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Here is a list of my favorite games. I really like roguelike games which is probably my favorite genre. You may see that as a trend in this list. The list is in no particular order as most of these games don't really compare with each other.

  1. Spelunky
    1. I'm referring to Spelunky HD not Spelunky 2. While Spelunky 2 is a great game, I think that Spelunky HD is the pinnacle of Spelunky.
  2. Tomba & Tomba 2
    1. A perfect blend of RPG and platforming with a completely different combat style. Was one of my favorite games as a kid (Tomba 2) and after playing them again as an adult, they still are!
  3. Runescape 2
    1. While the combat was always kinda boring, the skilling was always and still is super fun. I don't recommend getting a membership anymore but back in the day, this was amazing! If you play it today, you'll find that it's just as good as it was back then.
  4. Minecraft/Minetest
  5. Unexplored
    1. While extremely buggy and will more than like crash on you, this is a perfect combination of a traditional roguelike and a real-time dungeon crawler. Everything I love about roguelikes is in this game.
  6. NetHack & Brogue
    1. The game that started it all. I don't like the impossible difficulty, as I've never actually beaten it, but I've almost always have a blast picking it up and playing it again.
  7. Bomberman
    1. I'm a huge Bomberman fan and I've played a ton of the games - I couldn't pick just one for this list so I just picked Bomberman in general.
    2. Bomberman Quest
    3. Super Bomberman 2/3/4/R
    4. Bomberman '93/'94
    5. Saturn Bomberman
  8. Machinarium
    1. Steampunk is one of my favorite styles and this games hits it perfect. Super fun game and is pretty much totally unique.
  9. Quake 3 Arena
    1. While I like Quake 1 and 2 as well, Quake 3 is my specialty. Flawless 100% skill-based shooter. No special treatment for anyone. Best shooter ever made.
  10. Q*Bert on PS1
    1. I like most Q*Bert games but this one takes the gold. The difficulty is insane but they did an amazing job with this game and the variety it has. The different levels are all pretty unique and keep you interested in the game unlike many other Q*Bert games.