123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- (import lua/os os)
- (import lua/package package)
- (defun coloured-ansi (col msg)
- "Colour a string MSG coloured with COL, using ANSI escape codes"
- :hidden
- (.. "\27[" col "m" msg "\27[0m"))
- (define coloured?
- "Constant defining whether the current terminal has colour support"
- (with (term-ty (string/lower (or (and os/getenv (os/getenv "TERM")) "")))
- (cond
- ;; If the terminal is dumb, then emit plain text.
- [(= term-ty "dumb") false]
- ;; If we're running under xterm then we're OK. This covers Git Bash for Windows.
- [(string/find term-ty "xterm") true]
- ;; If '/' is the path separator then we're probably on a UNIX system.
- [(and package/config (= (string/char-at package/config 1) "/")) true]
- ;; If we have ANSICON defined then we're in a windows prompt which supports ANSI.
- [(and os/getenv (/= (os/getenv "ANSICON") nil)) true]
- ;; Stick to plain text: better safe than sorry.
- [else false])))
- (define coloured
- "Colour a string MSG using COL if supported under the current terminal"
- (if coloured? coloured-ansi (lambda (_ msg) msg)))