default 4.7 KB

  1. # This file contains options you might want to customize for each
  2. # body. It's best to leave this file alone and modify a copy. Use the
  3. # -config option to tell xplanet to read your copy.
  4. [default]
  5. # Values in the [default] section apply to all bodies unless
  6. # overridden below. DON'T use planet-specific parameters, like "map"
  7. # here!
  8. arc_color=white
  9. #arc_file=
  10. arc_thickness=1
  11. bump_scale=1
  12. color={5,31,54} # fallback color in case an image map isn't found
  13. draw_orbit=false # if true, draw this body's orbit about its primary
  14. grid=false
  15. grid1=6
  16. grid2=15
  17. #~ magnify=1 # draw the body as if its radius were magnified by this factor
  18. #~ marker_color=red
  19. #marker_file=
  20. #marker_font=
  21. max_radius_for_label=0 # don't draw a label if the body's
  22. # radius in pixels is more than this
  23. min_radius_for_label=99999999999 # don't draw a label if the body's
  24. # radius in pixels is less than this
  25. min_radius_for_markers=99999999999 # don't draw markers if the body's
  26. # radius in pixels is less than this
  27. orbit={-.5,.5,2} # extent of orbit to draw,
  28. # {start, end, delta}, where
  29. # start and end are in units of period
  30. # of revolution and delta is angular
  31. # increment in degrees to evaluate
  32. # position
  33. orbit_color={200,155,20} # color for the orbit
  34. random_origin=true # Can this body be considered if
  35. # -origin random is used?
  36. random_target=true # Can this body be considered if
  37. # -target random is used?
  38. #satellite_file=
  39. #~ shade=30 # 0 = black, 100 = same as dayside
  40. #specular_map=
  41. text_color={255,0,0} # color for text (markers & body label)
  42. twilight=6 # blend the day and night images for
  43. # pixels within this many degrees of
  44. # the terminator
  45. [earth]
  46. "Earth"
  47. color={28, 82, 110}
  48. # our script produces a link to the appropriate map, so leave this commented out.
  49. # (xplanet will look for the default images/earth.XXX file)
  50. #~ map=bluemarble/02/world.topo.bathy/world.topo.bathy.200402.3x5400x2700.png
  51. #~ map=images/earth/PathfinderMap.jpg
  52. #~ night_map=images/earth-night/Earthlights_2002_lesser.png
  53. night_map=bluemarble/Earth.s.City.Lights/land_ocean_ice_lights_8192_less.png
  54. shade=10 # still applies to the cloud map!
  55. #Let the day and night hemispheres blend into one another for pixels
  56. #within the specified number of degrees of the terminator. The default
  57. #value is 6.
  58. #~ twilight=10
  59. cloud_map=bluemarble/Blue.Marble..Clouds/cloud_combined_8192.tif
  60. #~ cloud_map=images/clouds_5400x2700.jpg
  61. #~ cloud_threshold=0
  62. cloud_gamma=1.5
  63. bump_map=bluemarble/Topography/gebco_08_rev_elev_8192x4096.png
  64. bump_scale=2
  65. #~ bump_shade=0 # that's too dark
  66. #mapbounds={-1.2,98.7107,-46.2,169.023} # lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2
  67. draw_orbit=false
  68. #marker_file=earth
  69. # this should disable labels
  70. max_radius_for_label=0
  71. #~ specular_map=images/earth-extra/specular.png
  72. # see xplanet/config/README and xplanet/scattering/README to enable Rayleigh scattering
  73. #~ rayleigh_emission_weight=0
  74. rayleigh_emission_weight=10
  75. #~ rayleigh_limb_scale=1
  76. rayleigh_limb_scale=3
  77. rayleigh_scale=10
  78. rayleigh_file=earthRayleigh
  79. #satellite_file=iss
  80. [moon]
  81. "Moon"
  82. color={100, 100, 100}
  83. magnify=1.5
  84. #~ map=images/moon/moon4k.png
  85. map=images/moon2/moonmap4k.jpg
  86. #~ map=images/moon2/moonmap4k-ditherlicious-1777cf-pixelised.png
  87. #~ night_map=images/moon2/moonmap4k_night_blue.jpg
  88. #~ bump_map=images/moon2/moonbump4k.jpg
  89. #~ bump_scale=0.3
  90. #~ bump_shade=50
  91. #~ shade=20
  92. [sun]
  93. "Sun"
  94. color={255,255,166}
  95. max_radius_for_label=0 # never draw a label for the sun
  96. shade=100 # No night side!
  97. [mercury]
  98. "Mercury"
  99. color={100, 100, 100}
  100. min_radius_for_label=0 # always draw a label
  101. [venus]
  102. "Venus"
  103. color={161, 129, 70}
  104. min_radius_for_label=0
  105. [mars]
  106. "Mars"
  107. color={172, 123, 67}
  108. min_radius_for_label=0
  109. [phobos]
  110. "Phobos"
  111. [deimos]
  112. "Deimos"
  113. [jupiter]
  114. "Jupiter"
  115. color={204, 163, 133}
  116. min_radius_for_label=0
  117. [io]
  118. "Io"
  119. color={212, 182, 52}
  120. [europa]
  121. "Europa"
  122. color={140, 140, 140}
  123. [ganymede]
  124. "Ganymede"
  125. color={150, 150, 150}
  126. [callisto]
  127. "Callisto"
  128. color={70, 70, 70}
  129. [saturn]
  130. "Saturn"
  131. color={244, 199, 134}
  132. min_radius_for_label=0
  133. [mimas]
  134. "Mimas"
  135. [enceladus]
  136. "Enceladus"
  137. [tethys]
  138. "Tethys"
  139. [dione]
  140. "Dione"
  141. [rhea]
  142. "Rhea"
  143. [titan]
  144. "Titan"
  145. color={252,94,7}
  146. [hyperion]
  147. "Hyperion"
  148. [iapetus]
  149. "Iapetus"
  150. [phoebe]
  151. "Phoebe"
  152. [uranus]
  153. "Uranus"
  154. color={105, 197, 238}
  155. min_radius_for_label=0
  156. [miranda]
  157. "Miranda"
  158. [ariel]
  159. "Ariel"
  160. [umbriel]
  161. "Umbriel"
  162. [titania]
  163. "Titania"
  164. [oberon]
  165. "Oberon"
  166. [neptune]
  167. "Neptune"
  168. color={95, 133, 232}
  169. map=images/neptune/neptune.jpg
  170. min_radius_for_label=0
  171. [triton]
  172. "Triton"
  173. [nereid]
  174. "Nereid"
  175. [pluto]
  176. "Pluto"
  177. color={206, 180, 153}
  178. min_radius_for_label=0
  179. [charon]
  180. "Charon"