#69 Fix clipboard pasting

1 рік тому відкрито nuclearkev · 0 коментарів
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom відкоментовано 1 рік тому

If you paste something from the clipboard that has spaces or tabs starting on lines, the content will keep getting shifted farther and farther to the right as it continues to paste. The best way to solve this is to use in-editor pasting when something gets pasted in via the clipboard.

If you paste something from the clipboard that has spaces or tabs starting on lines, the content will keep getting shifted farther and farther to the right as it continues to paste. The best way to solve this is to use in-editor pasting when something gets pasted in via the clipboard.
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom згадано цю проблему в коміті 1 рік тому
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