12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
- #!/bin/bash
- #This is just a help file
- echo "================================================="
- echo "| nci: blog webscript for Neocities |"
- echo "================================================="
- echo " written by nokoru <nokoru@disroot.org>"
- echo
- echo "If you want to learn how nci works, read the README.md file"
- echo
- echo "nci command list:"
- echo "./init - Initializes the nci website/blog system in the current directory (if nci is already initialized, you can use this command to reconfigure the webscript)."
- echo "./new - Lets you write a new article/blog entry."
- echo "./mod <entry_id> - Lets you modify an existing entry."
- echo "./del <entry_id> - Lets you delete entries."
- echo "./refresh - Applies creation, deletion and modification changes to your blog html/rss.xml files"
- echo "./list - Lists all entries you've made."
- echo "./push [-k] - Uploads your website (public_html/*) to Neocities. WARNING: Existing files on Neocities that don't exist in your public_html/ directory will be DELETED! Download your whole website and copy your files into the public_html/ directory!"
- echo "./exclude <entry_id | -c | -a> - Adds or removes excluded entries. An excluded entry won't be updated when you run \"./refresh\", so you'll need to update it from its HTML source."
- echo "./destroy - This command will destroy the nci system and also will delete your entire website/blog. Be careful!"
- echo "./help - Shows this help message"
- echo
- echo "I hope you find nci useful, however, it comes with no warranty. If you find a bug, just tell me or fix it and send me a pull request if you want to help."
- echo "License: Unlicense (see COPYING for details.)"
- echo
- echo "noko's website: https://nokoru.neocities.org/"
- echo "nci was coded using GNU nano. Just in case you wanted to know that."
- echo "good luck! :3"