123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364 |
- "This module implements bit sets"
- (import core/base (set-idx!))
- (import data/struct ())
- (import lua/math (ceil floor min max))
- (import math/bit32 ())
- (import lua/string (format))
- ;; This is questionable but 32 bits seems like a safe assumption
- (define bits-per-int :hidden 32)
- (defun bit->element (bit)
- :hidden
- (floor (/ bit bits-per-int)))
- (defun bit->element-index (bit)
- :hidden
- (mod bit bits-per-int))
- (defun ensure-bit-exists! (bs bit)
- :hidden
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (need (- (+ (bit->element bit) 1) (n data)))]
- (when (> need 0)
- (for i 1 need 1
- (push! data 0)))))
- (defstruct (bitset make-bitset bitset?)
- "Creates a new, empty bitset"
- (fields
- (immutable (hide data)))
- (constructor new
- (lambda (other)
- (if (bitset? other)
- (new (map id (bitset-data other)))
- (new '())))))
- (defmethod (eq? bitset bitset) (x y)
- (let* [(dx (bitset-data x))
- (dy (bitset-data y))
- (ldx (n dx))
- (ldy (n dy))]
- (if (= ldx ldy)
- (with (result true)
- (for i 1 ldx 1
- (when (/= (nth dx i) (nth dy i))
- (set! result false)))
- result)
- false)))
- (defmethod (pretty bitset) (bs)
- (.. "«bitset: " (concat (map (lambda (x) (format "%08x" x)) (bitset-data bs)) " ") "»"))
- (defun get-bit (bs bit)
- "Returns the value of the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! bs 5)
- out = nil
- > (get-bit bs 5)
- out = true
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (eindex (+ (bit->element bit) 1))]
- (if (<= eindex (n data))
- (bit-test (nth data eindex) (shl 1 (bit->element-index bit)))
- false)))
- (defun set-bit! (bs bit)
- "Sets the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! bs 5)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000020»
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (ensure-bit-exists! bs bit)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (eindex (+ (bit->element bit) 1))
- (orig (nth data eindex))]
- (set-idx! data eindex (bit-or orig (shl 1 (bit->element-index bit))))))
- (defun clear-bit! (bs bit)
- "Clears the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! bs 5)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000020»
- > (clear-bit! bs 5)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000000»
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (ensure-bit-exists! bs bit)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (eindex (+ (bit->element bit) 1))]
- (when (<= eindex (n data))
- (set-idx! data eindex (bit-and (nth data eindex) (bit-not (shl 1 (bit->element-index bit))))))))
- (defun set-bit-value! (bs bit value)
- "Sets the value of the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT to VALUE
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit-value! bs 2 true)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000004»
- > (set-bit-value! bs 2 false)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000000»"
- (if value
- (set-bit! bs bit)
- (clear-bit! bs bit)))
- (defun flip-bit! (bs bit)
- "Inverts the value of the bit in the bitset BS with the specified index BIT
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (flip-bit! bs 2)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000004»
- > (flip-bit! bs 2)
- out = nil
- > bs
- out = «bitset: 00000000»
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (ensure-bit-exists! bs bit)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (eindex (+ (bit->element bit) 1))
- (orig (nth data eindex))]
- (set-idx! data eindex (bit-xor orig (shl 1 (bit->element-index bit))))))
- (defun next-set-bit (bs start)
- "Finds the next set bit in the bitset BS at or after the index START. If no set bit is found, -1 is returned
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! bs 5)
- out = nil
- > (next-set-bit bs 2)
- out = 5
- > (set-bit! bs 0)
- out = nil
- > (next-set-bit bs 0)
- out = 0
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (len (n data))
- (eindex (bit->element start))
- (result -1)]
- (demand (< eindex len))
- (while (and (= result -1) (< eindex len))
- (for i 0 (- bits-per-int 1) 1
- (with (j (+ (* eindex bits-per-int) i))
- (when (and (= result -1) (get-bit bs j) (>= j start))
- (set! result j))))
- (inc! eindex))
- result))
- (defun next-clear-bit (bs start)
- "Finds the next clear bit in the bitset BS at or after the index START. If no clear bit is found, -1 is returned
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! bs 0)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! bs 1)
- out = nil
- > (next-clear-bit bs 0)
- out = 2
- > (clear-bit! bs 0)
- out = nil
- > (next-clear-bit bs 0)
- out = 0
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (len (n data))
- (eindex (bit->element start))
- (result -1)]
- (demand (< eindex len))
- (while (and (= result -1) (< eindex len))
- (for i 0 (- bits-per-int 1) 1
- (with (j (+ (* eindex bits-per-int) i))
- (when (and (= result -1) (not (get-bit bs j)) (>= j start))
- (set! result j))))
- (inc! eindex))
- result))
- (defun cardinality (bs)
- "Returns the number of set bits in the bitset BS
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define bs (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! bs 1)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! bs 4)
- out = nil
- > (cardinality bs)
- out = 2
- ```"
- (assert-type! bs bitset)
- (let* [(data (bitset-data bs))
- (count 0)]
- (for-each elem data
- (for i 0 (- bits-per-int 1) 1
- (when (bit-test elem (shl 1 i))
- (inc! count))))
- count))
- (defun intersects (x y)
- "Tests if two bitsets share any of the same set bits
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define a (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (define b (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! a 2)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! b 2)
- out = nil
- > (intersects a b)
- out = true
- ```"
- (assert-type! x bitset)
- (assert-type! y bitset)
- (let* [(dx (bitset-data x))
- (dy (bitset-data y))
- (len (min (n dx) (n dy)))
- (result false)]
- (for i 1 len 1
- (when (bit-test (nth dx i) (nth dy i))
- (set! result true)))
- result))
- (defun bitsets-and (x y)
- "Performs a logical AND between two bitsets and returns the result as a new bitset
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define a (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (define b (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! a 2)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! b 2)
- out = nil
- > (bitsets-and a b)
- out = «bitset: 00000004»
- ```"
- (assert-type! x bitset)
- (assert-type! y bitset)
- (let* [(result '())
- (dx (bitset-data x))
- (dy (bitset-data y))
- (len (min (n dx) (n dy)))]
- (for i 1 len 1
- (push! result (bit-and (nth dx i) (nth dy i))))
- (with (rbs (make-bitset))
- (.<! rbs :data result)
- rbs)))
- (defun bitsets-or (x y)
- "Performs a logical OR between two bitsets and returns the result as a new bitset
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define a (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (define b (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! a 0)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! b 1)
- out = nil
- > (bitsets-or a b)
- out = «bitset: 00000003»
- ```"
- (assert-type! x bitset)
- (assert-type! y bitset)
- (let* [(result '())
- (dx (bitset-data x))
- (dy (bitset-data y))
- (xlen (n dx))
- (ylen (n dy))
- (len (max xlen ylen))]
- (for i 1 len 1
- (if (and (<= i xlen) (<= i ylen))
- (push! result (bit-or (nth dx i) (nth dy i)))
- (if (<= i xlen)
- (push! result (nth dx i))
- (push! result (nth dy i)))))
- (with (rbs (make-bitset))
- (.<! rbs :data result)
- rbs)))
- (defun bitsets-xor (x y)
- "Performs a logical XOR between two bitsets and returns the result as a new bitset
- ### Example:
- ```cl
- > (define a (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (define b (make-bitset))
- out = «bitset: »
- > (set-bit! a 0)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! a 1)
- out = nil
- > (set-bit! b 1)
- out = nil
- > (bitsets-xor a b)
- out = «bitset: 00000001»
- ```"
- (assert-type! x bitset)
- (assert-type! y bitset)
- (let* [(result '())
- (dx (bitset-data x))
- (dy (bitset-data y))
- (xlen (n dx))
- (ylen (n dy))
- (len (max xlen ylen))]
- (for i 1 len 1
- (if (and (<= i xlen) (<= i ylen))
- (push! result (bit-xor (nth dx i) (nth dy i)))
- (if (<= i xlen)
- (push! result (nth dx i))
- (push! result (nth dy i)))))
- (with (rbs (make-bitset))
- (.<! rbs :data result)
- rbs)))