123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- // Copyright 2014 Dolphin Emulator Project
- // Licensed under GPLv2+
- // Refer to the license.txt file included.
- #include <cmath>
- #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h"
- #include "VideoCommon/GeometryShaderGen.h"
- #include "VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.h"
- #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.h"
- #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
- static char text[16384];
- static const char* primitives_ogl[] =
- {
- "points",
- "lines",
- "triangles"
- };
- static const char* primitives_d3d[] =
- {
- "point",
- "line",
- "triangle"
- };
- template<class T> static inline void EmitVertex(T& out, const char* vertex, API_TYPE ApiType, bool first_vertex = false);
- template<class T> static inline void EndPrimitive(T& out, API_TYPE ApiType);
- template<class T>
- static inline void GenerateGeometryShader(T& out, u32 primitive_type, API_TYPE ApiType)
- {
- // Non-uid template parameters will write to the dummy data (=> gets optimized out)
- geometry_shader_uid_data dummy_data;
- geometry_shader_uid_data* uid_data = out.template GetUidData<geometry_shader_uid_data>();
- if (uid_data == nullptr)
- uid_data = &dummy_data;
- out.SetBuffer(text);
- const bool is_writing_shadercode = (out.GetBuffer() != nullptr);
- if (is_writing_shadercode)
- text[sizeof(text) - 1] = 0x7C; // canary
- uid_data->primitive_type = primitive_type;
- const unsigned int vertex_in = primitive_type + 1;
- unsigned int vertex_out = primitive_type == PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES ? 3 : 4;
- uid_data->wireframe = g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame;
- if (g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame)
- vertex_out++;
- uid_data->stereo = g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0;
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- {
- // Insert layout parameters
- if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGSInstancing)
- {
- out.Write("layout(%s, invocations = %d) in;\n", primitives_ogl[primitive_type], g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0 ? 2 : 1);
- out.Write("layout(%s_strip, max_vertices = %d) out;\n", g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame ? "line" : "triangle", vertex_out);
- }
- else
- {
- out.Write("layout(%s) in;\n", primitives_ogl[primitive_type]);
- out.Write("layout(%s_strip, max_vertices = %d) out;\n", g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame ? "line" : "triangle", g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0 ? vertex_out * 2 : vertex_out);
- }
- }
- out.Write("%s", s_lighting_struct);
- // uniforms
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- out.Write("layout(std140%s) uniform GSBlock {\n", g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBindingLayout ? ", binding = 3" : "");
- else
- out.Write("cbuffer GSBlock {\n");
- out.Write(
- "\tfloat4 " I_STEREOPARAMS";\n"
- "\tfloat4 " I_LINEPTPARAMS";\n"
- "\tint4 " I_TEXOFFSET";\n"
- "};\n");
- uid_data->numTexGens = xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens;
- uid_data->pixel_lighting = g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting;
- out.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT {\n");
- GenerateVSOutputMembers<T>(out, ApiType);
- out.Write("};\n");
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- {
- if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGSInstancing)
- out.Write("#define InstanceID gl_InvocationID\n");
- out.Write("in VertexData {\n");
- GenerateVSOutputMembers<T>(out, ApiType, g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBindingLayout ? "centroid" : "centroid in");
- out.Write("} vs[%d];\n", vertex_in);
- out.Write("out VertexData {\n");
- GenerateVSOutputMembers<T>(out, ApiType, g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBindingLayout ? "centroid" : "centroid out");
- if (g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0)
- out.Write("\tflat int layer;\n");
- out.Write("} ps;\n");
- out.Write("void main()\n{\n");
- }
- else // D3D
- {
- out.Write("struct VertexData {\n");
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT o;\n");
- if (g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0)
- out.Write("\tuint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;\n");
- out.Write("};\n");
- if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGSInstancing)
- {
- out.Write("[maxvertexcount(%d)]\n[instance(%d)]\n", vertex_out, g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0 ? 2 : 1);
- out.Write("void main(%s VS_OUTPUT o[%d], inout %sStream<VertexData> output, in uint InstanceID : SV_GSInstanceID)\n{\n", primitives_d3d[primitive_type], vertex_in, g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame ? "Line" : "Triangle");
- }
- else
- {
- out.Write("[maxvertexcount(%d)]\n", g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0 ? vertex_out * 2 : vertex_out);
- out.Write("void main(%s VS_OUTPUT o[%d], inout %sStream<VertexData> output)\n{\n", primitives_d3d[primitive_type], vertex_in, g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame ? "Line" : "Triangle");
- }
- out.Write("\tVertexData ps;\n");
- }
- if (primitive_type == PRIMITIVE_LINES)
- {
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT start, end;\n");
- AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "start", "vs[0]");
- AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "end", "vs[1]");
- }
- else
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT start = o[0];\n");
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT end = o[1];\n");
- }
- // GameCube/Wii's line drawing algorithm is a little quirky. It does not
- // use the correct line caps. Instead, the line caps are vertical or
- // horizontal depending the slope of the line.
- out.Write(
- "\tfloat2 offset;\n"
- "\tfloat2 to = abs(end.pos.xy / end.pos.w - start.pos.xy / start.pos.w);\n"
- // FIXME: What does real hardware do when line is at a 45-degree angle?
- // FIXME: Lines aren't drawn at the correct width. See Twilight Princess map.
- "\tif (" I_LINEPTPARAMS".y * to.y > " I_LINEPTPARAMS".x * to.x) {\n"
- // Line is more tall. Extend geometry left and right.
- // Lerp LineWidth/2 from [0..VpWidth] to [-1..1]
- "\t\toffset = float2(" I_LINEPTPARAMS".z / " I_LINEPTPARAMS".x, 0);\n"
- "\t} else {\n"
- // Line is more wide. Extend geometry up and down.
- // Lerp LineWidth/2 from [0..VpHeight] to [1..-1]
- "\t\toffset = float2(0, -" I_LINEPTPARAMS".z / " I_LINEPTPARAMS".y);\n"
- "\t}\n");
- }
- else if (primitive_type == PRIMITIVE_POINTS)
- {
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT center;\n");
- AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "center", "vs[0]");
- }
- else
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT center = o[0];\n");
- }
- // Offset from center to upper right vertex
- // Lerp PointSize/2 from [0,0..VpWidth,VpHeight] to [-1,1..1,-1]
- out.Write("\tfloat2 offset = float2(" I_LINEPTPARAMS".w / " I_LINEPTPARAMS".x, -" I_LINEPTPARAMS".w / " I_LINEPTPARAMS".y) * center.pos.w;\n");
- }
- if (g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0)
- {
- // If the GPU supports invocation we don't need a for loop and can simply use the
- // invocation identifier to determine which layer we're rendering.
- if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGSInstancing)
- out.Write("\tint eye = InstanceID;\n");
- else
- out.Write("\tfor (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) {\n");
- }
- if (g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame)
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT first;\n");
- out.Write("\tfor (int i = 0; i < %d; ++i) {\n", vertex_in);
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT f;\n");
- AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "f", "vs[i]");
- }
- else
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT f = o[i];\n");
- }
- if (g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0)
- {
- // Select the output layer
- out.Write("\tps.layer = eye;\n");
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- out.Write("\tgl_Layer = eye;\n");
- // For stereoscopy add a small horizontal offset in Normalized Device Coordinates proportional
- // to the depth of the vertex. We retrieve the depth value from the w-component of the projected
- // vertex which contains the negated z-component of the original vertex.
- // For negative parallax (out-of-screen effects) we subtract a convergence value from
- // the depth value. This results in objects at a distance smaller than the convergence
- // distance to seemingly appear in front of the screen.
- // This formula is based on page 13 of the "Nvidia 3D Vision Automatic, Best Practices Guide"
- out.Write("\tf.pos.x += " I_STEREOPARAMS"[eye] * (f.pos.w - " I_STEREOPARAMS"[2]);\n");
- }
- if (primitive_type == PRIMITIVE_LINES)
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT l = f;\n"
- "\tVS_OUTPUT r = f;\n");
- out.Write("\tl.pos.xy -= offset * l.pos.w;\n"
- "\tr.pos.xy += offset * r.pos.w;\n");
- out.Write("\tif (" I_TEXOFFSET"[2] != 0) {\n");
- out.Write("\tfloat texOffset = 1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET"[2]);\n");
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
- {
- out.Write("\tif (((" I_TEXOFFSET"[0] >> %d) & 0x1) != 0)\n", i);
- out.Write("\t\tr.tex%d.x += texOffset;\n", i);
- }
- out.Write("\t}\n");
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "l", ApiType, true);
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "r", ApiType);
- }
- else if (primitive_type == PRIMITIVE_POINTS)
- {
- out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT ll = f;\n"
- "\tVS_OUTPUT lr = f;\n"
- "\tVS_OUTPUT ul = f;\n"
- "\tVS_OUTPUT ur = f;\n");
- out.Write("\tll.pos.xy += float2(-1,-1) * offset;\n"
- "\tlr.pos.xy += float2(1,-1) * offset;\n"
- "\tul.pos.xy += float2(-1,1) * offset;\n"
- "\tur.pos.xy += offset;\n");
- out.Write("\tif (" I_TEXOFFSET"[3] != 0) {\n");
- out.Write("\tfloat2 texOffset = float2(1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET"[3]), 1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET"[3]));\n");
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
- {
- out.Write("\tif (((" I_TEXOFFSET"[1] >> %d) & 0x1) != 0) {\n", i);
- out.Write("\t\tll.tex%d.xy += float2(0,1) * texOffset;\n", i);
- out.Write("\t\tlr.tex%d.xy += texOffset;\n", i);
- out.Write("\t\tur.tex%d.xy += float2(1,0) * texOffset;\n", i);
- out.Write("\t}\n");
- }
- out.Write("\t}\n");
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "ll", ApiType, true);
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "lr", ApiType);
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "ul", ApiType);
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "ur", ApiType);
- }
- else
- {
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "f", ApiType, true);
- }
- out.Write("\t}\n");
- EndPrimitive<T>(out, ApiType);
- if (g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0 && !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGSInstancing)
- out.Write("\t}\n");
- out.Write("}\n");
- if (is_writing_shadercode)
- {
- if (text[sizeof(text) - 1] != 0x7C)
- PanicAlert("GeometryShader generator - buffer too small, canary has been eaten!");
- }
- }
- template<class T>
- static inline void EmitVertex(T& out, const char* vertex, API_TYPE ApiType, bool first_vertex)
- {
- if (g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame && first_vertex)
- out.Write("\tif (i == 0) first = %s;\n", vertex);
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- {
- out.Write("\tgl_Position = %s.pos;\n", vertex);
- AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "ps", vertex);
- }
- else
- {
- out.Write("\tps.o = %s;\n", vertex);
- }
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- out.Write("\tEmitVertex();\n");
- else
- out.Write("\toutput.Append(ps);\n");
- }
- template<class T>
- static inline void EndPrimitive(T& out, API_TYPE ApiType)
- {
- if (g_ActiveConfig.bWireFrame)
- EmitVertex<T>(out, "first", ApiType);
- if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
- out.Write("\tEndPrimitive();\n");
- else
- out.Write("\toutput.RestartStrip();\n");
- }
- void GetGeometryShaderUid(GeometryShaderUid& object, u32 primitive_type, API_TYPE ApiType)
- {
- GenerateGeometryShader<GeometryShaderUid>(object, primitive_type, ApiType);
- }
- void GenerateGeometryShaderCode(ShaderCode& object, u32 primitive_type, API_TYPE ApiType)
- {
- GenerateGeometryShader<ShaderCode>(object, primitive_type, ApiType);
- }