marquee1.conf 902 B

  1. ########## DEFAULT VALUES ###############################################
  2. # boolean variables are '1' for true or anything else for false.
  3. wait=10 # between outputs, in s
  4. bps=555 # output bytes per s - more is faster - 555 is a good value on my machine - set to 0 to disable; requires pv to be installed.
  5. colored=1 # 0 for no colors or if command output provides colors, 1 for randomized color for each block
  6. stars=0 # sprinkle canvas with stars after showing command output
  7. density=3 # how many stars do you want on screen, max., in percent.
  8. erase=0 # instead of simply clearing the screen, erase it from top to bottom.
  9. erasetime=2 # how many seconds do you want the erase process to last.
  10. # each line produces a block of output (later split by newline & eval'd)
  11. commands='toilet -t -f smmono12 -W -- "$(date +%R)"
  12. toilet -t -f future -- "$(date +"%A %d %B")"
  13. toilet -t -f future -- "$(uptime -p)"'