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- pkgbase = snooscraper-git
- pkgdesc = A small program to scrape subreddits, reddit accounts and other sites, downloading content matching your criteria
- pkgver = 0.1
- pkgrel = 5
- url = https://notabug.org/odg/snooscraper
- install = snooscraper.install
- arch = all
- license = GPL
- depends = sh
- depends = curl
- depends = jq
- depends = sed
- depends = grep
- depends = findutils
- provides = snooscraper
- conflicts = snooscraper
- source = snooscraper::git+https://notabug.org/odg/snooscraper.git
- validpgpkeys = 491E0D9EE7AA9E15D089950A787966257046CC21
- sha512sums = SKIP
- pkgname = snooscraper-git