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  34. <div id="outline-container-org9bb3fa0" class="outline-2">
  35. <h2 id="org9bb3fa0">Don't Use a Smartphone</h2>
  36. <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-org9bb3fa0">
  37. <div class="PREVIEW" id="org54e5354">
  38. <p>
  39. Back in 2018 I wrote an article explaining <a href="">why I went back to using webOS</a>. It
  40. talked about how my iPhone broke and I finally had the opportunity to use a
  41. Palm/HP device. This experience only lasted a year due to some carrier issues
  42. but it changed my take on cell phones entirely. Since the phone was so old, only
  43. a few things worked - mostly thanks to the awesome <a href="">community</a>. This left me with
  44. a sort of semi-smart phone. It didn't have social media but I could use the web
  45. a bit and get my email. Most importantly not having tons of apps and features
  46. really made me "wake up" to the reality of things: People are being controlled.
  47. </p>
  48. </div>
  49. <p>
  50. I have always loved phones and small technology. Maybe it was because I spend so
  51. much time playing GameBoy? My love only got deeper and deeper around 2007-2010
  52. when all these super cool feature phones were coming out. Some of them flipped
  53. <a href="">horizontally and vertically</a>, others slide up portrait-style, and one even
  54. <a href="">slide in a circular motion</a>. Then around 2009 or so the <i>smartphone</i> became a
  55. thing! It was so cool that I would do anything to get one. I spend hours and
  56. hours watching videos on phones such as the <a href="">Palm Pre Plus</a>, <a href="">Microsoft Kin</a>, and
  57. early android phones like the <a href="">Motorola Droid 3</a>. There was so much uniqueness in
  58. each one of these devices that picking one was basically impossible!
  59. </p>
  60. <p>
  61. As time went on the market began to settle&#x2026;. Palm was destroyed by HP,
  62. Microsoft gave up, and even Blackberry succumbed to the two powers: Apple and
  63. Google - well, Apple and android. In my opinion the market officially became
  64. stale around 2014. You either had an iPhone or an android device or bust. This
  65. same thing is still true today - which begs the question: What if you don't want
  66. an iPhone or android phone?
  67. </p>
  68. <p>
  69. Before we can answer this question we need to firstly examine why someone
  70. wouldn't want an iPhone or android phone. Well, the easiest reason is that the
  71. person is old and just wants a phone to call and lightly text. But why would
  72. someone who is <i>totally tech savvy</i> want neither of these? Well, there are
  73. really 3 reason: privacy, mental health, and price.
  74. </p>
  75. </div>
  76. <div id="outline-container-org98a504a" class="outline-3">
  77. <h3 id="org98a504a">Privacy</h3>
  78. <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-org98a504a">
  79. <p>
  80. Let me make this abundantly clear no matter what you do an iPhone is not safe in
  81. terms of privacy. No matter what Apple tells you. Their entire system is
  82. proprietary so we have no way to prove that the system is safe. As far as I'm
  83. aware not even jailbreaking an iPhone would keep you safe from their spyware. If
  84. you think Android is safe, you're wrong again! It was made by Google, the worst
  85. of the worst when it comes to privacy. Their entire business model is: "sell
  86. user data." How do you think they got so rich from just being a search engine?
  87. The only way to run android in a semi-safe fashion is by using <a href="">LineageOS</a>
  88. (forked for CyanogenMod) or, better yet, <a href="">Replicant</a>. Lineage is basically a
  89. de-Googled Android, which is great but still has proprietary blobs in the
  90. kernel. Replicant is as free as you can get with Android yet it lacks decent
  91. hardware support. That being said, there is basically no way to run iOS or
  92. Android, in a reasonable way, safely!
  93. </p>
  94. </div>
  95. </div>
  96. <div id="outline-container-orgf0efeae" class="outline-3">
  97. <h3 id="orgf0efeae">Mental Health</h3>
  98. <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-orgf0efeae">
  99. <p>
  100. If you know me, I don't usually say "mental health." I find that phrase overused
  101. and kind of annoying. However, in this case, it is proper to use it. Smartphones
  102. mess with your mind! Just like how <a href="">social media is cancerous</a>, smartphones only
  103. aid to its power. If you take the poison of social media and constantly carry it
  104. around in your pocket, you're asking for trouble. Social media causes people to
  105. constantly wanting attention - you gotta have the most upvotes, gotta have the
  106. most friends, gotta check out this chat! This will drive you crazy, without you
  107. necessarily knowing it. Not to mention you'll only see what other <i>want</i> you to
  108. see: only the good of themselves or, in a seasons, only the bad of others. This
  109. is incredibly divisive. Once you got many months without having that crap
  110. constantly annoying you, you'll begin to notice how much more <i>free</i> you feel!
  111. It honestly is a great feeling.
  112. </p>
  113. <p>
  114. Smartphones only amplify the toxin by constantly reminding you that so-and-so
  115. posted this and this guy liked that. Not to mention, smartphones add another
  116. ingredient to the nauseous mixture: connectivity. If you were obsessed with
  117. social media and all you had was a desktop you'd have to either quit your job
  118. and do social media all day or wait until you got home. With a smartphone,
  119. you're always connected. Which <i>could</i> be a good thing<sup><a id="fnr.1" class="footref" href="#fn.1" role="doc-backlink">1</a></sup> but ultimately just
  120. gives you the ticket to stay hooked on it forever. The addiction of the
  121. smartphone will never stop until you remove the smartphone.<sup><a id="fnr.2" class="footref" href="#fn.2" role="doc-backlink">2</a></sup>
  122. </p>
  123. </div>
  124. </div>
  125. <div id="outline-container-orga4ed131" class="outline-3">
  126. <h3 id="orga4ed131">Price</h3>
  127. <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-orga4ed131">
  128. <p>
  129. Smartphones are so damn expensive. Seriously, they are! The new iPhone 12 and
  130. Galaxy S20 XXX MAX EPIC are like $1,000. The worst part is that in like 2 years
  131. you'll probably need a new one due to all the planned obsolesce these companies
  132. do. Some people would rather put their money into something that will actually
  133. last!
  134. </p>
  135. <hr />
  136. <p>
  137. Well, couldn't you have all those problems on Blackberry OS &#x2013; or on any
  138. smartphone OS? Yes, you could - and I don't recommend them either. Although
  139. you're significantly less likely to have those issues with on something like
  140. <a href="">postmarketOS</a> which doesn't have native social media apps, doesn't have
  141. proprietary spyware, and isn't designed to fail after a few years. That being
  142. said, I recommend that you <b>don't use a smartphone</b>. Get rid of it and use
  143. something that will let you live your life without constantly worrying about
  144. social media and without spending $1,000 every 2 years.<sup><a id="fnr.3" class="footref" href="#fn.3" role="doc-backlink">3</a></sup>
  145. </p>
  146. </div>
  147. </div>
  148. <div id="outline-container-org9d58a0b" class="outline-3">
  149. <h3 id="org9d58a0b">EDIT {2020-12-02}</h3>
  150. <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-org9d58a0b">
  151. <p>
  152. I didn't realize that I didn't mention the evils of companies uses the GPS,
  153. camera, microphone, and other techniques to sell your data. This is another
  154. good reason to avoid smartphones. Since virtually all smartphones come with a
  155. GPS module, 2 cameras (at least), many microphones, and proprietary drivers
  156. and software that prevent you from knowing if something bad is going on, it's
  157. quite the good argument <i>against</i> smartphones. As I explain in my article on
  158. <a href="dumb-dumb-phones.html">why modern dumb phones are dumb</a>, I talk about how non-smartphones are plagued
  159. by the same issues.
  160. </p>
  161. <p>
  162. Another item I didn't talk about was the use of a <a href="">PinePhone</a> or <a href="">Librem 5</a>,
  163. which are rather safe devices, don't have native social media apps, and are
  164. reasonably priced with little chance of planned obsolesce. I agree that these
  165. are the <i>best</i> option for a smartphone currently. Two things to keep in mind
  166. here are that there are currently (as of 2020-12-02) no operating systems
  167. that are stable yet and that they <b>will not be anything</b> <b>like iOS or
  168. Android</b>. To extrapolate on that last part: there won't be tons and tons of
  169. apps that you can download. For the most part, these will be smartphones but
  170. without the massive number of apps. You should expect the "basics" such as
  171. phone, messaging (SMS/MMS), email, calendar, notes, maps, browser, alarm, and
  172. probably a few other games and <i>maybe</i> an app for <a href="">Mastodon</a> or something. That
  173. being said, these devices aren't really in the same league as iOS and Android
  174. phones so I can't really say that they'll have the same negative
  175. effects. However, I have a feeling that even though they don't have the
  176. "same" capabilities currently, they will still cause the same effects just in
  177. a different fashion. What I mean is that you'll still probably stare at your
  178. phone all day long - scrolling and scrolling&#x2026; Either way, these devices are
  179. the <span class="underline">only</span> smartphone that I can recommend at this point if you must have a
  180. smartphone.
  181. </p>
  182. </div>
  183. </div>
  184. </div>
  185. <div id="footnotes">
  186. <h2 class="footnotes">Footnotes: </h2>
  187. <div id="text-footnotes">
  188. <div class="footdef"><sup><a id="fn.1" class="footnum" href="#fnr.1" role="doc-backlink">1</a></sup> <div class="footpara" role="doc-footnote"><p class="footpara">
  189. I have a philosophy called <i>The Fine Line of Technology</i> which talks
  190. about how every technological advancement has a fine line between using it for
  191. good and for evil.
  192. </p></div></div>
  193. <div class="footdef"><sup><a id="fn.2" class="footnum" href="#fnr.2" role="doc-backlink">2</a></sup> <div class="footpara" role="doc-footnote"><p class="footpara">
  194. Some folks think you can keep the smartphone and just delete the
  195. accounts. This <i>can</i> work but it's kind of like fighting an alcohol addiction
  196. while living next to a Wines &amp; Spirits store&#x2026;
  197. </p></div></div>
  198. <div class="footdef"><sup><a id="fn.3" class="footnum" href="#fnr.3" role="doc-backlink">3</a></sup> <div class="footpara" role="doc-footnote"><p class="footpara">
  199. I didn't mention privacy here because most non-smartphones still run
  200. proprietary systems that are based on <a href="">Android Go</a> (and still have Google
  201. services) or <a href="">KaiOS</a> (which is owned by Google and therefore has their spyware
  202. installed). Read about it <a href="dumb-dumb-phones.html">here</a>.
  203. </p></div></div>
  204. </div>
  205. </div></div>
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  207. <p class="author">Author: Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom</p>
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  222. Copyright © 2017-2022 Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom
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