123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # access transmission-cli through openbox menu
- # by ondoho/ohnonot 2015-2021
- # Depends on:
- # - transmission-daemon and transmission-remote
- # - xclip for various actions
- # - notify-send (optional - the actions are executed regardless, you just don't get a notification)
- # - timeout (coreutils)
- usage() {
- if [ -t 0 ]; then [[ "$*" != "" ]] && echo "$*
- "
- cat <<EOF
- Openbox pipemenu to create a list of recent files with or without icons.
- Usage: $0 [options]
- Options:
- -t int Set timeout in seconds for transmission-remote commands. Default: $timeout
- -x str Choose different clipboard for copying from & pasting to. Possible
- values: primary, secondary, clipboard. Default: $sel
- -g str Full command to open the (web) UI with options. The URL to connect to
- transmission-remote is inserted whereever you place the string %URL%
- (if required at all). Can also be defined through the TR_GUI environemnt
- variable. No default - if you leave this empty, the according menu
- options won't be displayed.
- -u str URL for transmission-remote. If the environment variable TR_AUTH is
- defined it will be inserted at the right place.
- Default: $url
- -T str Terminal to use for stats. It is possible to append options.
- Can also be defined through the XTERMINAL environemnt variable.
- Current default: $XTERMINAL
- -S Path or link to a document with information (e.g. about torrent search
- sites). No quality control!
- Default: ${tsearch//"$HOME"/\~}
- -b Browser or document viewer to display the former. Default: $browser
- No quality control!
- If any option string contains spaces, enclosing it in quotes might not work due
- to how openbox' xml works. Try escaping spaces with a backslash \ instead.
- -h This text.
- Internal options (access through the pipemenu):
- -l List all torrents with some minimal stats.
- Clicking/activating each entry will toggle start/pause.
- -s Print out statistics in terminal window
- Dependencies:
- bash, transmission-cli/transmission-daemon and timeout (coreutils).
- Optional:
- - sed for stats.
- - A notification daemon that provides the notify-send executable
- - one of urxvt or xterm (other terminals not tested).
- - xclip to add torrents from the clipboard.
- else
- echo "<openbox_pipe_menu>"
- [[ "$*" != "" ]] && echo "<item label=\"$*\"/></openbox_pipe_menu>"
- fi
- exit 1
- }
- sepchar="─";sep=''
- sel=primary
- timeout=3
- XTERMINAL="xterm"
- action=""
- authenv=""
- url=""
- TR_GUI=""
- browser=surf
- tsearch="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openbox/pipemenus/torrentsearchsites.html"
- while getopts "t:x:g:u:T:lshb:S:" opt; do
- case "$opt" in
- t) [[ "$OPTARG" =~ [0-9]+ ]] && (( OPTARG >= 0 )) && (( OPTARG <= 65535 )) || usage "Option -${opt}: invalid number $OPTARG"
- timeout="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- x) sel="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- ;;
- u) url="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- T) type "${OPTARG%% *}" >/dev/null || usage "$OPTARG not found in PATH"
- ;;
- l) action=list
- ;;
- s) action=stats
- ;;
- b) browser="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- S) tsearch="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- h) usage
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # environment variable TR_AUTH for login to web page
- if [[ "$TR_AUTH" == ?*:?* ]]; then
- # if defined, insert into URL:
- url="${url%%:*}://$TR_AUTH@${url#*://}"
- authenv="--authenv"
- fi
- cmd=( timeout $timeout transmission-remote $authenv )
- case "$action" in
- list) mapfile -t info <<<"$(${cmd[@]} -t all -i | grep -E 'Id: |Name: |State: |Percent Done: |Download Speed: |Upload Speed: ')"
- if [[ "$info" != "" ]]; then
- list=""
- for ((i=0;i<${#info[@]};i+=6)); do
- id="${info[i]#*: }"
- name="${info[$((i+1))]#*: }"
- state="${info[$((i+2))]#*: }"
- case "$state" in
- Seeding) state=Seed;;
- Downloading) state=Dnld;;
- Uploading) state=Upld;;
- "Up & Down") state=UpDn;;
- Stopped) state=Stop;;
- Paused) state=Paus;;
- esac
- perc="${info[$((i+3))]#*: }"
- perc="${perc/.?/}"
- down="${info[$((i+4))]#*: }"
- down="${down/B\/s/}"
- down="${down/ /}"
- down="${down/.??/}"
- up="${info[$((i+5))]#*: }"
- up="${up/B\/s/}"
- up="${up/ /}"
- up="${up/.??/}"
- #~ label="$(printf "%-30s %4s %s ↓%s" "${name:0:30}" "$perc" "$state" "$down↑$up")" # looks good with monospaced font
- label="$(printf "%s %4s ↓%s — %s" "$state" "$perc" "$down↑$up" "${name:0:30}")"
- [[ "$state" == Stop || "$state" == Paus ]] && option="start" || option="stopp"
- list="$list<item label=\"$label\"><action name=\"Execute\"><command><![CDATA[sh -c 'notify-send \"Torrent ${option}ed:\" \"$name\n\$(${cmd[@]} -t $id --${option%p})\"']]></command></action></item>"
- done
- else
- list="<item label=\"Couldn't get list of torrents.\"/>"
- fi
- echo "<openbox_pipe_menu>${list}</openbox_pipe_menu>"
- exit
- ;;
- stats) mapfile stats <<<"$(${cmd[@]} -st -si | sed '/^$/d')"
- [[ "$stats" != CURRENT* ]] && stats="COULDN'T GET INFO - TIMEOUT ($timeout}s) REACHED? "
- members=${#stats[@]}
- longest=0
- for i in "${stats[@]}"; do (( ${#i} > longest )) && longest=${#i}; done
- #~ for ((i=0;i<longest;i++)); do sep="$sep$sepchar"; done
- #~ stats[0]="${stats[0]^^}$sep"
- $XTERMINAL -geometry "$longest"x$((members+1)) -title "Session & statistical info from transmission-daemon" -e bash -c 'echo -n "$@"; read -n1' non "${stats[@]}"
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- [ -n "$TR_GUI" ] && TR_GUI="${TR_GUI//%URL%/"$url"}"
- title=""
- ismagnet() {
- [[ "$1" == "magnet:"* ]] || return 1
- title="${1##*dn=}"
- title="${title%%&*}"
- title="$(printf "%b" "${title//%/\\x}")"
- }
- daemoncount=( $(pidof transmission-daemon) )
- count=0
- case ${#daemoncount[@]} in
- 0) item[count++]="<item label=\"Start Daemon\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- transmission-daemon --log-error
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- [ -n "$TR_GUI" ] && item[count++]="<item label=\"Start Daemon + Open UI\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- sh -c 'transmission-daemon --log-error; sleep 2; exec $TR_GUI'
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- ;;
- 1) [ -n "$TR_GUI" ] && item[count++]="<item label=\"Open UI\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- type xclip >/dev/null && ismagnet "$(xclip -o -selection $sel)" &&\
- item[count++]="<menu label=\"Add torrent from magnet link (clipboard)\" id=\"addtorrentfromclipboard\">
- <item label=\"Add paused: $title\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- sh -c 'notify-send \"Add paused: $title\" \"\$(${cmd[@]} -a \"\$(xclip -selection $sel -o)\" --start-paused)\"'
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>
- <item label=\"Add and start: $title\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- sh -c 'notify-send \"Add and start: $title\" \"\$(${cmd[@]} -a \"\$(xclip -selection $sel -o)\" --no-start-paused)\"'
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>
- </menu>"
- item[count++]="<menu label=\"List all torrents\" execute=\"$0 -l\" id=\"listalltorrents\"/>"
- item[count++]="<item label=\"List transmission-daemon stats in $XTERMINAL\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- $0 -s
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- item[count++]="<separator/><item label=\"Stop Daemon\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- sh -c 'notify-send \"Transmission daemon stopped\" \"\$(${cmd[@]} --exit)\"'
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- ;;
- *) item[count++]="<separator label=\"Warning, ${#daemoncount[@]} daemons detected!\" />
- <item label=\"Kill all daemons\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- killall transmission-daemon
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- ;;
- esac
- # lastly, add a list of torrent search sites
- [ -n "$browser" ] && [ -n "$tsearch" ] && item[count]="<separator/><item label=\"Torrent Search Sites\">
- <action name=\"Execute\">
- <command>
- $browser \"$tsearch\"
- </command>
- </action>
- </item>"
- echo "<openbox_pipe_menu>${item[@]}</openbox_pipe_menu>"