123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271 |
- <?php
- /**
- * PON ONU management basic class
- */
- class OnuBase {
- /**
- * Contains system alter config as key=>value
- *
- * @var array
- */
- protected $altCfg = array();
- /**
- * Contains user's onu data from pononu table
- *
- * @var array
- */
- protected $onuData = array();
- /**
- * Contains OLT data (where user's onu is linked to OLT)
- *
- * @var array
- */
- protected $oltData = array();
- /**
- * Contains OLT snmp template file name
- *
- * @var array
- */
- protected $oltSnmptemplate = array();
- /**
- * Contain's OLT switch ID
- *
- * @var int
- */
- protected $oltId = '';
- /**
- * User's login
- *
- * @var string
- */
- protected $login = '';
- /**
- * Placeholder for snmp class
- *
- * @var object
- */
- protected $snmp = '';
- /**
- * Placeholder for parsed SNMP template contents
- *
- * @var string
- */
- protected $snmpTemplateParsed = array();
- /**
- * Placeholder for any message to return and/or display
- *
- * @var string
- */
- public $displayMessage = '';
- public function __construct($login = '') {
- if (!empty($login)) {
- $this->snmp = new SNMPHelper;
- $this->loadAlter();
- $this->login = $login;
- $this->getOnuData($login);
- if (empty($this->onuData)) {
- $this->getExtUserOnuData($login);
- }
- if (!empty($this->oltId)) {
- $this->getOltData($this->oltId);
- }
- if (!empty($this->oltData)) {
- $this->getOltModelData($this->oltData['modelid']);
- }
- if (!empty($this->onuData) AND !empty($this->oltData) AND !empty($this->oltSnmptemplate)) {
- $this->parseSNMPTemplate();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * load alter.ini config
- *
- * @return void
- */
- protected function loadAlter() {
- global $ubillingConfig;
- $this->altCfg = $ubillingConfig->getAlter();
- }
- /**
- * Get onu data mac and olt ID to which onu is linked
- *
- * @param string $login
- */
- protected function getOnuData($login) {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM `pononu` WHERE `login` = '$login'";
- $data = simple_query($query);
- if (!empty($data)) {
- $this->oltId = $data['oltid'];
- $this->onuData = $data;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get onu data mac and olt ID to which onu is linked for external logins(multiport ONUs)
- *
- * @param string $login
- */
- protected function getExtUserOnuData($login) {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM `pononuextusers` WHERE `login` = '$login'";
- $data = simple_query($query);
- if (!empty($data) and !empty($data['onuid'])) {
- $onuID = $data['onuid'];
- $query = "SELECT * FROM `pononu` WHERE `id` = $onuID";
- $data = simple_query($query);
- if (!empty($data)) {
- $this->oltId = $data['oltid'];
- $this->onuData = $data;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Loads data from table `switches` to $oltData var (filter by OLT switch ID)
- *
- * @param int $oltID
- */
- protected function getOltData($oltID) {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM `switches` WHERE `id`='$oltID'";
- $data = simple_query($query);
- if (!empty($data)) {
- $this->oltData = $data;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Loads data from table `switchmodels` to $oltSnmptemplate (filter by OLT switch model id)
- *
- * @param int $modelID
- */
- protected function getOltModelData($modelID) {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM `switchmodels` WHERE `id`='$modelID'";
- $data = simple_query($query);
- if (!empty($data)) {
- $this->oltSnmptemplate = $data['snmptemplate'];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Format heximal mac address to decimal or show error
- *
- * @param string $macOnu
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function macHexToDec($macOnu) {
- $string = '';
- if (check_mac_format($macOnu)) {
- $res = array();
- $args = explode(":", $macOnu);
- foreach ($args as $each) {
- $res[] = hexdec($each);
- }
- $string = implode(".", $res);
- }
- return ($string);
- }
- /**
- * Parses SNMP templates and returns it's contents
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function parseSNMPTemplate($templateName = '') {
- $snmpData = array();
- $template = (empty($templateName)) ? $this->oltSnmptemplate : $templateName;
- if (file_exists(CONFIG_PATH . "/snmptemplates/" . $template)) {
- $snmpData = rcms_parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . "/snmptemplates/" . $template, true);
- } elseif (file_exists(DATA_PATH . "/documents/mysnmptemplates/" . $template)) {
- $snmpData = rcms_parse_ini_file(DATA_PATH . "/documents/mysnmptemplates/" . $template, true);
- } else {
- log_register('ONUMASTER: ONUBASE SNMP template load ERROR - no template found');
- }
- $this->snmpTemplateParsed = $snmpData;
- return ($snmpData);
- }
- /**
- * Checks for essential SNMP options in template for BDCOMs
- *
- * @param array $parsedTemplate
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function checkBDCOMEssentialOpts($parsedTemplate = array()) {
- $checkPassed = true;
- $snmpData = (empty($parsedTemplate)) ? $this->snmpTemplateParsed : $parsedTemplate;
- if (!empty($snmpData)) {
- if (!isset($snmpData['vlan']['VLANMODE'])) {
- $checkPassed = false;
- }
- if (!isset($snmpData['vlan']['SAVE'])) {
- $checkPassed = false;
- }
- if (!isset($snmpData['onu']['DESCRIPTION'])) {
- $checkPassed = false;
- }
- if (!isset($snmpData['onu']['RELOAD'])) {
- $checkPassed = false;
- }
- if (!isset($snmpData['onu']['EPONINDEX'])) {
- $checkPassed = false;
- }
- if (!isset($snmpData['onu']['IFINDEX'])) {
- $checkPassed = false;
- }
- }
- return ($checkPassed);
- }
- /**
- * Getter for onuData property
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function getDataONU() {
- return ($this->onuData);
- }
- /**
- * Getter for oltData property
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function getDataOLT() {
- return ($this->oltData);
- }
- }