#44 Filter by keywords: empty results

otvorené 7 rokov pred užívateľom dimqua · 1 komentárov
dimqua okomentoval 7 rokov pred

When I'm trying to filter the shows by keywords, I get empty results.

Is something wrong with the API key?


When I'm trying to filter the shows by keywords, I get empty results. Is something wrong with the API key? https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?with_keywords=drama&api_key=54b3ccfdeee9c0c2c869d38b1a8724c5
nvb okomentoval 7 rokov pred

I think the API is a bit unclear in this case. Although you expect that it is possible to use words, they actually want ID's. So for drama, it is the "keyword" 8029.

I do plan on translating the keywords into ID's sometime though.

I think the API is a bit unclear in this case. Although you expect that it is possible to use words, they actually want ID's. So for drama, it is the "keyword" 8029. I do plan on translating the keywords into ID's sometime though.
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