123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150 |
- (import core/prelude ())
- (import data/format ())
- (import data/struct ())
- (import math (gcd))
- (import math/numerics ())
- (defstruct (rational rational rational?)
- "A rational number, represented as a tuple of numerator and denominator."
- (fields
- (immutable numerator numerator "The rational's numerator")
- (immutable denominator denominator "The rational's denominator"))
- (constructor new
- (lambda (n d)
- (unless (and (number? n)
- (= 0 (second (math/modf n))))
- (format 1 "(rational {} {}): numerator must be an integer" n d))
- (unless (and (number? d)
- (= 0 (second (math/modf d))))
- (format 1 "(rational {%d} {}): denominator must be an integer" n d))
- (when (= d 0)
- (format 1 "(rational {%d} {%d}): denominator is zero" n d))
- (when (< d 0)
- (set! d (* -1 d))
- (set! n (* -1 n)))
- (let* [(x (gcd n d))]
- (setmetatable
- (new (/ n x) (/ d x))
- *rational-mt*)))))
- (defun ->rat-components (y) :hidden
- (let* [((i f) (math/modf y))
- (f' (expt 10 (- (n (tostring f)) 2)))]
- (if (= 0 f) ;; it's an integer, so we just /1 i
- (values-list y 1)
- (let* [(n (* y f'))
- (g (gcd n f'))]
- (values-list (/ n g) (/ f' g))))))
- (defun normalised-rational-components (x) :hidden
- (if (number? x)
- (->rat-components x)
- (values-list (numerator x) (denominator x))))
- (defun ->rat (y)
- "Convert the floating-point number Y to a rational number.
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (->rat 3.14)
- out = 157/50
- > (/ 157 50)
- out = 3.14
- ```"
- (with ((n d) (->rat-components y))
- (rational n d)))
- (defun ->float (y)
- "Convert the rational number Y to a floating-point number.
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (->float (rational 3 2))
- out = 1.5
- ```"
- (/ (numerator y) (denominator y)))
- (defmethod (n+ rational rational) (x y)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))
- ((yn yd) (normalised-rational-components y))]
- (rational (+ (* xn yd) (* yn xd))
- (* xd yd))))
- (defmethod (n- rational rational) (x y)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))
- ((yn yd) (normalised-rational-components y))]
- (rational (- (* xn yd) (* yn xd))
- (* xd yd))))
- (defmethod (n* rational rational) (x y)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))
- ((yn yd) (normalised-rational-components y))]
- (rational (* xn yn) (* xd yd))))
- (defmethod (n< rational rational) (x y)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))
- ((yn yd) (normalised-rational-components y))]
- (< (* xn yd) (* yn xd))))
- (defalias (n< rational number) (n< rational rational))
- (defalias (n< number rational) (n< rational rational))
- (defmethod (n<= rational rational) (x y)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))
- ((yn yd) (normalised-rational-components y))]
- (<= (* xn yd) (* yn xd))))
- (defalias (n<= rational number) (n<= rational rational))
- (defalias (n<= number rational) (n<= rational rational))
- (defmethod (nexpt rational number) (x y)
- (when (/= 0 (second (math/modf y)))
- (format 1 "(expt {#x} {#y}): exponent must be an integral number."))
- (if (>= y 0)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))]
- (rational (expt xn y) (expt xd y)))
- (nrecip (nexpt x (nnegate y)))))
- (defmethod (nsqrt rational) (x)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))]
- (rational (math/sqrt xn) (math/sqrt xd))))
- (define *rational-mt* :hidden
- { :__add n+
- :__sub n-
- :__mul n*
- :__div n/
- :__pow nexpt
- :__lt n<
- :__lte n<= })
- (defmethod (pretty rational) (x)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))]
- (format nil "{%d}/{%d}" xn xd)))
- (defmethod (eq? rational rational) (x y)
- (let* [((xn xd) (normalised-rational-components x))
- ((yn yd) (normalised-rational-components y))]
- (and (= xn yn)
- (= xd yd))))
- (defalias (eq? number rational) (eq? rational rational))
- (defalias (eq? rational number) (eq? rational rational))
- (defmethod (nrecip rational) (x)
- (rational (denominator x) (numerator x)))
- (defmethod (nnegate rational) (x)
- (* x -1))
- (defmethod (nabs rational) (x)
- (rational (nabs (numerator x)) (nabs (denominator x))))
- (defmethod (nsign rational) (x)
- (* (nsign (numerator x)) (nsign (denominator x))))
- (defmethod (n/ rational rational) (x y) (n* x (nrecip y)))
- ,@(dolist [(op '(n+ n* n- n/))
- (at '(rational number))
- (bt '(rational number))]
- (when (neq? at bt)
- `(defalias (,op ,at ,bt) (,op ,'rational ,'rational))))