#25 [Feature request] List of episodes

отворено пре 7 година од Christopher · 4 коментара
Christopher коментирира пре 7 година

I would like to see the list of episodes of TV series. And I think it could be useful to have the possibility to set individually episodes as watched to track the progress of TV series.

I would like to see the list of episodes of TV series. And I think it could be useful to have the possibility to set individually episodes as watched to track the progress of TV series.
nvb коментирира пре 7 година

I can guarantee you that those features will be coming as I want to have them myself too; I just don't know when yet.

I can guarantee you that those features will be coming as I want to have them myself too; I just don't know when yet.
nvb затворено пре 7 година
Christopher коментирира пре 7 година

Currently it's possible to to set "how many" episodes I have seen, but not "which ones". TMDb have many information (e.g. Plot details, Cast, Crew, Images) for each episode and for each season. Will this app ever have this feature? I would really appreciate it.

Currently it's possible to to set "how many" episodes I have seen, but not "which ones". TMDb have many information (e.g. Plot details, Cast, Crew, Images) for each episode and for each season. Will this app ever have this feature? I would really appreciate it.
Christopher поново отворено пре 7 година"
nvb коментирира пре 7 година

Yes, I thought that was what you meant (and it was also what I personally wanted). But now I understand what you put 'individually' in front episodes. I am not sure though. I wouldn't mind trying to add it, but it would be quite a low priority (especially with all the other bugs that are open).

Yes, I thought that was what you meant (and it was also what I personally wanted). But now I understand what you put 'individually' in front episodes. I am not sure though. I wouldn't mind trying to add it, but it would be quite a low priority (especially with all the other bugs that are open).
nvb коментирира пре 6 година

I just came up with an idea to split a show in different seasons (if possible). Something along a tab view (like what is currently being used for showing movies, series, saved and people) with every season on a new tab with (hopefully) a (slightly) changed cast (as casts often change over seasons due to characters dying for example), changed description etc. But also the possibility to assign different values to the rating, watch dates, episodes seen, etc. for every season. The display will be optional of course, as some people might prefer to group everything as one.

I don't know when this will be implemented, but any thoughts on this idea would be appreciated.

I just came up with an idea to split a show in different seasons (if possible). Something along a tab view (like what is currently being used for showing movies, series, saved and people) with every season on a new tab with (hopefully) a (slightly) changed cast (as casts often change over seasons due to characters dying for example), changed description etc. But also the possibility to assign different values to the rating, watch dates, episodes seen, etc. for every season. The display will be optional of course, as some people might prefer to group everything as one. I don't know when this will be implemented, but any thoughts on this idea would be appreciated.
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