1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526 |
- syntax = "proto2";
- message TcpAddress {
- optional string ip = 1;
- optional int32 port = 2;
- optional int32 lb_realm = 3; //load balancing cluster: server realm or 0 (generic)
- optional int32 lb_course = 4; //load balancing cluster: course id (see also TcpAddressService::updateAddresses)
- }
- message TcpConfig {
- //First server: the TCP telemetry server (
- repeated TcpAddress nodes = 1;
- }
- message PartnersUrls {
- optional string todaysplan_url = 1;
- optional string trainingpeaks_url = 2;
- }
- message PerSessionInfo {
- required string relay_url = 1;
- optional PartnersUrls apis = 2;
- optional uint64 time = 3;
- optional TcpConfig nodes = 4;
- optional int32 maxSegmSubscrs = 5; //if received, sub_718DE99570 puts log message "Received max allowed segment subscriptions from session: %d", m_maxSegmSubscrs and stores it into GlobalState...
- }