#26 Better tab handling in both `complete.c` functions

nuclearkev atvēra 1 gadu atpakaļ · 0 komentāri

Two part issue:

  1. In find-buffer, the tabbing won't work if you perform any keybinding other than typing in a valid character.
  2. In find-file, tabbing works well for the most part but you'll get a seg fault if you tab when not at the end of the msgline and then move to the end of the msgline and hit tab.
Two part issue: 1. In find-buffer, the tabbing won't work if you perform any keybinding other than typing in a valid character. 2. In find-file, tabbing works well for the most part but you'll get a seg fault if you tab when not at the end of the msgline and then move to the end of the msgline and hit tab.
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom pieminēja šo problēmu revīzijā 1 gadu atpakaļ
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