This document describes the WIA disc image format, version 1.00, as implemented in wit v2.40a. A few notes about Dolphin's implementation of the format are also included, where Dolphin differs from wit. The unique features of WIA compared to older formats like GCZ are:
Like essentially all compressed GC/Wii disc image formats, WIA divides the data into blocks (called chunks in wit). Each chunk is compressed separately, making random access of compressed data possible.
The struct names and variable names below are taken directly from wit. Data in WIA files can be stored in any order unless otherwise noted. All integers are big endian unless otherwise noted. The type sha1_hash_t
refers to an array of 20 bytes.
This struct is stored at offset 0x0 and is 0x48 bytes long. The wit source code says its format will never be changed.
A short note from the wit source code about how version numbers are encoded:
// Format of version number: AABBCCDD = A.BB | A.BB.CC
// If D != 0x00 && D != 0xff => append: 'beta' D
|Type and name|Description|
|char magic[4]
|Always contains "WIA\x1"
|u32 version
|The WIA format version.|
|u32 version_compatible
|If the reading program supports the version of WIA indicated here, it can read the file. version
can be higher than version_compatible
(wit v2.40a sets the former to 0x01000000
and the latter to 0x00090000
|u32 disc_size
|The size of the wia_disc_t
struct. wit v2.40a always includes the full 7 bytes of compr_data
when writing this.|
|sha1_hash_t disc_hash
|The SHA-1 hash of the wia_disc_t
struct. The number of bytes to hash is determined by disc_size
. For instance, you may have to hash all 7 bytes of compr_data
regardless of what compr_data_len
|u64 iso_file_size
|The original size of the disc (or in other words, the size of the ISO file that has the same contents as this WIA file).|
|u64 wia_file_size
|The size of this file.|
|sha1_hash_t file_head_hash
|The SHA-1 hash of this struct, up to but not including file_head_hash
This struct is stored at offset 0x48, immediately after wia_file_head_t
|Type and name|Description|
|u32 disc_type
|wit sets this to 0 for "unknown" (does this ever happen in practice?), 1 for GameCube discs, 2 for Wii discs.|
|u32 compression
|0 for NONE, 1 for PURGE (see the wia_segment_t
section), 2 for BZIP2, 3 for LZMA, 4 for LZMA2.
|u32 compr_level
|The compression level used by the compressor. The possible values are compressor-specific. For informational purposes only.|
|u32 chunk_size
|The size of the chunks that data is divided into. Must be a multiple of 2 MiB.|
|u8 dhead[0x80]
|The first 0x80 bytes of the disc image.
|u32 n_part
|The number of wia_part_t
|u32 part_t_size
|The size of one wia_part_t
struct. If this is smaller than sizeof(wia_part_t)
, fill the missing bytes with 0x00
|u64 part_off
|The offset in the file where the wia_part_t
structs are stored (uncompressed).|
|sha1_hash_t part_hash
|The SHA-1 hash of the wia_part_t
structs. The number of bytes to hash is determined by n_part * part_t_size
|u32 n_raw_data
|The number of wia_raw_data_t
|u64 raw_data_off
|The offset in the file where the wia_raw_data_t
structs are stored (compressed).|
|u32 raw_data_size
|The total compressed size of the wia_raw_data_t
|u32 n_groups
|The number of wia_group_t
|u64 group_off
|The offset in the file where the wia_group_t
structs are stored (compressed).|
|u32 group_size
|The total compressed size of the wia_group_t
|u8 compr_data_len
|The number of used bytes in the compr_data
|u8 compr_data[7]
|Compressor specific data (see below).|
If the compression method is NONE, PURGE or BZIP2, compr_data_len
is 0. If the compression method is LZMA or LZMA2, the compressor specific data is stored in the format used by the 7-Zip SDK. It needs to be converted if you are using e.g. liblzma.
For LZMA, the data is 5 bytes long. The first byte encodes the lc
, pb
, and lp
parameters, and the four other bytes encode the dictionary size in little endian. The first byte can be decoded as follows (code from the 7-Zip SDK):
d = data[0];
if (d >= (9 * 5 * 5))
p->lc = d % 9;
d /= 9;
p->pb = d / 5;
p->lp = d % 5;
For LZMA2, the data consists of a single byte that encodes the dictionary size. It can be decoded as follows (code from the 7-Zip SDK):
#define LZMA2_DIC_SIZE_FROM_PROP(p) (((UInt32)2 | ((p) & 1)) << ((p) / 2 + 11))
if (prop > 40)
dicSize = (prop == 40) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : LZMA2_DIC_SIZE_FROM_PROP(prop);
Preset dictionaries are not used for any compression method.
|Type and name|Description|
|u32 first_sector
|The sector on the disc at which this data starts. One sector is 32 KiB (or 31 KiB excluding hashes).|
|u32 n_sectors
|The number of sectors on the disc covered by this struct. One sector is 32 KiB (or 31 KiB excluding hashes).|
|u32 group_index
|The index of the first wia_group_t
struct that points to the data covered by this struct. The other wia_group_t
indices follow sequentially.|
|u32 n_groups
|The number of wia_group_t
structs used for this data.|
This struct is used for keeping track of Wii partition data that on the actual disc is encrypted and hashed. This does not include the unencrypted area at the beginning of partitions that contains the ticket, TMD, certificate chain, and H3 table. So for a typical game partition, pd[0].first_sector * 0x8000
would be 0x0F820000, not 0x0F800000.
Wii partition data is stored decrypted and with hashes removed. For each 0x8000 bytes on the disc, 0x7C00 bytes are stored in the WIA file (prior to compression). If the hashes are desired, the reading program must first recalculate the hashes as done when creating a Wii disc image from scratch (see, and must then apply the hash exceptions which are stored along with the data (see the wia_except_list_t
|Type and name|Description|
|u8 part_key[16]
|The title key for this partition (128-bit AES), which can be used for re-encrypting the partition data. This key can be used directly, without decrypting it using the Wii common key.|
|wia_part_data_t pd[2]
|To quote the wit source code: segment 0 is small and defined for management data (boot .. fst). segment 1 takes the remaining data
. The point at which wit splits the two segments is the FST end offset rounded up to the next 2 MiB. Giving the first segment a size which is not a multiple of 2 MiB is likely a bad idea (unless the second segment has a size of 0).|
This struct is used for keeping track of disc data that is not stored as wia_part_t
. The data is stored as is (other than compression being applied).
The first wia_raw_data_t
has raw_data_off
set to 0x80 and raw_data_size
set to 0x4FF80, but despite this, it actually contains 0x50000 bytes of data. (However, the first 0x80 bytes should be read from wia_disc_t
instead.) This should be handled by rounding the offset down to the previous multiple of 0x8000 (and adding the equivalent amount to the size so that the end offset stays the same), not by special casing the first wia_raw_data_t
|Type and name|Description|
|u64 raw_data_off
|The offset on the disc at which this data starts.|
|u64 raw_data_size
|The number of bytes on the disc covered by this struct.|
|u32 group_index
|The index of the first wia_group_t
struct that points to the data covered by this struct. The other wia_group_t
indices follow sequentially.|
|u32 n_groups
|The number of wia_group_t
structs used for this data.|
This struct points directly to the actual disc data, stored compressed. The data is interpreted differently depending on whether the wia_group_t
is referenced by a wia_part_data_t
or a wia_raw_data_t
(see the wia_part_t
section for details).
A wia_group_t
normally contains chunk_size
bytes of decompressed data (or chunk_size / 0x8000 * 0x7C00
for Wii partition data when not counting hashes), not counting any wia_except_list_t
structs. However, the last wia_group_t
of a wia_part_data_t
or wia_raw_data_t
contains less data than that if n_sectors * 0x8000
(for wia_part_data_t
) or raw_data_size
(for wia_raw_data_t
) is not evenly divisible by chunk_size
|Type and name|Description|
|u32 data_off4
|The offset in the file where the compressed data is stored, divided by 4.|
|u32 data_size
|The size of the compressed data, including any wia_except_list_t
structs. 0 is a special case meaning that every byte of the decompressed data is 0x00
and the wia_except_list_t
structs (if there are supposed to be any) contain 0 exceptions.|
This struct represents a 20-byte difference between the recalculated hash data and the original hash data. (See also wia_except_list_t
When recalculating hashes for a wia_group_t
with a size which is not evenly divisible by 2 MiB (with the size of the hashes included), the missing bytes should be treated as zeroes for the purpose of hashing. (wit's writing code seems to act as if the reading code does not assume that these missing bytes are zero, but both wit's and Dolphin's reading code treat them as zero. Dolphin's writing code assumes that the reading code treats them as zero.)
wit's writing code only outputs wia_exception_t
structs for mismatches in the actual hash data, not in the padding data (which normally only contains zeroes). Dolphin's writing code outputs wia_exception_t
structs for both hash data and padding data. When Dolphin needs to write wia_exception_t
structs for a padding area which is 32 bytes long, it writes one which covers the first 20 bytes of the padding area and one which covers the last 20 bytes of the padding area, generating 12 bytes of overlap between the wia_exception_t
|Type and name|Description|
|u16 offset
|The offset among the hashes. The offsets 0x0000
here map to the offsets 0x0000
in the full 2 MiB of data, the offsets 0x0400
here map to the offsets 0x8000
in the full 2 MiB of data, and so on. The offsets start over at 0 for each new wia_except_list_t
|sha1_hash_t hash
|The hash that the automatically generated hash at the given offset needs to be replaced with. The replacement should happen after calculating all hashes for the current 2 MiB of data but before encrypting the hashes.|
Each wia_group_t
of Wii partition data contains one or more wia_except_list_t
structs before the actual data, one for each 2 MiB of data in the wia_group_t
. The number of wia_except_list_t
structs per wia_group_t
is always chunk_size / 0x200000
, even for a wia_group_t
which contains less data than normal due to it being at the end of a partition.
For memory management reasons, programs which read WIA files might place a limit on how many exceptions there can be in a wia_except_list_t
. Dolphin's reading code has a limit of 52×64=3328 (unless the compression method is NONE or PURGE, in which case there is no limit), which is enough to cover all hashes and all padding. wit's reading code seems to be written as if 47×64=3008 is the maximum it needs to be able to handle, which is enough to cover all hashes but not any padding. However, because wit allocates more memory than needed, it seems to be possible to exceed 3008 by some amount without problems. It should be safe for writing code to assume that reading code can handle at least 3328 exceptions per wia_except_list_t
|Type and name|Description|
|u16 n_exceptions
|The number of wia_exception_t
|wia_exception_t exception[n_exceptions]
|Each wia_exception_t
describes one difference between the hashes obtained by hashing the partition data and the original hashes.|
Somewhat ironically, there are exceptions to how wia_except_list_t
structs are handled:
structs are stored uncompressed (in other words, before the first wia_segment_t
). For BZIP2, LZMA and LZMA2, they are compressed along with the rest of the data.wia_except_list_t
is not evenly divisible by 4, padding is inserted after it so that the data afterwards will start at a 4 byte boundary. This padding is not inserted for the other compression methods.wia_segment_t
This struct is used by the simple compression method PURGE, which stores runs of zeroes efficiently and stores other data as is.
|Type and name|Description|
|u32 offset
|The offset of data
within the decompressed data. (Any wia_except_list_t
structs are not counted as part of the decompressed data.)|
|u32 size
|The number of bytes in data
|u8 data[size]
Each PURGE chunk contains zero or more wia_segment_t
structs stored in order of ascending offset
, followed by a SHA-1 hash (0x14 bytes) of the wia_except_list_t
structs (if any) and the wia_segment_t
structs. Bytes in the decompressed data that are not covered by any wia_segment_t
struct are set to 0x00
RVZ is a file format which is closely based on WIA. The differences are as follows:
in wia_disc_t
is set to 5 when Zstandard is used, and there is no compressor specific data. compr_level
in wia_disc_t
should be treated as signed instead of unsigned because Zstandard supports negative compression levels.wia_except_list_t
which contains exceptions for that chunk (and no other chunks). Offset 0 refers to the first hash of the current chunk, not the first hash of the full 2 MiB of data.wia_group_t
struct has been expanded. See the rvz_group_t
section below.rvz_group_t
Compared to wia_group_t
, rvz_group_t
changes the meaning of the most significant bit of data_size
and adds one additional attribute.
"Compressed data" below means the data as it is stored in the file. When compression is disabled, this "compressed data" is actually not compressed.
|Type and name|Description|
|u32 data_off4
|The offset in the file where the compressed data is stored, divided by 4.|
|u32 data_size
|The most significant bit is 1 if the data is compressed using the compression method indicated in wia_disc_t
, and 0 if it is not compressed. The lower 31 bits are the size of the compressed data, including any wia_except_list_t
structs. The lower 31 bits being 0 is a special case meaning that every byte of the decompressed and unpacked data is 0x00
and the wia_except_list_t
structs (if there are supposed to be any) contain 0 exceptions.|
|u32 rvz_packed_size
|The size after decompressing but before decoding the RVZ packing. If this is 0, RVZ packing is not used for this group.|
The RVZ packing encoding scheme can be applied to wia_group_t
data, with any bzip2/LZMA/Zstandard compression being applied on top of it. (In other words, when reading an RVZ file, bzip2/LZMA/Zstandard decompression is done before decoding the RVZ packing.) RVZ packed data can be decoded as follows:
is not set, read size
bytes and output them unchanged. If the most significant bit of size
is set, unset the most significant bit of size
, then read 68 bytes of PRNG seed data and output size
bytes using the PRNG algorithm described below.The PRNG algorithm used for generating padding data on GameCube and Wii discs is a Lagged Fibonacci generator with the parameters f = xor, j = 32, k = 521.
Start by allocating a buffer of 521 32-bit words.
u32 buffer[521];
Copy the 68 bytes (17 words) of seed data into the start of the buffer. This seed data is stored in big endian in RVZ files, so remember to byteswap each word if the system is not big endian. Then, use the following code to fill the remaining part of the buffer:
for (size_t i = 17; i < 521; i++)
buffer[i] = (buffer[i - 17] << 23) ^ (buffer[i - 16] >> 9) ^ buffer[i - 1];
The following code is used for advancing the state of the PRNG by a full buffer length. You must run it 4 times before you can start outputting data, and must then run it once after every 521 words of data you output.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
buffer[i] ^= buffer[i + 521 - 32];
for (size_t i = 32; i < 521; i++)
buffer[i] ^= buffer[i - 32];
After running the above code 4 times, you are ready to output data from the buffer -- but only if the offset (relative to the start of the disc for wia_raw_data_t
and relative to the start of the partition data for wia_part_t
) at which you are outputting data is evenly divisible by 32 KiB. Otherwise, you first have to advance the state of the PRNG by offset % 0x8000
bytes. Please note that the hashes are not counted in the offset for wia_part_t
, yet the number is still 32 KiB and not 31 KiB.
To finally output a word of data from the buffer, use the following code:
u8* out;
u32* buffer_ptr;
/* ... */
*(out++) = *buffer_ptr >> 24;
*(out++) = *buffer_ptr >> 18; // NB: 18, not 16
*(out++) = *buffer_ptr >> 8;
*(out++) = *buffer_ptr;