reason
  39. * they're invisible from the outside.
  40. */
  41. typedef struct {
  42. short x1, x2, y1, y2;
  43. } myBox, myBOX, myBoxRec, *myBoxPtr;
  44. typedef struct my_XRegion {
  45. long size;
  46. long numRects;
  47. myBOX *rects;
  48. myBOX extents;
  49. } myREGION;
  50. /* Items in long list of windows that have some part in the grabbed area */
  51. typedef struct {
  52. Window win;
  53. Visual *vis;
  54. Colormap cmap;
  55. int x_rootrel, y_rootrel; /* root relative location of window */
  56. int x_vis, y_vis; /* rt rel x,y of vis part, not parent clipped */
  57. int width, height; /* width and height of visible part */
  58. int border_width; /* border width of the window */
  59. Window parent; /* id of parent (for debugging) */
  60. } image_win_type;
  61. /* Items in short list of regions that tile the grabbed area. May have
  62. multiple windows in the region.
  63. */
  64. typedef struct {
  65. Window win; /* lowest window of this visual */
  66. Visual *vis;
  67. Colormap cmap;
  68. int x_rootrel, y_rootrel; /* root relative location of bottom window */
  69. int x_vis, y_vis; /* rt rel x,y of vis part, not parent clipped */
  70. int width, height; /* w & h of visible rect of bottom window */
  71. int border; /* border width of the window */
  72. Region visible_region;
  73. } image_region_type;
  74. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. Returns TRUE if the two structs pointed to have the same "vis" &
  76. "cmap" fields and s2 lies completely within s1. s1 and s2 can
  77. point to structs of image_win_type or image_region_type.
  78. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  79. #define SAME_REGIONS( s1, s2) \
  80. ((s1)->vis == (s2)->vis && (s1)->cmap == (s2)->cmap && \
  81. (s1)->x_vis <= (s2)->x_vis && \
  82. (s1)->y_vis <= (s2)->y_vis && \
  83. (s1)->x_vis + (s1)->width >= (s2)->x_vis + (s2)->width && \
  84. (s1)->y_vis + (s1)->height >= (s2)->y_vis + (s2)->height)
  85. #ifndef MIN
  86. #define MIN( a, b) ((a) < (b) ? a : b)
  87. #define MAX( a, b) ((a) > (b) ? a : b)
  88. #endif
  89. #define RED_SHIFT 16
  90. #define GREEN_SHIFT 8
  91. #define BLUE_SHIFT 0
  92. /*
  93. extern list_ptr new_list();
  94. extern list_ptr dup_list_head();
  95. extern void * first_in_list();
  96. extern void * next_in_list();
  97. extern int add_to_list();
  98. extern void zero_list();
  99. extern void delete_list();
  100. extern void delete_list_destroying();
  101. extern unsigned int list_length();
  102. */
  103. /* Prototype Declarations for Static Functions */
  104. static void QueryColorMap(
  105. Display *, Colormap , Visual *,
  106. XColor **, int *, int *, int *
  107. );
  108. static void TransferImage(
  109. Display *, XImage *,int, int , image_region_type*,
  110. XImage *,int ,int
  111. );
  112. static XImage * ReadRegionsInList(
  113. Display *, Visual *, int, int, unsigned int,
  114. unsigned int, XRectangle, list_ptr
  115. );
  116. static list_ptr make_region_list(
  117. Display*, Window, XRectangle*,
  118. int*, int, XVisualInfo**, int *
  119. );
  120. static void destroy_region_list(
  121. list_ptr
  122. ) ;
  123. static void subtr_rect_from_image_region(
  124. image_region_type *, int , int , int , int
  125. );
  126. static void add_rect_to_image_region(
  127. image_region_type *,
  128. int , int , int , int
  129. );
  130. static int src_in_region_list(
  131. image_win_type *, list_ptr
  132. );
  133. static void add_window_to_list(
  134. list_ptr, Window, int, int ,
  135. int , int , int , int, int,
  136. Visual*, Colormap, Window
  137. );
  138. static int src_in_image(
  139. image_win_type *, int , XVisualInfo**
  140. );
  141. static int src_in_overlay(
  142. image_region_type *, int, OverlayInfo *, int*, int*
  143. );
  144. static void make_src_list(
  145. Display *, list_ptr, XRectangle *, Window,
  146. int, int, XWindowAttributes *, XRectangle *
  147. );
  148. static void destroy_image_region(
  149. image_region_type *
  150. );
  151. /* End of Prototype Declarations */
  152. void initFakeVisual(Visual *Vis)
  153. {
  154. Vis->ext_data=NULL;
  155. Vis->class = DirectColor ;
  156. Vis->red_mask = 0x00FF0000;
  157. Vis->green_mask = 0x0000FF00 ;
  158. Vis->blue_mask = 0x000000FF ;
  159. Vis->map_entries = 256 ;
  160. Vis->bits_per_rgb = 8 ;
  161. }
  162. static void
  163. QueryColorMap(Display *disp, Colormap src_cmap, Visual *src_vis,
  164. XColor **src_colors, int *rShift, int *gShift, int *bShift)
  165. {
  166. unsigned int ncolors,i ;
  167. unsigned long redMask, greenMask, blueMask;
  168. int redShift, greenShift, blueShift;
  169. XColor *colors ;
  170. ncolors = (unsigned) src_vis->map_entries ;
  171. *src_colors = colors = (XColor *)malloc(ncolors * sizeof(XColor) ) ;
  172. if(src_vis->class != TrueColor && src_vis->class != DirectColor)
  173. {
  174. for(i=0 ; i < ncolors ; i++)
  175. {
  176. colors[i].pixel = i ;
  177. colors[i].pad = 0;
  178. colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
  179. }
  180. }
  181. else /** src is decomposed rgb ***/
  182. {
  183. /* Get the X colormap */
  184. redMask = src_vis->red_mask;
  185. greenMask = src_vis->green_mask;
  186. blueMask = src_vis->blue_mask;
  187. redShift = 0; while (!(redMask&0x1)) {
  188. redShift++;
  189. redMask = redMask>>1;
  190. }
  191. greenShift = 0; while (!(greenMask&0x1)) {
  192. greenShift++;
  193. greenMask = greenMask>>1;
  194. }
  195. blueShift = 0; while (!(blueMask&0x1)) {
  196. blueShift++;
  197. blueMask = blueMask>>1;
  198. }
  199. *rShift = redShift ;
  200. *gShift = greenShift ;
  201. *bShift = blueShift ;
  202. for (i=0; i<ncolors; i++) {
  203. if( i <= redMask)colors[i].pixel = (i<<redShift) ;
  204. if( i <= greenMask)colors[i].pixel |= (i<<greenShift) ;
  205. if( i <= blueMask)colors[i].pixel |= (i<<blueShift) ;
  206. /***** example :for gecko's 3-3-2 map, blue index should be <= 3.
  207. colors[i].pixel = (i<<redShift)|(i<<greenShift)|(i<<blueShift);
  208. *****/
  209. colors[i].pad = 0;
  210. colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
  211. }
  212. }
  213. XQueryColors(disp, src_cmap, colors, (int) ncolors);
  214. }
  215. int
  216. GetMultiVisualRegions(Display *disp,
  217. /* root win on which grab was done */
  218. Window srcRootWinid,
  219. /* root rel UL corner of bounding box of grab */
  220. int x, int y,
  221. /* size of bounding box of grab */
  222. unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
  223. int *transparentOverlays, int *numVisuals,
  224. XVisualInfo **pVisuals, int *numOverlayVisuals,
  225. OverlayInfo **pOverlayVisuals,
  226. int *numImageVisuals, XVisualInfo ***pImageVisuals,
  227. /* list of regions to read from */
  228. list_ptr *vis_regions,
  229. list_ptr *vis_image_regions, int *allImage)
  230. {
  231. int hasNonDefault;
  232. XRectangle bbox; /* bounding box of grabbed area */
  233. bbox.x = x; /* init X rect for bounding box */
  234. bbox.y = y;
  235. bbox.width = width;
  236. bbox.height = height;
  237. GetXVisualInfo(disp,DefaultScreen(disp),
  238. transparentOverlays,
  239. numVisuals, pVisuals,
  240. numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
  241. numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals);
  242. *vis_regions = *vis_image_regions = NULL ;
  243. if ((*vis_regions = make_region_list( disp, srcRootWinid, &bbox,
  244. &hasNonDefault, *numImageVisuals,
  245. *pImageVisuals, allImage)) == NULL)
  246. return 0 ;
  247. if (*transparentOverlays)
  248. {
  249. *allImage = 1; /* until proven otherwise,
  250. this flags that it to be an image only list */
  251. *vis_image_regions =
  252. make_region_list( disp, srcRootWinid, &bbox, &hasNonDefault,
  253. *numImageVisuals, *pImageVisuals, allImage);
  254. }
  255. /* if there is a second region in any of the two lists return 1 **/
  256. if ( ( *vis_regions && (*vis_regions)->next && (*vis_regions)->next->next ) ||
  257. ( *vis_image_regions && (*vis_image_regions)->next &&
  258. (*vis_image_regions)->next->next ) ) return 1 ;
  259. else return 0 ;
  260. }
  261. static void TransferImage(Display *disp, XImage *reg_image,
  262. int srcw, int srch,
  263. image_region_type *reg, XImage *target_image,
  264. int dst_x, int dst_y)
  265. {
  266. int i,j,old_pixel,new_pixel,red_ind,green_ind,blue_ind ;
  267. XColor *colors;
  268. int rShift = 0, gShift = 0, bShift = 0;
  269. QueryColorMap(disp,reg->cmap,reg->vis,&colors,
  270. &rShift,&gShift,&bShift) ;
  271. switch (reg->vis->class) {
  272. case TrueColor :
  273. for(i=0 ; i < srch ; i++)
  274. {
  275. for(j=0 ; j < srcw ; j++)
  276. {
  277. old_pixel = XGetPixel(reg_image,j,i) ;
  278. if( reg->vis->map_entries == 16) {
  279. red_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->red_mask) >> rShift ;
  280. green_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->green_mask) >> gShift ;
  281. blue_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->blue_mask) >> bShift ;
  282. new_pixel = (
  283. ((colors[red_ind].red >> 8) << RED_SHIFT)
  284. |((colors[green_ind].green >> 8) << GREEN_SHIFT)
  285. |((colors[blue_ind].blue >> 8) << BLUE_SHIFT)
  286. );
  287. }
  288. else
  289. new_pixel = old_pixel;
  290. XPutPixel(target_image,dst_x+j, dst_y+i,new_pixel);
  291. }
  292. }
  293. break;
  294. case DirectColor :
  295. for(i=0 ; i < srch ; i++)
  296. {
  297. for(j=0 ; j < srcw ; j++)
  298. {
  299. old_pixel = XGetPixel(reg_image,j,i) ;
  300. red_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->red_mask) >> rShift ;
  301. green_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->green_mask) >> gShift ;
  302. blue_ind = (old_pixel & reg->vis->blue_mask) >> bShift ;
  303. new_pixel = (
  304. ((colors[red_ind].red >> 8) << RED_SHIFT)
  305. |((colors[green_ind].green >> 8) << GREEN_SHIFT)
  306. |((colors[blue_ind].blue >> 8) << BLUE_SHIFT)
  307. );
  308. XPutPixel(target_image,dst_x+j, dst_y+i,new_pixel);
  309. }
  310. }
  311. break;
  312. default :
  313. for(i=0 ; i < srch ; i++)
  314. {
  315. for(j=0 ; j < srcw ; j++)
  316. {
  317. old_pixel = XGetPixel(reg_image,j,i) ;
  318. new_pixel = (
  319. ((colors[old_pixel].red >> 8) << RED_SHIFT)
  320. |((colors[old_pixel].green >> 8) << GREEN_SHIFT)
  321. |((colors[old_pixel].blue >> 8) << BLUE_SHIFT)
  322. );
  323. XPutPixel(target_image,dst_x+j, dst_y+i,new_pixel);
  324. }
  325. }
  326. break;
  327. }
  328. }
  329. static XImage *
  330. ReadRegionsInList(Display *disp, Visual *fakeVis, int depth, int format,
  331. unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
  332. XRectangle bbox, /* bounding box of grabbed area */
  333. list_ptr regions) /* list of regions to read from */
  334. {
  335. image_region_type *reg;
  336. int dst_x, dst_y; /* where in pixmap to write (UL) */
  337. int diff;
  338. XImage *reg_image,*ximage ;
  339. int srcRect_x,srcRect_y,srcRect_width,srcRect_height ;
  340. int bytes_per_line;
  341. ximage = XCreateImage(disp,fakeVis,depth,format,0,NULL,width,height,
  342. 8,0) ;
  343. bytes_per_line = ximage->bytes_per_line;
  344. if (format == ZPixmap)
  345. ximage->data = malloc(height*bytes_per_line);
  346. else
  347. ximage->data = malloc(height*bytes_per_line*depth);
  348. ximage->bits_per_pixel = depth; /** Valid only if format is ZPixmap ***/
  349. for (reg = (image_region_type *) first_in_list( regions); reg;
  350. reg = (image_region_type *) next_in_list( regions))
  351. {
  352. int rect;
  353. struct my_XRegion *vis_reg;
  354. vis_reg = (struct my_XRegion *)(reg->visible_region);
  355. for (rect = 0;
  356. rect < vis_reg->numRects;
  357. rect++)
  358. {
  359. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. Intersect bbox with visible part of region giving src rect & output
  361. location. Width is the min right side minus the max left side.
  362. Similar for height. Offset src rect so x,y are relative to
  363. origin of win, not the root-relative visible rect of win.
  364. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  365. srcRect_width = MIN( vis_reg->rects[rect].x2, bbox.width + bbox.x) -
  366. MAX( vis_reg->rects[rect].x1, bbox.x);
  367. srcRect_height = MIN( vis_reg->rects[rect].y2, bbox.height + bbox.y) -
  368. MAX( vis_reg->rects[rect].y1, bbox.y);
  369. diff = bbox.x - vis_reg->rects[rect].x1;
  370. srcRect_x = MAX( 0, diff) + (vis_reg->rects[rect].x1 - reg->x_rootrel - reg->border);
  371. dst_x = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
  372. diff = bbox.y - vis_reg->rects[rect].y1;
  373. srcRect_y = MAX( 0, diff) + (vis_reg->rects[rect].y1 - reg->y_rootrel - reg->border);
  374. dst_y = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
  375. reg_image = XGetImage(disp,reg->win,srcRect_x,srcRect_y,
  376. srcRect_width,srcRect_height,AllPlanes,format) ;
  377. TransferImage(disp,reg_image,srcRect_width,
  378. srcRect_height,reg,ximage,dst_x,dst_y) ;
  379. }
  380. }
  381. return ximage ;
  382. }
  383. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  384. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  385. XImage *ReadAreaToImage(Display *disp,
  386. /* root win on which grab was done */
  387. Window srcRootWinid,
  388. /* root rel UL corner of bounding box of grab */
  389. int x, int y,
  390. /* size of bounding box of grab */
  391. unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
  392. int numVisuals, XVisualInfo *pVisuals,
  393. int numOverlayVisuals, OverlayInfo *pOverlayVisuals,
  394. int numImageVisuals, XVisualInfo **pImageVisuals,
  395. /* list of regions to read from */
  396. list_ptr vis_regions,
  397. /* list of regions to read from */
  398. list_ptr vis_image_regions,
  399. int format, int allImage)
  400. {
  401. image_region_type *reg;
  402. XRectangle bbox; /* bounding box of grabbed area */
  403. int depth ;
  404. XImage *ximage, *ximage_ipm = NULL;
  405. Visual fakeVis ;
  406. int x1, y1;
  407. XImage *image;
  408. #if 0
  409. unsigned char *pmData , *ipmData ;
  410. #endif
  411. int transparentColor, transparentType;
  412. int srcRect_x,srcRect_y,srcRect_width,srcRect_height ;
  413. int diff ;
  414. int dst_x, dst_y; /* where in pixmap to write (UL) */
  415. int pixel;
  416. bbox.x = x; /* init X rect for bounding box */
  417. bbox.y = y;
  418. bbox.width = width;
  419. bbox.height = height;
  420. initFakeVisual(&fakeVis) ;
  421. depth = 24 ;
  422. ximage = ReadRegionsInList(disp,&fakeVis,depth,format,width,height,
  423. bbox,vis_regions) ;
  424. #if 0
  425. pmData = (unsigned char *)ximage -> data ;
  426. #endif
  427. /* if transparency possible do it again, but this time for image planes only */
  428. if (vis_image_regions && (vis_image_regions->next) && !allImage)
  429. {
  430. ximage_ipm = ReadRegionsInList(disp,&fakeVis,depth,format,width,height,
  431. bbox,vis_image_regions) ;
  432. #if 0
  433. ipmData = (unsigned char *)ximage_ipm -> data ;
  434. #endif
  435. }
  436. /* Now tranverse the overlay visual windows and test for transparency index. */
  437. /* If you find one, subsitute the value from the matching image plane pixmap. */
  438. for (reg = (image_region_type *) first_in_list( vis_regions); reg;
  439. reg = (image_region_type *) next_in_list( vis_regions))
  440. {
  441. if (src_in_overlay( reg, numOverlayVisuals, pOverlayVisuals,
  442. &transparentColor, &transparentType))
  443. {
  444. int test = 0 ;
  445. srcRect_width = MIN( reg->width + reg->x_vis, bbox.width + bbox.x)
  446. - MAX( reg->x_vis, bbox.x);
  447. srcRect_height = MIN( reg->height + reg->y_vis, bbox.height
  448. + bbox.y) - MAX( reg->y_vis, bbox.y);
  449. diff = bbox.x - reg->x_vis;
  450. srcRect_x = MAX( 0, diff) + (reg->x_vis - reg->x_rootrel - reg->border);
  451. dst_x = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
  452. diff = bbox.y - reg->y_vis;
  453. srcRect_y = MAX( 0, diff) + (reg->y_vis - reg->y_rootrel - reg->border);
  454. dst_y = MAX( 0, -diff) ;
  455. /* let's test some pixels for transparency */
  456. image = XGetImage(disp, reg->win, srcRect_x, srcRect_y,
  457. srcRect_width, srcRect_height, 0xffffffff, ZPixmap);
  458. /* let's assume byte per pixel for overlay image for now */
  459. if ((image->depth == 8) && (transparentType == TransparentPixel))
  460. {
  461. unsigned char *pixel_ptr;
  462. unsigned char *start_of_line = (unsigned char *) image->data;
  463. for (y1 = 0; y1 < srcRect_height; y1++) {
  464. pixel_ptr = start_of_line;
  465. for (x1 = 0; x1 < srcRect_width; x1++)
  466. {
  467. if (*pixel_ptr++ == transparentColor)
  468. {
  469. #if 0
  470. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  471. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  472. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  473. #endif
  474. pixel = XGetPixel(ximage_ipm,dst_x+x1,dst_y+y1) ;
  475. XPutPixel(ximage,dst_x+x1, dst_y+y1,pixel);
  476. if(!test){
  477. test = 1 ;
  478. }
  479. }
  480. #if 0
  481. else {
  482. pmData +=3;
  483. ipmData +=3;
  484. }
  485. #endif
  486. }
  487. start_of_line += image->bytes_per_line;
  488. }
  489. } else {
  490. if (transparentType == TransparentPixel) {
  491. for (y1 = 0; y1 < srcRect_height; y1++) {
  492. for (x1 = 0; x1 < srcRect_width; x1++)
  493. {
  494. int pixel_value = XGetPixel(image, x1, y1);
  495. if (pixel_value == transparentColor)
  496. {
  497. #if 0
  498. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  499. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  500. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  501. #endif
  502. pixel = XGetPixel(ximage_ipm,dst_x+x1,dst_y+y1) ;
  503. XPutPixel(ximage,dst_x+x1, dst_y+y1,pixel);
  504. if(!test){
  505. test = 1 ;
  506. }
  507. }
  508. #if 0
  509. else {
  510. pmData +=3;
  511. ipmData +=3;
  512. }
  513. #endif
  514. }
  515. }
  516. } else {
  517. for (y1 = 0; y1 < srcRect_height; y1++) {
  518. for (x1 = 0; x1 < srcRect_width; x1++)
  519. {
  520. int pixel_value = XGetPixel(image, x1, y1);
  521. if (pixel_value & transparentColor)
  522. {
  523. #if 0
  524. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  525. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  526. *pmData++ = *ipmData++;
  527. #endif
  528. pixel = XGetPixel(ximage_ipm,dst_x+x1,dst_y+y1) ;
  529. XPutPixel(ximage,dst_x+x1, dst_y+y1,pixel);
  530. if(!test){
  531. test = 1 ;
  532. }
  533. }
  534. #if 0
  535. else {
  536. pmData +=3;
  537. ipmData +=3;
  538. }
  539. #endif
  540. }
  541. }
  542. }
  543. }
  544. XDestroyImage (image);
  545. } /* end of src_in_overlay */
  546. } /** end transparency **/
  547. destroy_region_list( vis_regions);
  548. if (vis_image_regions) destroy_region_list( vis_image_regions );
  549. FreeXVisualInfo(pVisuals, pOverlayVisuals, pImageVisuals);
  550. XSync(disp, 0);
  551. return ximage;
  552. }
  553. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  554. Creates a list of the subwindows of a given window which have a
  555. different visual than their parents. The function is recursive.
  556. This list is used in make_region_list(), which coalesces the
  557. windows with the same visual into a region.
  558. image_wins must point to an existing list struct that's already
  559. been zeroed (zero_list()).
  560. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  561. static void make_src_list(Display *disp, list_ptr image_wins,
  562. /* bnding box of area we want */
  563. XRectangle *bbox,
  564. Window curr,
  565. /* pos of curr WRT root */
  566. int x_rootrel, int y_rootrel,
  567. XWindowAttributes *curr_attrs,
  568. /* visible part of curr, not obscurred by ancestors */
  569. XRectangle *pclip)
  570. {
  571. XWindowAttributes child_attrs;
  572. Window root, parent, *child; /* variables for XQueryTree() */
  573. Window *save_child_list; /* variables for XQueryTree() */
  574. unsigned int nchild; /* variables for XQueryTree() */
  575. XRectangle child_clip; /* vis part of child */
  576. int curr_clipX, curr_clipY, curr_clipRt, curr_clipBt;
  577. /* check that win is mapped & not outside bounding box */
  578. if (curr_attrs->map_state == IsViewable &&
  579. curr_attrs->class == InputOutput &&
  580. !( pclip->x >= (int) (bbox->x + bbox->width) ||
  581. pclip->y >= (int) (bbox->y + bbox->height) ||
  582. (int) (pclip->x + pclip->width) <= bbox->x ||
  583. (int) (pclip->y + pclip->height) <= bbox->y)) {
  584. XQueryTree( disp, curr, &root, &parent, &child, &nchild );
  585. save_child_list = child; /* so we can free list when we're done */
  586. add_window_to_list( image_wins, curr, x_rootrel, y_rootrel,
  587. pclip->x, pclip->y,
  588. pclip->width, pclip->height,
  589. curr_attrs->border_width,curr_attrs->visual,
  590. curr_attrs->colormap, parent);
  591. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  592. set RR coords of right (Rt), left (X), bottom (Bt) and top (Y)
  593. of rect we clip all children by. This is our own clip rect (pclip)
  594. inflicted on us by our parent plus our own borders. Within the
  595. child loop, we figure the clip rect for each child by adding in
  596. it's rectangle (not taking into account the child's borders).
  597. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  598. curr_clipX = MAX( pclip->x, x_rootrel + (int) curr_attrs->border_width);
  599. curr_clipY = MAX( pclip->y, y_rootrel + (int) curr_attrs->border_width);
  600. curr_clipRt = MIN( pclip->x + (int) pclip->width,
  601. x_rootrel + (int) curr_attrs->width +
  602. 2 * (int) curr_attrs->border_width);
  603. curr_clipBt = MIN( pclip->y + (int) pclip->height,
  604. y_rootrel + (int) curr_attrs->height +
  605. 2 * (int) curr_attrs->border_width);
  606. while (nchild--) {
  607. int new_width, new_height;
  608. int child_xrr, child_yrr; /* root relative x & y of child */
  609. XGetWindowAttributes( disp, *child, &child_attrs);
  610. /* intersect parent & child clip rects */
  611. child_xrr = x_rootrel + child_attrs.x + curr_attrs->border_width;
  612. child_clip.x = MAX( curr_clipX, child_xrr);
  613. new_width = MIN( curr_clipRt, child_xrr + (int) child_attrs.width
  614. + 2 * child_attrs.border_width)
  615. - child_clip.x;
  616. if (new_width >= 0) {
  617. child_clip.width = new_width;
  618. child_yrr = y_rootrel + child_attrs.y +
  619. curr_attrs->border_width;
  620. child_clip.y = MAX( curr_clipY, child_yrr);
  621. new_height = MIN( curr_clipBt,
  622. child_yrr + (int) child_attrs.height +
  623. 2 * child_attrs.border_width)
  624. - child_clip.y;
  625. if (new_height >= 0) {
  626. child_clip.height = new_height;
  627. make_src_list( disp, image_wins, bbox, *child,
  628. child_xrr, child_yrr,
  629. &child_attrs, &child_clip);
  630. }
  631. }
  632. child++;
  633. }
  634. XFree( save_child_list);
  635. }
  636. }
  637. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  638. This function creates a list of regions which tile a specified
  639. window. Each region contains all visible portions of the window
  640. which are drawn with the same visual. For example, if the
  641. window consists of subwindows of two different visual types,
  642. there will be two regions in the list.
  643. Returns a pointer to the list.
  644. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  645. static list_ptr make_region_list(Display *disp, Window win, XRectangle *bbox,
  646. int *hasNonDefault, int numImageVisuals,
  647. XVisualInfo **pImageVisuals, int *allImage)
  648. {
  649. XWindowAttributes win_attrs;
  650. list image_wins;
  651. list_ptr image_regions;
  652. list_ptr srcs_left;
  653. image_region_type *new_reg;
  654. image_win_type *base_src, *src;
  655. Region bbox_region = XCreateRegion();
  656. XRectangle clip;
  657. int image_only;
  658. int count=0 ;
  659. *hasNonDefault = False;
  660. XUnionRectWithRegion( bbox, bbox_region, bbox_region);
  661. XGetWindowAttributes( disp, win, &win_attrs);
  662. zero_list( &image_wins);
  663. clip.x = 0;
  664. clip.y = 0;
  665. clip.width = win_attrs.width;
  666. clip.height = win_attrs.height;
  667. make_src_list( disp, &image_wins, bbox, win,
  668. 0 /* x_rootrel */, 0 /* y_rootrel */, &win_attrs, &clip);
  669. image_regions = new_list();
  670. image_only = (*allImage) ? True:False;
  671. for (base_src = (image_win_type *) first_in_list( &image_wins); base_src;
  672. base_src = (image_win_type *) next_in_list( &image_wins))
  673. {
  674. /* test for image visual */
  675. if (!image_only || src_in_image(base_src, numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals))
  676. {
  677. /* find a window whose visual hasn't been put in list yet */
  678. if (!src_in_region_list( base_src, image_regions))
  679. {
  680. if (! (new_reg = (image_region_type *)
  681. malloc( sizeof( image_region_type)))) {
  682. return (list_ptr) NULL;
  683. }
  684. count++;
  685. new_reg->visible_region = XCreateRegion();
  686. new_reg->win = base_src->win;
  687. new_reg->vis = base_src->vis;
  688. new_reg->cmap = base_src->cmap;
  689. new_reg->x_rootrel = base_src->x_rootrel;
  690. new_reg->y_rootrel = base_src->y_rootrel;
  691. new_reg->x_vis = base_src->x_vis;
  692. new_reg->y_vis = base_src->y_vis;
  693. new_reg->width = base_src->width;
  694. new_reg->height = base_src->height;
  695. new_reg->border = base_src->border_width;
  696. srcs_left = (list_ptr) dup_list_head( &image_wins, START_AT_CURR);
  697. for (src = (image_win_type *) first_in_list( srcs_left); src;
  698. src = (image_win_type *) next_in_list( srcs_left)) {
  699. if (SAME_REGIONS( base_src, src)) {
  700. add_rect_to_image_region( new_reg, src->x_vis, src->y_vis,
  701. src->width, src->height);
  702. }
  703. else {
  704. if (!image_only || src_in_image(src, numImageVisuals, pImageVisuals))
  705. {
  706. subtr_rect_from_image_region( new_reg, src->x_vis,
  707. src->y_vis, src->width, src->height);
  708. }
  709. }
  710. }
  711. XIntersectRegion( bbox_region, new_reg->visible_region,
  712. new_reg->visible_region);
  713. if (! XEmptyRegion( new_reg->visible_region)) {
  714. add_to_list( image_regions, new_reg);
  715. if (new_reg->vis != DefaultVisualOfScreen( win_attrs.screen) ||
  716. new_reg->cmap != DefaultColormapOfScreen(
  717. win_attrs.screen)) {
  718. *hasNonDefault = True;
  719. }
  720. }
  721. else {
  722. XDestroyRegion( new_reg->visible_region);
  723. free( (void *) new_reg);
  724. }
  725. }
  726. } else *allImage = 0;
  727. }
  728. delete_list( &image_wins, True);
  729. XDestroyRegion( bbox_region);
  730. return image_regions;
  731. }
  732. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  733. Destructor called from destroy_region_list().
  734. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  735. static void destroy_image_region(image_region_type *image_region)
  736. {
  737. XDestroyRegion( image_region->visible_region);
  738. free( (void *) image_region);
  739. }
  740. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  741. Destroys the region list, destroying all the regions contained in it.
  742. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  743. static void destroy_region_list(list_ptr rlist)
  744. {
  745. delete_list_destroying( rlist, (DESTRUCT_FUNC_PTR)destroy_image_region);
  746. }
  747. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  748. Subtracts the specified rectangle from the region in image_region.
  749. First converts the rectangle to a region of its own, since X
  750. only provides a way to subtract one region from another, not a
  751. rectangle from a region.
  752. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  753. static void subtr_rect_from_image_region(image_region_type *image_region,
  754. int x, int y, int width, int height)
  755. {
  756. XRectangle rect;
  757. Region rect_region;
  758. rect_region = XCreateRegion();
  759. rect.x = x;
  760. rect.y = y;
  761. rect.width = width;
  762. rect.height = height;
  763. XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, rect_region, rect_region);
  764. XSubtractRegion( image_region->visible_region, rect_region,
  765. image_region->visible_region);
  766. XDestroyRegion( rect_region);
  767. }
  768. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. Adds the specified rectangle to the region in image_region.
  770. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  771. static void add_rect_to_image_region(image_region_type *image_region,
  772. int x, int y, int width, int height)
  773. {
  774. XRectangle rect;
  775. rect.x = x;
  776. rect.y = y;
  777. rect.width = width;
  778. rect.height = height;
  779. XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, image_region->visible_region,
  780. image_region->visible_region);
  781. }
  782. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  783. Returns TRUE if the given src's visual is already represented in
  784. the image_regions list, FALSE otherwise.
  785. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  786. static int src_in_region_list(image_win_type *src, list_ptr image_regions)
  787. {
  788. image_region_type *ir;
  789. for (ir = (image_region_type *) first_in_list( image_regions); ir;
  790. ir = (image_region_type *) next_in_list( image_regions)) {
  791. if (SAME_REGIONS( ir, src)) {
  792. return 1;
  793. }
  794. }
  795. return 0;
  796. }
  797. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  798. Makes a new entry in image_wins with the given fields filled in.
  799. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  800. static void add_window_to_list(list_ptr image_wins, Window w,
  801. int xrr, int yrr, int x_vis, int y_vis,
  802. int width, int height, int border_width,
  803. Visual *vis, Colormap cmap, Window parent)
  804. {
  805. image_win_type *new_src;
  806. if ((new_src = (image_win_type *) malloc( sizeof( image_win_type))) == NULL)
  807. return;
  808. new_src->win = w;
  809. new_src->x_rootrel = xrr;
  810. new_src->y_rootrel = yrr;
  811. new_src->x_vis = x_vis;
  812. new_src->y_vis = y_vis;
  813. new_src->width = width;
  814. new_src->height = height;
  815. new_src->border_width = border_width;
  816. new_src->vis = vis;
  817. new_src->cmap = cmap;
  818. new_src->parent = parent;
  819. add_to_list( image_wins, new_src);
  820. }
  821. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  822. Returns TRUE if the given src's visual is in the image planes,
  823. FALSE otherwise.
  824. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  825. static int src_in_image(image_win_type *src, int numImageVisuals,
  826. XVisualInfo **pImageVisuals)
  827. {
  828. int i;
  829. for (i = 0 ; i < numImageVisuals ; i++)
  830. {
  831. if (pImageVisuals[i]->visual == src->vis)
  832. return 1;
  833. }
  834. return 0;
  835. }
  836. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  837. Returns TRUE if the given src's visual is in the overlay planes
  838. and transparency is possible, FALSE otherwise.
  839. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **/
  840. static int src_in_overlay(image_region_type *src, int numOverlayVisuals,
  841. OverlayInfo *pOverlayVisuals,
  842. int *transparentColor, int *transparentType)
  843. {
  844. int i;
  845. for (i = 0 ; i < numOverlayVisuals ; i++)
  846. {
  847. if (((pOverlayVisuals[i].pOverlayVisualInfo)->visual == src->vis)
  848. && (pOverlayVisuals[i].transparentType != None))
  849. {
  850. *transparentColor = pOverlayVisuals[i].value;
  851. *transparentType = pOverlayVisuals[i].transparentType;
  852. return 1;
  853. }
  854. else {
  855. }
  856. }
  857. return 0;
  858. }
  859. /********************** from wsutils.c ******************************/
  860. /******************************************************************************
  861. *
  862. * This file contains a set of example utility procedures; procedures that can
  863. * help a "window-smart" Starbase or PHIGS program determine information about
  864. * a device, and create image and overlay plane windows. To use these
  865. * utilities, #include "wsutils.h" and compile this file and link the results
  866. * with your program.
  867. *
  868. ******************************************************************************/
  869. #define STATIC_GRAY 0x01
  870. #define GRAY_SCALE 0x02
  871. #define PSEUDO_COLOR 0x04
  872. #define TRUE_COLOR 0x10
  873. #define DIRECT_COLOR 0x11
  874. static int weCreateServerOverlayVisualsProperty = False;
  875. /******************************************************************************
  876. *
  877. * GetXVisualInfo()
  878. *
  879. * This routine takes an X11 Display, screen number, and returns whether the
  880. * screen supports transparent overlays and three arrays:
  881. *
  882. * 1) All of the XVisualInfo struct's for the screen.
  883. * 2) All of the OverlayInfo struct's for the screen.
  884. * 3) An array of pointers to the screen's image plane XVisualInfo
  885. * structs.
  886. *
  887. * The code below obtains the array of all the screen's visuals, and obtains
  888. * the array of all the screen's overlay visual information. It then processes
  889. * the array of the screen's visuals, determining whether the visual is an
  890. * overlay or image visual.
  891. *
  892. * If the routine sucessfully obtained the visual information, it returns zero.
  893. * If the routine didn't obtain the visual information, it returns non-zero.
  894. *
  895. ******************************************************************************/
  896. int GetXVisualInfo(/* Which X server (aka "display"). */
  897. Display *display,
  898. /* Which screen of the "display". */
  899. int screen,
  900. /* Non-zero if there's at least one overlay visual and
  901. * if at least one of those supports a transparent pixel. */
  902. int *transparentOverlays,
  903. /* Number of XVisualInfo struct's pointed to by pVisuals. */
  904. int *numVisuals,
  905. /* All of the device's visuals. */
  906. XVisualInfo **pVisuals,
  907. /* Number of OverlayInfo's pointed to by pOverlayVisuals.
  908. * If this number is zero, the device does not have
  909. * overlay planes. */
  910. int *numOverlayVisuals,
  911. /* The device's overlay plane visual information. */
  912. OverlayInfo **pOverlayVisuals,
  913. /* Number of XVisualInfo's pointed to by pImageVisuals. */
  914. int *numImageVisuals,
  915. /* The device's image visuals. */
  916. XVisualInfo ***pImageVisuals)
  917. {
  918. XVisualInfo getVisInfo; /* Paramters of XGetVisualInfo */
  919. int mask;
  920. XVisualInfo *pVis, **pIVis; /* Faster, local copies */
  921. OverlayInfo *pOVis;
  922. OverlayVisualPropertyRec *pOOldVis;
  923. int nVisuals, nOVisuals;
  924. Atom overlayVisualsAtom; /* Parameters for XGetWindowProperty */
  925. Atom actualType;
  926. unsigned long numLongs, bytesAfter;
  927. int actualFormat;
  928. int nImageVisualsAlloced; /* Values to process the XVisualInfo */
  929. int imageVisual; /* array */
  930. /* First, get the list of visuals for this screen. */
  931. getVisInfo.screen = screen;
  932. mask = VisualScreenMask;
  933. *pVisuals = XGetVisualInfo(display, mask, &getVisInfo, numVisuals);
  934. if ((nVisuals = *numVisuals) <= 0)
  935. {
  936. /* Return that the information wasn't sucessfully obtained: */
  937. return(1);
  938. }
  939. pVis = *pVisuals;
  940. /* Now, get the overlay visual information for this screen. To obtain
  941. * this information, get the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property.
  942. */
  943. overlayVisualsAtom = XInternAtom(display, "SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS", True);
  944. if (overlayVisualsAtom != None)
  945. {
  946. /* Since the Atom exists, we can request the property's contents. The
  947. * do-while loop makes sure we get the entire list from the X server.
  948. */
  949. bytesAfter = 0;
  950. numLongs = sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) / sizeof(long);
  951. do
  952. {
  953. numLongs += bytesAfter * sizeof(long);
  954. XGetWindowProperty(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
  955. overlayVisualsAtom, 0, numLongs, False,
  956. overlayVisualsAtom, &actualType, &actualFormat,
  957. &numLongs, &bytesAfter, (unsigned char**) pOverlayVisuals);
  958. } while (bytesAfter > 0);
  959. /* Calculate the number of overlay visuals in the list. */
  960. *numOverlayVisuals = numLongs / (sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) / sizeof(long));
  961. }
  962. else
  963. {
  964. /* This screen doesn't have overlay planes. */
  965. *numOverlayVisuals = 0;
  966. *pOverlayVisuals = NULL;
  967. *transparentOverlays = 0;
  968. }
  969. /* Process the pVisuals array. */
  970. *numImageVisuals = 0;
  971. nImageVisualsAlloced = 1;
  972. pIVis = *pImageVisuals = (XVisualInfo **) malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo *));
  973. while (--nVisuals >= 0)
  974. {
  975. nOVisuals = *numOverlayVisuals;
  976. pOVis = *pOverlayVisuals;
  977. imageVisual = True;
  978. while (--nOVisuals >= 0)
  979. {
  980. pOOldVis = (OverlayVisualPropertyRec *) pOVis;
  981. if (pVis->visualid == pOOldVis->visualID)
  982. {
  983. imageVisual = False;
  984. pOVis->pOverlayVisualInfo = pVis;
  985. if (pOVis->transparentType == TransparentPixel)
  986. *transparentOverlays = 1;
  987. }
  988. pOVis++;
  989. }
  990. if (imageVisual)
  991. {
  992. if ((*numImageVisuals += 1) > nImageVisualsAlloced)
  993. {
  994. nImageVisualsAlloced++;
  995. *pImageVisuals = (XVisualInfo **)
  996. realloc(*pImageVisuals, (nImageVisualsAlloced * sizeof(XVisualInfo *)));
  997. pIVis = *pImageVisuals + (*numImageVisuals - 1);
  998. }
  999. *pIVis++ = pVis;
  1000. }
  1001. pVis++;
  1002. }
  1003. /* Return that the information was sucessfully obtained: */
  1004. return(0);
  1005. } /* GetXVisualInfo() */
  1006. /******************************************************************************
  1007. *
  1008. * FreeXVisualInfo()
  1009. *
  1010. * This routine frees the data that was allocated by GetXVisualInfo().
  1011. *
  1012. ******************************************************************************/
  1013. void FreeXVisualInfo(XVisualInfo *pVisuals, OverlayInfo *pOverlayVisuals,
  1014. XVisualInfo **pImageVisuals)
  1015. {
  1016. XFree(pVisuals);
  1017. if (weCreateServerOverlayVisualsProperty)
  1018. free(pOverlayVisuals);
  1019. else
  1020. XFree(pOverlayVisuals);
  1021. free(pImageVisuals);
  1022. } /* FreeXVisualInfo() */