123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956 |
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- v1.1 by kenobi
- History :
- v1.1 : Removed the 'NCT' codes types.
- Added 'Byte Copy', 'Pointer Mod' and 'AND/OR' codes type.
- Added some notes about the (m) codes, the 'write to CCxxxxxx' code.
- Fixed some typos.
- v1.0 : Initial release.
- Special thanks to Parasyte for his help/informations about some codes types.
- This document has been written for educational purpose.
- It may help you create codes for the GCN AR, or they might be useless
- junk... Your call !
- If you know the GBA's ARv3 codes types, you'll find the GCN AR codes types
- quite similar...
- Also note that the PS2's AR MAX codes types are very close to the GCN ones.
- Warning : This document is meant for advanced codes creators, NOT FOR
- *************** If you are an experienced, known (by me or gscentral
- admins) code hacker, and you don't
- understand this document, you may try to ask help using the
- www.gscentral.com forums
- (or PM me there).
- Special Note 1 : All adresses MUST be compatible with the data size you want
- the codes are using.
- *************** That means : -ANY address can be used for BYTE
- reading/writing.
- -Address MUST be a multiple of 2 for HALFWORD
- reading/writing.
- (Last hex number of the address must be either
- :0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E)
- -Address MUST be a multiple of 4 for WORD
- reading/writing.
- (Last hex number of the address must be either
- :0,4,8,C)
- If you don't follow this rule, the codes won't work (or the
- AR might crash)...!
- Special Note 2 : All codes are formatted like that : XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY.
- I called ADDRESS (in caps) the XXXXXXXX, and VALUE (in
- caps) the YYYYYYYY.
- Special Note 3 : GCN memory range is 0x80000000 - 0x817FFFFF cached, and
- 0xC0000000 - 0xC17FFFFF uncached.
- (don't ask what it means, I don't get it either :P).
- The codes will usualy write to the cached area.
- Special Note 4 : The codes type numbers I give after a code name is a number
- created like this:
- For "Type zX" codes , the number X is :
- AAA (3 most significant bits of the code's "VALUE")
- For normal codes, the number in parenthesis after the name
- of the code is :
- AAABBCC (7 most significant bits of the code's
- AAA : type bits.
- BB : subtype bits.
- CC : value bits.
- You can use them as reference, or just ignore them...
- Special Note 5 : Any "unused" data could be filled with random numbers to
- create a "unique encryption",
- which could "sign" your codes. I randomly explained how it
- works. It might not work
- with every code. This feature isn't really interessing, but
- I felt like it should be
- noticed.
- Special Note 6 : "Register 1BB4" is one of the register (= a given place in
- the NGC memory) that the AR
- uses to store some data while executing codes.
- Special Note 7 : The addresses, values, and all the numbers starting by
- "0x", or having the letter(s)
- A, B, C, D, E and/or F in them are Hexadecimal numbers. If
- you don't know what hexadecimal
- is, make a search in Google.
- Special Note 8 : If you don't know C/C++, be aware that "<<" means "Shift
- left", and ">>" "Shift right".
- "Shift left" is the "Lsh" button of the Windows calculator
- (in "Scientific" mode).
- "Shift right" is gotten by clicking the "Inv" checkbox,
- then the "Lsh" button of the
- Windows calculator (in "Scientific" mode).
- ________________
- ----------------
- | Type z Codes |
- ----------------
- "Type z" are codes which have an ADDRESS eqal to 00000000 ("z" stands for
- "zero").
- For any "Type zX" codes : X = code type = (VALUE >> 29) AND 0x07.
- (If X>4, the code will be skipped)
- -------------------------------
- // Type "z0" : END OF CODES //
- -------------------------------
- 1 line code.
- 00000000 00000000
- It means "end of the code" (or "no more codes are executed").
- The AR will "give" back the hand to the game, and then will start execute
- codes
- from the very 1st of the list.
- --------------------------------------------
- // Type "z2" : Normal execution of codes //
- --------------------------------------------
- 1 line code.
- 00000000 40000000
- Set register 1BB4 to 0.
- It means that the AR goes back to the normal execution of codes.
- (And it should break a "stop executing codes", set when register 1BB4 is =
- 2).
- -----------------------------------------------------
- // Type "z3" : Executes all codes in the same row //
- -----------------------------------------------------
- 1 line code.
- 00000000 60000000
- Set register 1BB4 to 1.
- It means the AR will execute all the codes, without giving back the hand to
- the
- game, unless register 1BB4 changes value (with a "z2" code for exemple).
- -------------------------------
- // Type "z4" : Fill & Slide //
- -------------------------------
- 2 lines code.
- 00000000 8XXXXXXX
- Y1Y2Y3Y4 Z1Z2Z3Z4
- Address = 8XXXXXXX AND 0x81FFFFFF.
- Size = (address >> 25) AND 0x03.
- (Size 0 = 8bits, Size 1 = 16 bits, Size 2 = 32 bits. Size 3 = Unused)
- Value = Y1Y2Y3Y4.
- Address increment = 0000Z3Z4 if (Z1 >> 3 = 0).
- = FFFFZ3Z4 if (Z1 >> 3 = 1).
- NOTE : When using halfword (or word), make address increment >> 1 (or >> 2)
- when
- computing the code.
- Value increment = 00000000Z1 if (Z1 >> 3 = 0).
- = FFFFFFFFZ1 if (Z1 >> 3 = 1).
- Number of values to write = Z2.
- NOTE : If Z2 = 0, nothing will be written (it'll be like the code isn't
- executed).
- Small note :
- ------------
- As the sign of the address increment and the value increment are shared, you
- MUST start
- from the 1st address when using a positive value increment, and start from
- the last address
- when using a negative value increment.
- ------------------------------------------
- // Type "z4 - Size 3" : Memory Copy //
- ------------------------------------------
- These codes were 'created' by me (kenobi).
- The only way to use them is to enter and enable the 'Enablers' codes.
- You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes'
- indentifier
- (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly.
- Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered
- separately.
- They should work on ANY AR (at least up to version 1.14b).
- A - Memory Copy Without Pointer Support :
- -----------------------------------------
- Enabler (must be on!) :
- 04001E48 48000769
- 040025B0 5525043E
- 040025B4 4BFFF644
- Exemple of byte copy :
- 00000000 86393FA8
- 80393FA0 00000001
- Here is how it works :
- 00000000 8XXXXXXX
- 8XXXXXXX = [Destination address] OR 0x06000000.
- YYYYYYYY = [Source address].
- ZZZZ = number of bytes to copy (0x0000 will copy 0 byte, 0xFFFF will copy
- 65535 bytes).
- Important : the 16-bits number before ZZZZ MUST BE '0000', else it'll create
- errors !!!
- So, if you follow what I explained, you can see that my code exemple will
- copy 2 bytes,
- from 80393FA0 to 80393FA8.
- B - Memory Copy With Pointers Support :
- ---------------------------------------
- Enabler (must be on!) :
- 04001E48 48000769
- 040025B0 5525043E
- 040025B4 2C060000
- 040025B8 4182000C
- 040025BC 80630000
- 040025C0 80840000
- 040025C4 4BFFF634
- With this code, if you put any data in the 8 upper bits of the value, the AR
- will use
- the addresses in the code as pointers addresses
- Exemple :
- 00000000 86002F04
- 80002F00 01000138
- Important : the 8-bits number before ZZZZ MUST BE '00', else it'll create
- errors !!!
- As the value start with '01' (could have been anything, but '00'), the AR
- will load
- the 32bits value at 80002F00 and use it as the source address, then load the
- 32bits
- value at 80002F04 and use it as the destination address, and finally will
- copy 138 bytes
- from the source address to the destination address.
- Note that if you put '00' in the start of the value, the code will work just
- like
- the 'Memory Copy Without Pointer Support' code.
- If you need to add an offset to the pointer addresses, you'll have to do
- this trick :
- copy the source pointer address to 80002F00, the destination pointer address
- to 80002F04,
- add the offset values to theses pointer addresses (using the 'Add' code
- type), and finally
- use the 'Memory Copy with Pointers Support' to copy the bytes.
- Exemple :
- 00000000 86002F00 <- Copy the 32bits (=4 bytes) source pointer address
- 804C8268 00000004 from 804C8268 to 80002F00.
- 00000000 86002F04 <- Copy the 32bits (=4 bytes) destination pointer address
- 804C8268 00000004 from 804C8268 to 80002F04.
- 84002F00 00000098 <- Add the offset 0x98 to the source pointer address at
- 80002F00.
- 84002F04 000001D0 <- Add the offset 0x1D0 to the source pointer address at
- 80002F04.
- 4A44F0A8 00000030 <- (if the user press R+Z...).
- 00000000 86002F04 <- Copy 0x138 bytes from the address stored at 80002F00
- (=pointer address+0x98)
- 80002F00 01000138 to the address stored at 80002F04 (=pointer address +
- 0x1D0).
- ________________
- ----------------
- | Normal Codes |
- ----------------
- For any "Normal Codes", you have :
- SubType = (ADDRESS >> 30) AND 0x03.
- Type = (ADDRESS >> 27) AND 0x07.
- Size = (ADDRESS >> 25) AND 0x03.
- (usually, Size 0 = 8bits, Size 1 = 16 bits, Size 2 = 32 bits.
- For some codes, Size 3 = Floating point single precision)
- ------------
- // Type 0 //
- ------------
- --------------------------------------
- // SubType 0 : Ram write (and fill) // (can be called "00", "01" and "02")
- --------------------------------------
- 1 line code.
- 0.0.x
- -----
- (w < 8!)
- Address = ((0x0wXXXXXXX) AND 0x01FFFFFF) OR 0x80000000).
- Size = (address >> 25) AND 0x03.
- If Size = 0 [00] :
- fills area [Address ; Address + Y1Y2Y3] with value Y4.
- If Size = 1 [02] :
- fills area [Address ; Address + (Y1Y2 << 1)] with value Y3Y4.
- If Size = 2 [04] :
- writes word Y1Y2Y3Y4 to Address.
- Examples :
- 00023000 00000312
- will write byte 0x12 to 80023000, 80023001, 80023002, 80023003.
- 02023000 00011234
- will write halfword 0x1234 to 80023000, 80023002.
- 05023000 12345678
- will write halfword 0x12345678 to 81023000.
- -------------------------------
- // SubType 1 : Write to pointer (can be called "04", "05" and "06")
- -------------------------------
- 1 line code.
- 0.1.x
- -----
- 1 line code.
- (w < 8!)
- Address = ((0x4wXXXXXX) AND 0x01FFFFFF) OR 0x80000000.
- Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03.
- Pointer Address = [Word stored at Address].
- This code will make the AR load the word stored at the address provided in
- the code,
- (also called the "Pointer Address"), and check if it's a valid address (ie.
- if it's in
- the [80000000~81800000[ range). It it is one, it will add an offset to it,
- and it will
- write the data provided in the code to this new address.
- If Size = 0 [40] :
- AR will write the byte Y4 at [Pointer Address + Y1Y2Y3].
- If Size = 1 [42] :
- AR will write the halfword Y3Y4 at [Pointer Address + (Y1Y2 << 1)].
- If Size = 2 [44] :
- AR will write the word Y1Y2Y3Y4 at [Pointer Address].
- -----------------------------------------------------
- This code was 'created' by me (kenobi).
- The only way to use it is to enter and enable the 'Enabler' code.
- You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes'
- indentifier
- (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly.
- Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered
- separately.
- It should work on ANY AR (at least up to version 1.14b).
- Enabler (must be on) :
- 04001FA4 48000014
- Once you use this code, the 'Write to Pointer' code will stop checking if
- the address you
- point to is a valid address.
- That means that you can write to virtual memory without a TLB (m) code, but
- you have to make
- sure that the address the pointer code reads is a valid address (else, it'll
- crash).
- Exemple (courtesy of donny2112) :
- 04002F0C 7FC39C9C
- 42002F0C 00010000
- 42002F0C 03ED0000
- 42002F0C 04F70000
- 42002F0C 05BB0000
- The first line will write '7FC39C9C' to 80002F0C.
- Then, the other lines will write 0x0000 to 0x7FC39C9C+2*1,
- 0x7FC39C9C+2*0x3ED, 0x7FC39C9C+2*0x4F7,
- and finally 0x7FC39C9C+2*0x5BB.
- The advantage of this code, over a TLB (m) code, is that it only needs a 1
- lines enabler, it is
- compatible with all games and all ARs, and it allows you to use 8/16/32bits
- ram write.
- The downside is that if you point to an invalid address, the GC will just
- crash.
- If you're not sure that you'll point to a valid address, you can use this
- combinaison of code to check
- it manually (in this exemple, I make sure that the address is in the
- 0x80000000~817F0000 range) :
- 74XXXXXX 80000000 <- If value > 0x80000000
- 2CXXXXXX 81800000 <- and If value < 0x81800000
- 44XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4 <- then execute this pointer code.
- XXXXXXXX being the address where the Pointer Address is stored.
- -----------------------
- // SubType 2 : Add code (can be called "08", "09" and "0A")
- -----------------------
- 1 line code.
- 0.2.x
- -----
- 1 line code.
- (w < 8!)
- Address = (0x8wXXXXXX AND 0x81FFFFFF).
- Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03.
- if Size = 0 [80] :
- Loads byte stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 to it, and stores the
- resulting byte
- (= result AND 0xFF) at [Address].
- if Size = 1 [82] :
- Loads halfword stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 to it, and stores the
- resulting halfword
- (= result AND 0xFFFF) at [Address].
- if Size = 2 [84] :
- Loads word stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 to it, and stores the result
- at [Address].
- if Size = 3 [86] :
- Loads floating value stored at [Address], adds Y1Y2Y3Y4 (must be a
- floating point single precision value)
- to it, and stores the result at [Address].
- Change ADD to AND :
- ------------------
- This code was 'created' by me (kenobi).
- The only way to use it is to enter and enable the 'Enabler' code.
- You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes'
- indentifier
- (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly.
- Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered
- separately.
- This change is definitive (until you reboot the Game) :
- Enable 8-bits AND :
- 0400200C 7C002038
- Enable 16-bits AND :
- 0400201C 7C002038
- Enable 32-bits AND :
- 0400202C 7C002038
- Enable 8~32bits AND :
- 00000000 8400200C
- 7C002038 00030004
- Change ADD to OR :
- ------------------
- This code was 'created' by me (kenobi).
- The only way to use it is to enter and enable the 'Enabler' code.
- You also HAVE TO add the Master Code flag to these Enabler codes'
- indentifier
- (or to include it into the (m) code), else they won't work properly.
- Finally, the 'Enabler' codes and the actual codes must be entered
- separately.
- This change is definitive (until you reboot the Game) :
- Enable 8-bits OR :
- 0400200C 7C002378
- Enable 16-bits OR :
- 0400201C 7C002378
- Enable 32-bits OR :
- 0400202C 7C002378
- Enable 8~32bits OR :
- 00000000 8400200C
- 7C002378 00030004
- Note : you can't mix 'ADD', 'AND' and 'OR' codes for the same code type
- (8/16/32bits).
- ----------------------------------------------
- // SubType 3 : Master Code & Write to CCXXXXXX (can be called "0E" and "0F")
- ----------------------------------------------
- 1 line code.
- 0.3.x
- -----
- 1 line code.
- (w < 8!)
- Address = ((0x6wXXXXXX) AND 0x01FFFFFF) OR 0x80000000).
- Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03.
- If Size = 2 (0.3.2) : Master Code (C4XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4)
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Y4 = Master Code Number.
- 0x00 : executed only once, just before the game bootup.
- Only one (m) code can have the '00' number (the others will be
- skipped),
- and it must be the very one in the (m) code list (else it'll be
- skipped).
- 0x01~0x0F : executed continuously during the game execution.
- (2 (or more) master codes that have the same Master Code
- Number can't
- be executed correctly if they are put one just after
- another.
- Only the first one will be executed, the other(s) will be
- skipped).
- Y3 = number of codes to execute each time the AR "has the hand".
- Y2 AND 0x03 = Master Code Type :
- Type 0 : create a branch to SUBROUTINE 1.
- (Save : R0 R3 R28 R29 R30 R31)
- Type 1 : backup 4 asm lines from the game, and write a Branch to MAIN
- (Save : R3 R28 R29 R30 R31, Destroys : R0?)
- Type 2 : create a branch to 1 copy of SUBROUTINE 1.
- (Save : R0 R3 R28 R29 R30 R31)
- Type 3 : create a branch to MAIN ROUTINE START (will execute the 4 asm lines
- backed up
- in Type 1, if any).
- (Save : R0 R3 R28 R29 R30 R31)
- Note : Putting random numbers in Y1 should change the encryption, thus
- "signing" your
- code (untested).
- Note : Don't use the Type 1 alone with a Master Code Number >0, else the AR
- will backup its own
- hook, and enter an infinite loop. So put a conditional code type make
- that this code isn't
- executed more than once.
- If (Size = 3) AND ((address AND 0x01FFFFFF ) < 0x01000000) (0.3.3):
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Write halfword to CCXXXXXX (C6XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4)
- ----------------------------------------------
- Address = 0xCCXXXXXX
- Stores the halfword Y3Y4 at Address.
- Note : Putting random numbers in Y1Y2 should change the encryption, thus
- "signing" your
- code (untested).
- If (Size = 3) AND ((address AND 0x01FFFFFF ) >= 0x01000000) (0.3.3):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Write word to CDXXXXXX (C7XXXXXX Y1Y2Y3Y4)
- ------------------------------------------
- Address = 0xCDXXXXXX
- Stores the word Y1Y2Y3Y4 at Address.
- Note : Parasyte informed me that writing to 0xCDXXXXXX doesn't makes any
- sense, and he thinks
- it might be some kind of AR bug...
- **************************************************
- **************************************************
- All the Conditional Codes are 1 line code, but you "need" to add another
- line to make them work.
- Conditional Code are used to trigger the next code(s) when an event happens,
- for exemple give the
- player 99 lifes when buttons L+R are pushed, or make the life becomes full
- when it reaches 50%
- of its value...
- They all come in 3 "flavors" : 8, 16 and 32 bits. You select it by changing
- the size data in the code.
- Reminder : Size = (Address >> 25) AND 0x03
- For all the Conditional Codes, you first take the value of the IN GAME data,
- and compare it to
- the value provided in the CODE data. The result, which should be read as
- 'True' (or 'False'), will
- tell if the Conditional Code will activate the next codes.
- Anyway, Conditional Codes should be used by advanced code makers.
- And don't ask for the "paddle" values, they seem to change for every game...
- So find them yourself :-)
- The number I give as exemples has been made using BYTE size :
- 08XXXXXX YYYYYY is the "If equal execute next code" generic value for a BYTE
- comparison.
- For halfwords, it'll be 0AXXXXXX YYYYYYYY, and for words 0CXXXXXX
- --------------------------
- // Type 1 : If equal... // (can be called "10", "11" and "12")
- --------------------------
- 1.y.x
- -----
- (w >= 8!)
- Subtype 0 [08] : If equal, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [48] : If equal, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
- Sybtype 2 [88] : If equal, execute all the codes below this one in the same
- row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [C8] : While NOT EQUAL,turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- ------------------------------
- // Type 2 : If NOT equal... // (can be called "20", "21" and "22")
- ------------------------------
- 2.y.x
- -----
- Subtype 0 [10] : If NOT equal, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [50] : If NOT equal, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2
- lines).
- Sybtype 2 [90] : If NOT equal, execute all the codes below this one in the
- same row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [D0] : While EQUAL, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- ------------------------------------
- // Type 3 : If lower... (signed) // (can be called "30", "31" and "32")
- ------------------------------------
- Signed means :
- For Bytes : values go from -128 to +127.
- For Halfword : values go from -32768/+32767.
- For Words : values go from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
- For exemple, for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be > to FFFFFFFF (-1).
- You HAVE to enter a 32bits signed number as value, even if you just want to
- make an halfword
- comparison. That's because 0000FFFF = 65535, and FFFFFFFF = -1).
- You could choose any value (for exemple, +65536 for halfword code, but the
- result will be always True
- (or always False if you choose -65537...).
- 3.y.x
- -----
- If you used a "byte" size, this Type 3 code will actually be a "If lower...
- That means, no signed comparison for byte values !!! (AR bug?)
- Subtype 0 [18] : If lower, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [58] : If lower, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
- Sybtype 2 [98] : If lower, execute all the codes below this one in the same
- row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [D8] : While higher, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- Note 1 : For 8 and 16 bits codes, you *could* fill the unused numbers in the
- Value to change
- the encrypted code, and "sign" them (unverified).
- ------------------------------------
- // Type 4 : If higher... (signed) // (can be called "40", "41" and "42")
- ------------------------------------
- Signed means :
- For Bytes : values go from -128 to +127.
- For Halfword : values go from -32768/+32767.
- For Words : values go from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
- For exemple, for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be > to FFFFFFFF (-1).
- You HAVE to enter a 32bits signed number as value, even if you just want to
- make an halfword
- comparison. That's because 0000FFFF = 65535, and FFFFFFFF = -1).
- You could choose any value (for exemple, +65536 for halfword code, but the
- result will be always True
- (or always False if you choose -65537...).
- 4.y.x
- -----
- If you used a "byte" size, this Type 4 code will actually be a "If lower...
- That means, no signed comparison for byte values !!! (AR bug?)
- Subtype 0 [20] : If higher, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [60] : If higher, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
- Sybtype 2 [A0] : If higher, execute all the codes below this one in the same
- row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [E0] : While lower, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- Note 1 : For 8 and 16 bits codes, you *could* fill the unused numbers in the
- Value to change
- the encrypted code, and "sign" them (unverified).
- -------------------------------------
- // Type 5 : If lower... (unsigned) // (can be called "50", "51" and "52")
- -------------------------------------
- Unsigned means :
- For Bytes : values go from 0 to +255.
- For Halfword : values go from 0 to +65535.
- For Words : values go from 0 to 4294967295.
- For exemple, for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be < to FF (255).
- 5.y.x
- -----
- Subtype 0 [28] : If lower, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [68] : If lower, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
- Sybtype 2 [A8] : If lower, execute all the codes below this one in the same
- row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [E8] : While higher, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- --------------------------------------
- // Type 6 : If higher... (unsigned) // (can be called "60", "61" and "62")
- --------------------------------------
- Unsigned means :
- For Bytes : values go from 0 to +255.
- For Halfword : values go from 0 to +65535.
- For Words : values go from 0 to 4294967295.
- For exemple, for the Byte comparison, 7F (127) will be < to FF (255).
- 6.y.x
- -----
- Subtype 0 [30] : If higher, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [70] : If higher, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
- Sybtype 2 [B0] : If higher, execute all the codes below this one in the same
- row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [F0] : While lower, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- ------------------------
- // Type 7 : If AND... // (can be called "70", "71" and "72")
- ------------------------
- (if the result of ANDing the IN GAME and IN CODE values is <>0)
- 7.y.x
- -----
- Subtype 0 [38] : If AND, execute next line (else skip next line).
- Subtype 1 [78] : If AND, execute next 2 lines (else skip next 2 lines).
- Sybtype 2 [B8] : If AND, execute all the codes below this one in the same
- row (else execute
- none of the codes below).
- Subtype 3 [F8] : While NOT AND, turn off all codes (infinite loop on the
- code).
- * THE END *