123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128 |
- #!/bin/bash
- debug=0
- me="${0##*/}"
- useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0"
- file=""
- urlbase="https://www.geonames.org/"
- deps=( curl xmllint )
- max=10
- only=0
- nonl=0 # omit final newline if set to 1
- sep='\n'
- usage() {
- [[ "$*" != "" ]] && echo "$*"
- cat <<EOF
- Enter your query to get a location ID required to retrieve weather data.
- Queries $urlbase
- Dependencies: ${deps[@]}
- Usage: $me [options] [free form location string]
- Options:
- -m int Maximum number of results (default $max)
- -U str Override user agent. Default:
- $useragent
- -o only output numerical id. Combine with "-m1" for usage in scripts.
- -d Debugging output
- -f Fuzzy search on
- -m int Maximum Results (default: $max)
- -F str Parse local file. Invalidates -U option and query.
- Mostly for debugging.
- -N Omit final newline
- -s str Result separator. Default: $sep
- exit 1
- }
- xpath() {
- echo "$2" | xmllint --html --noblanks --nowrap --recover --nonet --xpath "$1" - 2>/dev/null | perl -CS -MHTML::Entities -pe 'decode_entities($_);'
- # xmllint creates loads of error messages even when it's working correctly
- # if you really want to see these messages, remove '2>/dev/null'
- }
- # simple dependency check
- for dep in "${deps[@]}"; do
- type -f $dep >/dev/null || usage
- done
- perl -MHTML::Entities -e 1 || exit 1
- while getopts "fF:U:hdm:os:N" opt; do
- case $opt in
- m) [[ "$OPTARG" =~ [0-9]+ ]] && (( OPTARG > 0 )) || usage "Option -${opt}: invalid number $OPTARG"
- max="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- F) [ -r "$OPTARG" ] && file="$OPTARG" || usage "cannot read $OPTARG"
- ;;
- U) useragent="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- f) fuzzy=1
- ;;
- d) debug=1
- ;;
- o) only=1
- ;;
- N) nonl=1
- ;;
- s) sep="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- *) usage
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $((OPTIND-1))
- query="$*"
- [[ "$debug" == 0 ]] && exec 2>/dev/null
- echo "useragent: $useragent" >&2
- echo "debug: $debug" >&2
- [[ "$fuzzy" == 1 ]] && urlbase="$urlbase/search.html?fuzzy=0.6" || urlbase="$urlbase/search.html"
- if [[ "$file" == "" ]]; then
- # cannot use read -p "..." because the prompt is output to stderr.
- [[ "$query" == "" ]] && echo -n "Please enter a free form search for your location: " && read -r query
- html="$(curl --data-urlencode "q=$query" --user-agent "$useragent" "$urlbase")"
- else
- html="$(<"$file")"
- fi
- echo "location: $query" >&2
- for((j=3;j<max+3;j++)); do
- #~ query="//table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[1]/a/@href | //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[2]/span[@class=\"geo\"]/span/text() | \
- #~ //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[2]/a/text() | //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[3]/text() | \
- #~ //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[3]/small/text()"
- # without lat/lon info
- query="//table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[1]/a/@href | \
- //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[2]/a/text() | //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[3]/text() | \
- //table[@class=\"restable\"]//tr[$j]/td[3]/small/text()"
- #~ xpath "$query" "$html"; exit
- mapfile -t table <<<"$(xpath "$query" "$html")"
- id="${table[0]}"
- id="${id#*/}"
- id="${id%/*}"
- [[ "$id" == "" ]] && continue
- ((j>3)) && printf "$sep"
- printf '%s ' "$id"
- [[ "$only" == 1 ]] && echo && continue
- for((i=1;i<${#table[@]};i++)); do printf '%s ' "${table[i]#, }"; done
- #~ town="${table[$((i+1))]}${table[$((i+4))]}"
- #~ caption="${table[$((i+5))]}"
- #~ lat="${table[$((i+2))]}"
- #~ lon="${table[$((i+3))]}"
- #~ printf "\n%-10s%-18s %s\n %-18s (%s)\n" "$id" "$lat" "$town" "$lon" "$caption"
- done
- ((nonl==0)) && echo