123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- '- .mod to hexdump converter
- '- copyleft Paulo Silva, oct'20
- '-------------------------------
- '- bugs:
- '- weird conversion from .mod files with channel amount different than 4
- '-------------------------------
- function nttfrq$(freqb)
- e$= "C-1C#1D-1D#1E-1F-1F#1G-1G#1A-1A#1B-1"
- e$=e$+"C-2C#2D-2D#2E-2F-2F#2G-2G#2A-2A#2B-2"
- e$=e$+"C-3C#3D-3D#3E-3F-3F#3G-3G#3A-3A#3B-3"
- e$=e$+"C-4C#4D-4D#4E-4F-4F#4G-4G#4A-4A#4B-4"
- e$=e$+"C-5C#5D-5D#5E-5F-5F#5G-5G#5A-5A#5B-5"
- e$=e$+"C-6C#6D-6D#6E-6F-6F#6G-6G#6A-6A#6B-6"
- e$=e$+"C-7C#7D-7D#7E-7F-7F#7G-7G#7A-7A#7B-7"
- e$=e$+"C-8C#8D-8D#8E-8F-8F#8G-8G#8A-8A#8B-8..."
- tmq=141-(int((log(freqb*.99)/log(2))*12))
- if tmq<1 then:tmq=1:end if
- if tmq>97 then:tmq=97:end if
- return mid$(e$,(tmq*3)-2,3)
- end function
- dim dmp[900000]
- dim smplng[64]
- finp$="tune.mod"
- if argc>2 then:finp$=argv(2):end if
- fout2$=finp$+"_hexdump.txt":fout3$=finp$+"_hexdump_debug.txt"
- open finp$ for input as #1
- open fout2$ for output as #2
- bcntr=0
- while eof(1)=0 and bcntr<900000:
- brd=readbyte(1)
- dmp[bcntr]=brd
- bcntr+=1
- end while
- '- header
- print #2,";- .mod hexdump":print #2,""
- '- songname
- txou$=""
- ascou$=""
- for rd=1 to 20
- brd=dmp[0+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- if brd>=32 then:
- ascou$+=chr$(brd)
- end if
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Songname: \""+ascou$+"\""
- print #2,txou$:print #2,""
- '- samples
- for smpl=1 to 31
- print #2,";Sample "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 22
- brd=dmp[20+((smpl-1)*30)+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- if brd>=32 then:
- ascou$+=chr$(brd)
- end if
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Sample Name "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)+": \""+ascou$+"\""
- print #2,txou$:
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 2
- brd=dmp[42+((smpl-1)*30)+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- smplng[smpl]=valou
- txou$+=" ;- Sample Lenght "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)+": "+str$(valou*2)
- print #2,txou$
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 1
- brd=dmp[44+((smpl-1)*30)+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Sample Finetune "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)+": "+str$(((valou+8)mod 16)-8)
- print #2,txou$
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 1
- brd=dmp[45+((smpl-1)*30)+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Sample Volume "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)+": "+str$(valou)
- print #2,txou$
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 2
- brd=dmp[46+((smpl-1)*30)+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Sample Repeat Point "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)+": "+str$(valou*2)
- print #2,txou$
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 2
- brd=dmp[48+((smpl-1)*30)+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Sample Repeat Lenght "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)+": "+str$(valou*2)
- print #2,txou$
- print #2,""
- next
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 1
- brd=dmp[950+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Song Lenght: "
- print #2,txou$
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 1
- brd=dmp[951+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- valou=(valou*256)+brd
- next
- txou$+=" ;- Flag: "
- print #2,txou$
- print #2,""
- '- song positions
- mxptn=0
- print #2,";- Song Positions:"
- for smpl=1 to 128 step 8
- 'print #2,";Sample "+str$(smpl)
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 8
- brd=dmp[952+((smpl-1)*1)+rd-1]
- if brd>=mxptn then:mxptn=brd:end if
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))+" "
- next
- 'txou$+=" ;- Name: \""+ascou$+"\""
- print #2,txou$:
- next
- print #2,""
- '- signature
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=1 to 4
- brd=dmp[1080+rd-1]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))+" "
- if brd>=32 then:
- ascou$+=chr$(brd)
- end if
- next
- print #2,txou$+" ;- Signature: \""+ascou$+"\""
- print #2,""
- sgnt1$=ascou$
- chanamt=4
- if sgnt1$="M.K." then:
- chanamt=4
- end if
- if right$(sgnt1$,3)="CHN" or right$(sgnt1$,3)="FLT" then:
- chanamt=val(mid$(sgnt1$,1,1))
- end if
- if right$(sgnt1$,2)="CH" or right$(sgnt1$,2)="FL" then:
- chanamt=(val(mid$(sgnt1$,1,1)))*10+(val(mid$(sgnt1$,2,1)))
- end if
- txoutpt$=";-|"
- for iqq=0 to chanamt-1
- txoutpt$+=" ... .. ... |"
- next
- '- patterns
- print #2,";- Patterns:":print #2,""
- for patrn=0 to mxptn
- print #2,";Pattern "+ucase$( right$( hex$(0x100+patrn) ,2) )
- for rowl=0 to 63
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- 'txoub$=";-| ... .. ... | ... .. ... | ... .. ... | ... .. ... |"
- txoub$=txoutpt$
- for rdr=0 to chanamt-1
- vlq0=dmp[1084+(patrn*(chanamt*256))+0+(rdr*4)+(rowl*(chanamt*4))]
- vlq1=dmp[1084+(patrn*(chanamt*256))+1+(rdr*4)+(rowl*(chanamt*4))]
- vlq2=dmp[1084+(patrn*(chanamt*256))+2+(rdr*4)+(rowl*(chanamt*4))]
- vlq3=dmp[1084+(patrn*(chanamt*256))+3+(rdr*4)+(rowl*(chanamt*4))]
- vfrq= (bitwiseand (vlq0,15)*256)+vlq1
- vsmp= (bitwiseand (vlq0,240))+(bitwiseand (vlq2,240)/16)
- veff= (bitwiseand (vlq2,15)*256)+vlq3
- if vfrq<>0 then:
- txoub$= replace$(4+(13*rdr),txoub$,nttfrq$(vfrq))
- end if
- if vsmp<>0 then:
- txoub$= replace$(8+(13*rdr),txoub$,ucase$(right$( hex$(0x1000+vsmp ),2)))
- end if
- if veff<>0 then:
- txoub$= replace$(11+(13*rdr),txoub$,ucase$(right$( hex$(0x1000+veff ),3)))
- end if
- for rdn=0 to 3
- brd=dmp[1084+(patrn*(chanamt*256))+rdn+(rdr*4)+(rowl*(chanamt*4))]
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- next
- txou$+=" "
- next
- txou$+=txoub$
- print #2,txou$:
- next
- print #2,""
- next
- adrsmp=1084+((mxptn+1)*(chanamt*256))
- close #1
- open finp$ for input as #1
- for zrd=1 to adrsmp
- zdum=readbyte(1)
- next
- '- samples
- print #2,";- Samples:":
- print #2,""
- for smpl=1 to 31
- print #2,";Sample Hexdump "+right$("000"+str$(smpl),2)
- txou$="":ascou$="":valou=0
- for rd=0 to (smplng[smpl]*2)-1
- brd=readbyte(1)
- txou$+=ucase$(right$(hex$(0x100+brd),2))
- if bitwiseand (rd,31)=31 then:
- print #2,txou$
- txou$=""
- end if
- next
- print #2,txou$
- print #2,""
- next
- print #2,""
- print #2,";- end of file"
- print #2,""
- close #1:close #2