xappspicker.config 4.2 KB

  1. xapps_enabled=1
  2. # custom Xresources will be merged with xrdb. see $xres below.
  3. xsetroot_enabled=0
  4. # background will be set according to color manipulations and other rules below
  5. dmenu_enabled=1
  6. #dmenurc="$HOME/.config/dmenu/dmenurc"
  7. # dmenu colors will be set, if a dmenurc file is found (to actually use this,
  8. # one needs a wrapper around dmenu. an example is included in this repo).
  9. tint2_enabled=0
  10. # if the theme folder includes tint2/tint2rc (a tint2rc file in a tint2 subfolder)
  11. # it will be launched. an instance of tint2 previously launched by this script will be killed.
  12. tint2_is_essential=1
  13. # 1: if the theme does not contain a tint2rc, launch the default
  14. # 0: an instance of tint2 previously launched by this script will still be killed.
  15. conky_enabled=0
  16. # if the theme folder includes conky/conkyrc (a conkyrc file in a conky subfolder)
  17. # it will be launched. an instance of conky previously launched by this script will be killed.
  18. conky_is_essential=0
  19. # 1: if the theme does not contain a conkyrc, launch the default
  20. # 0: an instance of conky previously launched by this script will still be killed.
  21. openbox_enabled=0
  22. #obrc="$HOME/.config/openbox/rc.xml"
  23. # if an openbox theme exists for the current gtk2 theme, replace the theme name
  24. # in openbox' rc.xml, and reconfigure.
  25. # If items in rc.xml are in an unusal, yet valid order, this might go wrong (e.g.
  26. # if a theme name is the same as a font name, and the font is defined before the theme).
  27. exec_enabled=0
  28. #exec_path="" # defaults to $themepath/xappspicker.exec
  29. # search for an executable, and execute it. does not need to be a shell script or
  30. # even a script at all.
  31. dmenufont="terminus"
  32. # font definitions in dmenu 4.6 are unclear to me. they also differ from
  33. # suckless-tools 4.5 - one cannot pass xfont-strings.
  34. # the one above should work on all systems, or at least fail silently.
  35. # set to empty string to use default font.
  36. # prepare the values for xsetroot. please see man xsetroot.
  37. # 1.: do you want to choose a random bitmap from the following dir?
  38. # if not, set this to "", and xsetroot will choose:
  39. # a) the file xsetrootbitmap.xbm from $themedir, or, failing that
  40. # b) a random -mod.
  41. # bitmap directory, relative to the script's path
  42. bitmapdir="xbm/squidfingers"
  43. # 2.: which color to choose as a base for the background? I choose the background for
  44. # selected text, usually the most colorful accent in the theme. It's the 4th and
  45. # last color in the array generated by grepcol() = $sel_txt_bg
  46. # 3.: manipulate that color.
  47. # a) i prefer to darken the background to 20%, and the foreground to 10%
  48. xsetrootbg="$(fixed_value "$sel_txt_bg" "0.2")"
  49. xsetrootfg="$(fixed_value "$sel_txt_bg" "0.1")"
  50. # b) another possibility: color-invert (=negative) the colors
  51. #~ xsetrootbg="$(invert "$base_fg")" # that is the foreground
  52. #~ xsetrootfg="$(invert "$base_bg")" # that is the background
  53. # functions can be combined, too.
  54. # which xapps will be affected, and which color chosen? un/comment or add values.
  55. # this multiline variable will be piped to xrdb. see "man xrdb" for valid syntax.
  56. # also have a look at /usr/share/X11/app-defaults
  57. # please keep in mind that a leading '!' means 'commented out'
  58. ### start of xres variable ###
  59. xres="!!! background values
  60. ! XCalc.ti.Command.background: $base_bg
  61. ! XCal*background: $base_bg
  62. XFontSel*background: $base_bg
  63. display.background: $base_bg
  64. bitmap*background: $base_bg
  65. Xmag*background: $base_bg
  66. Xmag*helpLabel*background: $base_fg
  67. Xman*background: $base_bg
  68. xpdf*background: $base_bg
  69. xpdf*matteColor: $base_bg
  70. xscreensaver*background: $base_bg
  71. ! URxvt*borderColor: $base_bg
  72. ! *background: $base_bg
  73. !!! foreground values
  74. ! XCalc.ti.Command.foreground: $base_fg
  75. ! XCal*foreground: $base_fg
  76. XFontSel*foreground: $base_fg
  77. display.foreground: $base_fg
  78. bitmap*foreground: $base_fg
  79. Xmag*foreground: $base_fg
  80. Xmag*helpLabel*foreground: $base_bg
  81. Xman*foreground: $base_fg
  82. xpdf*foreground: $base_fg
  83. xscreensaver*foreground: $base_fg
  84. ! *foreground: $base_fg"
  85. ### end of xres variable ###
  87. # some important stuff is stored here:
  88. xappspicker_dir="$HOME/.local/share/xorg"
  89. # to avoid running the whole script after login, this file should be sourced instead:
  90. xappspicker_rc="$xappspicker_dir/xappspicker_rc"