

Options and notes for TubeMan aimed at developers/testers/packagers only.
See README.md for a more general description and installation notes, or the man page for usage.

Bootstrapping the repository

Bootstrapping is only necessary from git, never when building from release archives.

To set up the source directory and build straight from git, you need:

  • automake
  • autoconf
  • gettext (if you want translation support)

Once you've cloned the git repo, in environments that support configure shell scripts, to bootstrap and build run


with whatever configure options you want.

The standard make targets should work, see here.
make distclean should delete all the stuff created by configure.

configure options

Enables assertions
Debug mode is disabled by default
I use ./configure --enable-debug CFLAGS='-g' for debugging

Compiles without the curses-based TUI
TUI is enabled by default

Compiles without internationalisation (i18n) support
i18n is enabled by default


The /testing directory contains scripts and suppression files for uncrustify, cppcheck and valgrind.