game.html 538 B

  1. {%- import 'templates/common.html' as common with context %}
  2. {%- import 'templates/games.html' as games with context %}
  3. {# TODO: pass keywords #}
  4. {{- common.head(title, None, description) }}
  5. {{ common.nav() }}
  6. <div id="content">
  7. <h2>
  8. <a href="/">Back to list</a>
  9. <a class="add-link" href="/add_game.html?original={{ game.names[0] | urlencode }}" target="_blank"><i class="far fa-edit"></i>Add Game</a>
  10. </h2>
  11. <dl id="list">
  12. {{ games.render(game, true) }}
  13. </dl>
  14. <dl id="sorted"></dl>
  15. </div>
  16. {{ common.footer() -}}