#81 Can't input combined emojis

öppnade 1 år sedan av nuclearkev · 1 kommentarer

I don't think this is super important but if you attempt to input a combined emoji you'll get some control characters instead of the actual unicode values. This issue is because gtemp (the temp buffer used to hold both clipboard and unicode inputs) is a char_t[] and not an uint32_t[]. The best solution would be to covert the unicode characters into their char_t equivalents using something similar to char_to_unicode but reversed. Simply casting the uint32_t to a char_t doesn't work here.

I don't think this is super important but if you attempt to input a combined emoji you'll get some control characters instead of the actual unicode values. This issue is because `gtemp` (the temp buffer used to hold both clipboard and unicode inputs) is a `char_t[]` and not an `uint32_t[]`. The best solution would be to covert the unicode characters into their `char_t` equivalents using something similar to `char_to_unicode` but reversed. Simply casting the `uint32_t` to a `char_t` doesn't work here.

Thanks to dff57060c7, I think this will be easier to fix than expected. It's not working as of now but it may just need a small tweak to work.

Thanks to dff57060c76fad8caf7cb4b40e18e545ac58e161, I think this will be easier to fix than expected. It's not working as of now but it may just need a small tweak to work.
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