123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218 |
- #!/usr/bin/env lua5.3
- --[[
- Milis Linux Talimat Hazırlama Destek Betiği
- Void Linux template[1] yapısını Milis Linux 2.0 talimat yapısına çevirir.
- milisarge@gmail.com 2019
- [1] https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/tree/master/srcpkgs
- ]]--
- -- Gerekler
- -- luarocks paketi -> mps kur luarocks
- -- luasec lua paketi -> luarocks install luasec
- -- oto tanım çevirici için ceviri awk betiği lazım -https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell
- -- Milis1 de hazır geliyor.
- -- milis2 : mps kur luasec luafilesystem
- -- Kullanım
- -- ./vo2ml.lua paket_ismi
- local http = require("socket.http")
- https = require("ssl.https")
- lfs = require("lfs")
- local talimat={
- isim="",
- surum="",
- devir=1,
- paketci="milisarge",
- grup="kütüphane",
- url="",
- sha256="",
- gerek="",
- tanim="",
- ekconf="",
- dptip="",
- kaynak="",
- derle="",
- pakur="",
- }
- function _indir(link,kayit)
- local body, code = https.request(link)
- if body == nil then
- body, code = http.request(link)
- end
- code=tostring(code)
- if code:match("connection refused") then
- print(code)
- elseif code=="404" then
- print("not found")
- elseif code == "200" then
- local f = assert(io.open(kayit, 'wb'))
- f:write(body)
- f:close();
- if lfs.attributes(kayit, "mode") ~= nil then
- print("kaynak: "..link)
- return true
- else
- print("redown..")
- _indir(link,kayit);
- end
- elseif not body then
- print("sorunlu link")
- else
- print("unknw err",code)
- end
- return false
- end
- function file_exists(file)
- local f = io.open(file, "rb")
- if f then f:close() end
- return f ~= nil
- end
- function tprint(tablo)
- for key, value in pairs(tablo) do
- print (key.. " = "..value)
- end
- end
- function parse(template)
- if not file_exists(template) then return {} end
- for line in io.lines(template) do
- v,i=line:gsub("^hostmakedepends=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.gerek=talimat.gerek.." "..v:gsub('%"',"");sonakt="gerek" end
- v,i=line:gsub("^makedepends=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.gerek=talimat.gerek.." "..v:gsub('%"',"");sonakt="gerek" end
- v,i=line:gsub("^depends=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.gerek=talimat.gerek.." "..v:gsub('%"',"");sonakt="gerek" end
- v,i=line:gsub("pkgname=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.isim=v end
- v,i=line:gsub("version=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.surum=v end
- v,i=line:gsub("build_wrksrc=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.arsiv=v end
- v,i=line:gsub("wrksrc=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.arsiv=v end
- v,i=line:gsub("homepage=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.url=v:gsub('%"',"") end
- v,i=line:gsub("short_desc=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.tanim=v:gsub('%"',"") end
- v,i=line:gsub("checksum=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.sha256=v:gsub('%"',"");;sonakt="sha256" end
- v,i=line:gsub("make_build_args=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.ekconf=v:gsub('%"',"") end
- v,i=line:gsub("configure_args=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.ekconf=v:gsub('%"',"");sonakt="ekconf" end
- v,i=line:gsub("build_style=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.dptip=v end
- v,i=line:gsub("distfiles=", ""); if i ==1 then talimat.kaynak=v:gsub('%"',"");;sonakt="kaynak" end
- for k,v in line:gmatch("(pre_configure).+") do preconfigure=1;sonakt="" end
- if preconfigure==1 and line ~= '}' then talimat.derle=talimat.derle..line.."\n" end
- if line == '}' and preconfigure==1 then preconfigure=0;talimat.derle=talimat.derle:gsub("pre_configure%(%)%s%{","") end
- for k,v in line:gmatch("(pre_build).+") do prebuild=1;sonakt="" end
- if prebuild==1 and line ~= '}' then talimat.derle=talimat.derle..line.."\n" end
- if line == '}' and prebuild==1 then prebuild=0;talimat.derle=talimat.derle:gsub("pre_build%(%)%s%{","") end
- for k,v in line:gmatch("(do_build).+") do dobuild=1;sonakt="" end
- if dobuild==1 and line ~= '}' then talimat.derle=talimat.derle..line.."\n" end
- if line == '}' and dobuild==1 then dobuild=0;talimat.derle=talimat.derle:gsub("do_build%(%)%s%{","") end
- for k,v in line:gmatch("(do_install).+") do doinstall=1;sonakt="" end
- if doinstall==1 and line ~= '}' then talimat.pakur=talimat.pakur..line.."\n" end
- if line == '}' and doinstall==1 then doinstall=0;talimat.pakur=talimat.pakur:gsub("do_install%(%)%s%{","") end
- for k,v in line:gmatch("(post_install).+") do postinstall=1;sonakt="" end
- if postinstall==1 and line ~= '}' then talimat.pakur=talimat.pakur..line.."\n" end
- if line == '}' and postinstall==1 then postinstall=0;talimat.pakur=talimat.pakur:gsub("post_install%(%)%s%{","") end
- -- boşlukla başlayan satır yakalanması
- if line:match('^%s(.*)') then
- if sonakt == "gerek" then
- talimat[sonakt]=talimat[sonakt].." "..line:gsub('%"',"")
- elseif sonakt == "kaynak" or sonakt == "sha256" then
- talimat[sonakt]=talimat[sonakt]..line.."\n"
- elseif sonakt == "ekconf" then
- talimat[sonakt]=talimat[sonakt]..line.."\n"
- end
- sonakt=""
- end
- end
- -- son temizlikler ve değişiklikler
- talimat.gerek=talimat.gerek:gsub("-devel","")
- talimat.gerek=talimat.gerek:lower()
- talimat.kaynak=talimat.kaynak:gsub("homepage","url")
- -- eşleştirme
- talimat.dptip=talimat.dptip:gsub("gnu%-makefile","gnu")
- talimat.dptip=talimat.dptip:gsub("gnu%-configure","gnu")
- talimat.kaynak=talimat.kaynak:gsub("pkgname","isim")
- talimat.kaynak=talimat.kaynak:gsub("version","surum")
- if talimat.arsiv then
- talimat.arsiv=talimat.arsiv:gsub("pkgname","isim")
- talimat.arsiv=talimat.arsiv:gsub("version","surum")
- end
- talimat.pakur=talimat.pakur:gsub("${DESTDIR}","${PKG}")
- talimat.pakur=talimat.pakur:gsub("${FILESDIR}","${SRC}")
- end
- --local link="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/void-linux/void-packages/master/srcpkgs/xfdesktop/template"
- --local link="http://localhost:9999/paket.vt"
- --local kayit="denem2e2.template"
- local void_template="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/void-linux/void-packages/master/srcpkgs/%s/template"
- local paket=arg[1]
- local link=void_template:format(paket)
- local kayit="/tmp/"..paket..".template"
- if _indir(link,kayit) then
- parse(kayit)
- end
- --print("--")
- --tprint(talimat)
- print("-------------------------")
- -- tanımın Türkçe'ye oto çevirisi
- command="ceviri en:tr '%s' | awk 'NR==3' " .. ' | sed -r "s/\\x1B\\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g" '
- local handle = io.popen(command:format(talimat.tanim))
- local result = handle:read("*a")
- handle:close()
- if result ~= "" then talimat.tanim=result:gsub("\n","") end
- -- talimat dosyasının üretilmesi
- talimatd=("/tmp/%s#%s-1"):format(talimat.isim:lower(),talimat.surum)
- os.execute(("mkdir -p %s"):format(talimatd))
- file = io.open(talimatd.."/talimat", "w")
- function fprint(data)
- if data == nil then data="" end
- file:write(data.."\n")
- end
- fprint("[paket]")
- fprint(("tanim = %s"):format(talimat.tanim))
- fprint(("paketci = %s"):format(talimat.paketci))
- fprint(("grup = %s"):format(talimat.grup))
- fprint(("url = %s"):format(talimat.url))
- if talimat.arsiv then
- fprint(("arsiv = %s"):format(talimat.arsiv))
- end
- fprint()
- fprint("[gerek]")
- fprint(("derleme = %s"):format(talimat.gerek:gsub("^%s", "")))
- fprint("calisma =")
- fprint()
- fprint("[kaynak]")
- for s in talimat.kaynak:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
- fprint(("1 = %s"):format(s))
- end
- fprint()
- fprint("[sha256]")
- for s in talimat.sha256:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
- fprint(("1 = %s"):format(s))
- end
- fprint()
- fprint("[derle]")
- for s in talimat.derle:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
- fprint("betik = "..s:gsub("^%s", ""))
- end
- if talimat.ekconf ~= "" then fprint(("ekconf = %s"):format(talimat.ekconf)) end
- fprint(("tip = %s"):format(talimat.dptip))
- fprint()
- fprint("[pakur]")
- fprint(("tip = %s"):format(talimat.dptip))
- for s in talimat.pakur:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
- fprint("betik = "..s:gsub("^%s", ""))
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- print("kayıt: "..talimatd.."/talimat")