#68 Allow the inputting of control characters (C-q)

1 سال پیش باز شده توسط nuclearkev · 0 دیدگاه

Emacs allows this and to be honest I think there is a good reason to be able to do this. I wanted to query-replace all the color control chars in a file and I couldn't do it. That being said I'd have to be able to input them into the msgline.

Emacs allows this and to be honest I think there is a good reason to be able to do this. I wanted to query-replace all the color control chars in a file and I couldn't do it. That being said I'd have to be able to input them into the msgline.
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom ارجاع این مسئله به کامیت 11 ماه پیش
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