settings.html 8.9 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  7. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
  8. <!--
  9. /*******************************************************************************
  10. Cloud Firewall - a browser extension/addon that allows users to block connections
  11. to sites, pages and web resources (images, videos, etc) hosted in major cloud services
  12. if the user wishes to do so.
  13. Copyright (C) 2019 Niklas Poslovski
  14. Copyright (C) 2019 Gokulakrishna Sudharsan
  15. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  16. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  17. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  18. (at your option) any later version.
  19. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  20. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  22. GNU General Public License for more details.
  23. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  24. along with this program. If not, see <>.
  25. Home:
  26. */
  27. -->
  28. <title>Cloud Firewall</title>
  29. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css" />
  30. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/settings.css" />
  31. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/toggleswitch.css" />
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  37. <script src="js/settings/registerListeners.js"></script>
  38. <script src="js/settings/settingspage.js"></script>
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  43. <body
  44. class="container"
  45. class="private"
  46. >
  47. <div id="blur-wrapper">
  48. <h1><img src="images/shield48.png"></img>Cloud Firewall</h1>
  49. <!--
  50. <div id="menu">
  51. <div>
  52. <span>
  53. <input
  54. type="file"
  55. id="fileInput"
  56. accept=".rjson,.json,.txt,text/*"
  57. />
  58. <label for="fileInput" class="btn blue large"
  59. >Import</label
  60. >
  61. <a
  62. class="btn blue large"
  63. id="exportSettingBtn"
  64. href="settings.html"
  65. download="Wayback_Everywhere_Settings_{{timestamp}}.json"
  66. >Export</a
  67. >
  68. </span>
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  70. </div>
  71. -->
  72. <div>
  73. <div class="redirect-table">
  74. <br/>
  75. <ul>
  76. <li>Cache of recent resolved hostnames is stored to addons (local offline) storage area in this format - SHA256 digest sums of Hostnames in Base64. This cache is used for subsequent page visits from the same site. Hence first time a site is loaded, there may be a slight delay. Subsequent visits the delay should be barely noticable, if at all present. This helps to minimize resource intensive crunching of "Is IP in IP ranges" </li>
  77. <li>In future versions, we will look into implementing optional AES256 encryption of this cache, though it's already SHA256 hashes</li>
  78. <!-- Future release : <li>If you do so, whenever you launch the browser, you will have to provide password to decrypt the cache. </li>
  79. <li>The addon will not store your password to storage. </li>
  80. <li>If you disable encryption, addon will still store cache of SHA512 digest sums of hostnames, and not as plain text.</li> -->
  81. <li> Storage size is 5 MB for every addon. Once cache reaches 4.7mb, it will stop writing to storage. You have the option below to delete all cache. Future version will provide means to delete cache based on time of entry </li>
  82. <li> You can also use the toggle switch below to disable writing cache to local storage. By Default, cache is enabled to help users in older hardware/Android Firefox. <br/>
  83. <li>Regarding Toggle switches in popup menu, the default upon install is "Allow all supported tech companies/clouds". Any allow/block toggling is not persisted across browser restarts i.e. whenever the browser is restarted, all switches are toggled OFF = allow top companies/clouds when browser launches. For advanced users : You have the option to persist the allow/block rules using the switch below. </li>
  84. <li><strong>Supported Browsers:</strong> Firefox from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or Mozilla's "Firefox For Android" from Play store. A Cloud Firewall user helped test this addon in Firefox forks like Fennec, IceCatMobile from store in /e/ OS, Lineage OS and Fairphone FP OS. If you test this addon in any other combination of browser/OS, please share the results to me for updating this list. <p> <strong>NOT Supported</strong> to use this with other Firefox variants like TBB, Palemoon, Waterfox.<strong>DO NOT </strong>use it with TBB or "proxy addons" from addons store. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more.</a> </p></li>
  85. </ul>
  86. <div id="incExcmsg" style="display:none">
  87. <a id="incExcmsgHide" style="display:none">&#x2716;</a>
  88. </div>
  89. <!-- Future release : <div>
  90. <p class="blue" id="passwordsection">
  91. Enter Password: &nbsp;&nbsp; <input required minlength=5
  92. type="password"
  93. class="incexcbuttons"
  94. placeholder="Choose a password"
  95. id="password"
  96. /></p
  97. >
  98. <div>
  99. <p class="green" id="removefromExclude">
  100. Repeat Password:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input required minlength=5
  101. class="incexcbuttons"
  102. type="password"
  103. id="password2"
  104. placeholder="Repeat the password here"
  105. /></p>
  106. </div>
  107. <button class="btn green" id="enableEncryption">Enable Encryption</button>
  108. <button class="btn green" id="disableEncryption">Disable Encryption</button>
  109. </div> -->
  110. <a style="float:left;" class="btn blue" id="openHelp">Help</a>
  111. <div>
  112. <br/><br/>
  113. <label class="md_switch">
  114. <input type="checkbox" id="toggleOperationMode" />
  115. <span class="md_switch__toggle"></span>
  116. Use local offline storage for storing Cache. If disabled, cache will be lost when browser restarts</label><br/>
  117. <label class="md_switch">
  118. <input type="checkbox" id="toggleRulePersistence" />
  119. <span class="md_switch__toggle"></span>
  120. Persist the allow/block rules across browser restarts. (For Advanced users. Disabled by Default)</label><br/>
  121. </div>
  122. <label class="md_switch">
  123. <input type="checkbox" id="toggleNotifications" />
  124. <span class="md_switch__toggle"></span>
  125. Show notifications on system tray or Android drawer if address bar URL is blocked </label><br/>
  126. <label class="md_switch">
  127. <input type="checkbox" id="toggleDecentraleyes" />
  128. <span class="md_switch__toggle"></span>
  129. I am a Decentraleyes addon user. (For Advanced users. Disabled by Default)</label> <a id="decentraleyesNote">Read note</a> <div id="NotetoDecentraleyesUsers" style="display:none;">Ensure that you enable "Block Requests for Missing Resources" in Decentraleyes settings to avoid passthroughs for library or versions that are <em>NOT supported by Decentraleyes</em></div>
  130. <label class="md_switch">
  131. <input type="checkbox" id="toggleLogging" />
  132. <span class="md_switch__toggle"></span>
  133. Enable Logging. If Enabled, Prints a table to Browser Console once every 4 minutes <br/> | Hostname | Should Cancel? | URL | Which Cloud? |</p></label>
  134. <a
  135. style="float: right; color: red; margin-right:4%"
  136. id="toggleResetwarn"
  137. >Delete Cache</a
  138. >
  139. <div
  140. style="text-align: center; display:none; color:red; "
  141. id="showresetConfirmation"
  142. >
  143. <p style="font-style: italic ">
  144. Are you sure you wish to delete cache? <br /> This will delete your cache of recent results stored in SHA256 hash form in storage and may slow up browsing.
  145. </p>
  146. <div style="text-align:left ">
  147. <a
  148. style="float: left "
  149. id="cancelresets"
  150. class="btn medium green"
  151. >No, Cancel and let me retain my cache</a
  152. >
  153. <a
  154. style="float: right "
  155. id="doFactoryReset"
  156. class=" btn red reset"
  157. >
  158. Yes, I understand, I want to delete the cache</a
  159. >
  160. </div>
  161. </div>
  162. </div>
  163. </div>
  164. <br />
  165. <footer>
  166. Developed by nipos.<br/>
  167. <a href=""></a><br/>
  168. Mastodon: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
  169. <a href="" target="_blank">Report an issue/Feature request</a><br>
  170. <a href="" target="_blank">Donate on Liberapay</a>
  171. <div id="appVersion"></div>
  172. </footer>
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