#35 pasting at the end of the buffer doesn't jump the cursor to the end

otvorené 1 rok pred užívateľom nuclearkev · 1 komentárov

After pasting there is confusion because you're still at the same point that you were at when you pasted but when you try to move it'll jump you to the bottom. Likely a displaying issue with the point not existing until after the gap has been expanded.

After pasting there is confusion because you're still at the same point that you were at when you pasted but when you try to move it'll jump you to the bottom. Likely a displaying issue with the point not existing until after the gap has been expanded.
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom sa odvolal na túto issue z commitu 1 rok pred
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom okomentoval 1 rok pred

This is going in the 1.3 release.

This is going in the 1.3 release.
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