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cairo support

Cairo library is an important part of any GTK-based setup, because GTK internally uses cairo exclusively for painting. However, cairo itself is not built using GObject technology and thus imposes quite a problem for any GObject Introspection based binding, such as lgi.

Basic binding description

Although internal implementation is a bit different from other fully introspection-enabled libraries, this difference is not visible to lgi user. cairo must be imported in the same way as other libraries, e.g.

local lgi = require 'lgi'
local cairo = lgi.cairo

Cairo library itself is organized using object-oriented style, using C structures as objects (e.g. cairo_t, cairo_surface_t) and functions as methods acting upon these objects. lgi exports objects as classes in the cairo namespace, e.g. cairo.Context, cairo.Surface etc. To create new object instance, cairo offers assorted create methods, e.g. cairo_create or cairo_pattern_create, which are mapped as expected to cairo.Context.create and cairo.Pattern.create. It is also possible to invoke them using lgi's 'constructor' syntax, i.e. to create new context on specified surface, it is possible to use either local cr = cairo.Context.create(surface) or local cr = cairo.Context(surface).

Version checking

cairo.version and cairo.version_string fields contain current runtime cairo library version, as returned by their C counterparts cairo_version() and cairo_version_string(). Original CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE macro is reimplemented as cairo.version_encode(major, minor, micro). For example, following section shows how to guard code which should be run only when cairo version is at least 1.12:

if cairo.version >= cairo.version_encode(1, 12, 0) then
   -- Cairo 1.12-specific code
   -- Fallback to older cairo version code

Synthetic properties

There are many getter and setter functions for assorted cairo objects. lgi exports them in the form of method calls as the native C interface does, and it also provides property-like access, so that it is possible to query or assign named property of the object. Following example demonstrates two identical ways to set and get line width on cairo.Context instance:

local cr = cairo.Context(surface)
print('line width ', cr:get_line_width())

cr.line_width = 10
print('line width ', cr.line_width)

In general, any kind of get_xxx() method call on any cairo object can be replaced using xxx property on the object, and any set_xxx() method can be replaced by setting xxx property.

cairo.Surface hierarchy

Cairo provides basic rendering surface object cairo.Surface, and a bunch of specialized surfaces implementing rendering to assorted targets, e.g. cairo.ImageSurface, cairo.PdfSurface etc. These surface provide their own class, which is logically inherited from cairo.Surface. lgi fully implements this inheritance, so that calling cairo.ImageSurface() actually creates an instance of cairo.ImageSurface class, which provides all methods abd properties of cairo.Surface and and some specialized methods and properties like width and height.

In addition, lgi always assigns the real type of the surface, so that even when cairo.Context.get_target() method (or property) is designated as returning cairo.Surface instance, upon the call the type of the surface is queried and proper kind of surface type is really returned. Following example demonstrates that it is possible to query cairo.ImageSurface-specific width property directly on the result.

-- Assumes the cr is cairo.Context instance with assigned surface
print('width of the surface'

It is also possible to use lgi generic typechecking machinery for checking the type of the surface:

if cairo.ImageSurface:is_type_of( then
print('width of the surface'
print('unsupported type of the surface')

cairo.Pattern hierarchy

cairo's pattern API actually hides the inheritance of assorted pattern types. lgi binding brings this hierarchy up in the same way as for surfaces described in previous section. Following hierarchy exists:


Patterns can be created using static factory methods on cairo.Pattern as documented in cairo documentation. In addition, lgi maps creation methods to specific subclass constructors, so following snippets are equivalent:

local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_linear(0, 0, 10, 10)
local pattern = cairo.LinearPattern(0, 0, 10, 10)

cairo.Context path iteration

cairo library offers iteration over the drawing path returned via cairo.Context.copy_path() method. Resulting path can be iterated using pairs() method of cairo.Path class. pairs() method returns iterator suitable to be used in Lua 'generic for' construct. Iterator returns type of the path element, optionally followed by 0, 1 or 3 points. Following example shows how to iterate the path.

local path = cr:copy_path()
for kind, points in path:pairs() do
   io.write(kind .. ':')
      for pt in ipairs(points) do
         io.write((' { %g, %g }'):format(pt.x, pt.y))

Impact of cairo on other libraries

In addition to cairo itself, there is a bunch of cairo-specific methods inside Gtk, Gdk and Pango libraries. lgi wires them up so that they can be called naturally as if they were built in to the cairo core itself.

Gdk and Gtk

Gdk.Rectangle is just a link to cairo.RectangleInt (similar to C, where GdkRectangle is just a typedef of cairo_rectangle_int_t). gdk_rectangle_union and gdk_rectangle_intersect are wired as a methods of Gdk.Rectangle as expected.

Gdk.cairo_create() is aliased as a method Gdk.Window.cairo_create(). Gdk.cairo_region_create_from_surface() is aliased as cairo.Region.create_from_surface().

cairo.Context.set_source_rgba() is overriden so that it also accepts Gdk.RGBA instance as an argument. Similarly, cairo.Context.rectangle() alternatively accepts Gdk.Rectangle as an argument.

cairo.Context has additional methods get_clip_rectangle(), set_source_color(), set_source_pixbuf(), set_source_window and region, implemented as calls to appropriate Gdk.cairo_xxx functions.

Since all these extensions are implemented inside Gdk and Gtk libraries, they are present only when lgi.Gdk is loaded. When loading just pure lgi.cairo, they are not available.


Pango library contains namespace PangoCairo which implements a bunch of cairo-specific helper functions to integrate Pango use with cairo library. It is of course possible to call them as global methods of PangoCairo interface, however lgi override maps the also to methods and attributes of other classes to which they logically belong.