user-guide.tex 27 KB

  1. % TNT user-guide
  2. %
  3. % This latex document is the TNT 1.x users guide.
  4. % It can be compiled into ps, pdf, and html formats.
  5. % Online help could use the html format.
  6. %
  7. % Copyright (C) 2004 by Mayo Foundation. All rights reserved.
  8. %
  9. % Bob Techentin
  10. % June 23, 2004
  11. %
  12. % $Id: user-guide.tex,v 1.6 2004/07/29 13:15:09 techenti Exp $
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  14. \documentclass{article}
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  21. % screen pictures use fractions of \linewidth, which
  22. % doesn't affect latex2html.
  23. % Hmmm. Seem to get good results with scale=0.5
  24. % on the original screen captures, but that doesn't
  25. % work with this global technique.
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  38. \renewcommand{\contentsname}{\large{Table of Contents}}
  39. \renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\large{List of Figures}}
  40. %\renewcommand{\bibname}{\large{Bibliography}}
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  43. \pagestyle{fancy}
  44. \title {TNT 1.2 Users Guide}
  45. \author {
  46. Bob Techentin \\
  47. Mayo Special Purpose Processor Development Group}
  48. \begin{document}
  49. \maketitle
  50. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  51. % Automatic Tables of Contents and Figures
  52. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  53. \clearpage
  54. \pagenumbering{roman}
  55. \tableofcontents
  56. \clearpage
  57. \listoffigures
  58. \clearpage
  59. \pagenumbering{arabic}
  60. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  61. % Abstract
  62. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  63. \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}Abstract}
  64. \begin{abstract}
  65. This users' guide describes the TNT transmission line modeling
  66. software package. The software was developed by the Special Purpose
  67. Processor Development Group, a research group at Mayo Clinic in
  68. Rochester Minnesota. This guide describes installation and operation
  69. of the TNT graphical user interface, and the MMTL and Wavelet
  70. simulators.
  71. \end{abstract}
  72. \clearpage
  73. \setcounter{page}{2}
  74. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  75. % Numbered sections and subsections are the body of the document
  76. % Every section should include both a title and a label, so
  77. % that it can be referred elsewhere in the paper.
  78. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  79. \section {Introduction}
  80. The TNT software package was developed by the Special Purpose
  81. Processor Development Group (SPPDG) at Mayo Clinic in Rochester
  82. Minnesota. TNT was created in an effort to simplify and unify
  83. transmission line modeling for high performance electronics system
  84. designs. The SPPDG has developed and used several different
  85. transmission line ``field solvers.'' Each tool had unique
  86. capabilities and limitations, and each tool had a different and often
  87. complex user interface.
  88. TNT makes it very simple to create and modify two dimensional cross
  89. section descriptions of transmission line interconnect structures.
  90. The transmission line is represented as a cross section, with ground
  91. planes, dielectric layers, and conductors. Cross sections can be
  92. saved in a format called the Cross Section Description Language, which
  93. can easily be edited, customized, or even programmed.
  94. TNT also makes it easy to run the electromagnetic field solvers which
  95. generate per-unit-length transmission characteristics. TNT is
  96. integrated with the Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line (MMTL)
  97. quasi-static simulator and two experimental wavelet-based full-wave
  98. transmission line analyzers. All simulators can be run simply from
  99. the TNT menus. MMTL can be run iteratively by sweeping cross section
  100. parameters or by iterating until a desired characteristic impedance is
  101. achieved.
  102. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  103. % License
  104. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  105. \section {License and Warranty}
  106. You are licensed to use, copy, modify, and share the TNT software
  107. package according to the terms of the GNU General Public License. The
  108. license terms are in the file COPYING included with TNT.
  109. Under the General Public License, you may install and use TNT on any
  110. number of computers. You may examine the source code of the program
  111. to determine how it works. You may modify the program, hopefully
  112. making it better, and you may share the program with others. If you
  113. make improvements to TNT, we would appreciate it if you let us know.
  114. Like most software, TNT comes with absolutely no warranty.
  115. Fortunatley, if there are problems, you are allowed to examine the
  116. source code, recompile the program, and correct the problem.
  117. There are some software components included with TNT that are licensed
  118. separately. Printing on Microsoft Windows requires, for example, a
  119. print utility by Peter Lerup, which is licensed under terms described
  120. in the documentation in Tcl, Tk, and extensions
  121. are licensed under terms similar to those of the Berkely license,
  122. which imposes fewer obligations on the user than the GPL. Please
  123. refer to each package's license information.
  124. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  125. % Installation
  126. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  127. \section {Installation}
  128. TNT is free software. You can compile it from source code, or you can
  129. install a pre-compiled binary distribution. While most
  130. Windows users expect a binary distribution, many Unix or
  131. Linux users can build and install from sources. This section will
  132. describe both approaches.
  133. TNT was originally developed to run on SPPDG workstations running
  134. HP-UX, and depends on several packages that are installed and
  135. maintained a the SPPDG. TNT has been ported to Linux and
  136. Windows, and an installation kit produced which should
  137. make it relatively straight forward to install the software on similar
  138. workstations or PCs.
  139. \subsection {Tcl/Tk and Other Dependencies}
  140. TNT requires a functional installation of Tcl and Tk with several
  141. extensions, including BWidget, Incr Tcl, and Iwidgets. You
  142. will need to install all of these packages in order for TNT to
  143. function correctly. TNT expects to be able to find the {\tt wish}
  144. windowing shell in your command path.
  145. You {\em could} compile and install these packages from the freely
  146. available source code hosted at Sourceforge. Specifically, you can
  147. acquire them from,, and
  148. You will need an ANSI C compiler, such as the
  149. GNU Compiler Collection from You should be able
  150. to use the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler or MinGW for Windows systems.
  151. You may find this an enjoyable challenge, or, if you are not a
  152. programmer, you might find the process difficult and frustrating.
  153. Alternatively (and highly recommended), you can install a freely
  154. available, pre-compiled Tcl and Tk package from ActiveState, which
  155. includes all these extensions. The ActiveTcl distribution is, in
  156. fact, installed on SPPDG workstations and PCs. Unfortunately, while
  157. the ActiveState packages are free to use, we are not permitted to
  158. distribute the packages with TNT. You can obtain ActiveTcl for
  159. Windows, Linux, Solaris, or
  160. HP-UX from
  161. \subsection {Microsoft Windows Installation}
  162. \subsubsection {Windows and Tcl/Tk}
  163. The Windows distribution includes a Tcl/Tk runtime along with
  164. all the extensions necessary to run the application. So you don't
  165. really need to download and install ActiveTcl or other Tcl/Tk
  166. distributions to make TNT work on your PC. But Tcl is so much
  167. fun to use, that you really ought to consider getting a copy.
  168. \subsubsection {Windows and TNT} \label{sec:win-install}
  169. TNT has a basic Windows installation program. Just click on the
  170. installer file, accept the GPL license, specify an installation
  171. location, and let it do the work. Installing TNT does not require
  172. administrative priviledges on Windows 2000 or Windows XP, but if an
  173. administrator performs the installation, then the package will be
  174. available for all users.
  175. The installation program will create a shortcut to run TNT. You may
  176. want to copy that shortcut, and modify the ``Start In'' directory to a
  177. location where you normally work with transmission line simulations.
  178. \subsection {UNIX Installation}
  179. \subsubsection {UNIX and Tcl/Tk}
  180. Download and install ActiveTcl from This
  181. gets you Tcl, Tk, BWidget, Incr Tcl, Iwidgets, and a lot of other cool
  182. stuff.
  183. \subsubsection {UNIX and TNT}
  184. If you have a binary distribution, just copy the TNT directory tree
  185. from the installation kit to a location from which applications are
  186. normally run. This could be {\tt /usr/local/} or a personal
  187. subdirectory or some other location. Make sure that the directories
  188. for {\tt wish} and {\tt .../tnt/bin} are in your path.
  189. To build TNT from sources, unpack the source code distribution
  190. archive, and follow the instructions in the file named INSTALL.
  191. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  192. % Starting TNT
  193. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  194. \section {Starting TNT}
  195. On Windows, the TNT program is run by clicking on the menu item or
  196. shortcut that you created in \ref{sec:win-install}. Alternatively,
  197. you can use Windows Explorer to navigate directly to the TNT
  198. installation directory, and click on {\tt tnt.tcl}.
  199. On Unix, the program is invoked at the command line by executing
  200. either "tnt" or "tnt.tcl" from the installation directory. If the
  201. binary directory {\tt .../tnt/bin} is included in your path, simply
  202. type the command. Otherwise, you may specify a full path name to {\tt
  203. tnt.tcl}, or you can change your current working directory (cd) to the
  204. {\tt .../tnt/bin} directory, and run the application from there.
  205. When started, TNT will not have any simulation parameters defined.
  206. You may use the {\bf Open}, {\bf Save}, and {\bf Save As...} options
  207. from the {\bf File} menu to load and save TNT cross section files.
  208. \subsection {TNT Main Window}
  209. The TNT main window contains an application menu bar, buttons for
  210. creating new cross section structures, a layer stackup, and a drawing
  211. of the cross section.
  212. \begin{figure}[hbt]
  213. \begin{center}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{mainwindow}\end{center}
  214. \caption { TNT Main Window }
  215. \label{fig:mainwindow}
  216. \end{figure}
  217. The menu bar has several pull-down menus. The {\bf File} menu has
  218. options for opening, saving, and printing cross section description
  219. files. The {\bf View} menu toggles display options. Materials lists
  220. can be re-loaded using options on the {\bf Setup} menu. MMTL
  221. simulations can be run from the {\bf BEM}, {\bf Sweep}, and {\bf
  222. Iterate} menus. The full-wave experimental wavelet based simulators
  223. can be run from the {\bf Wavelet Simulators} menu.
  224. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  225. % Cross Sections
  226. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  227. \section {Cross Sections}
  228. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  229. % Example Cross Sections
  230. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  231. \subsection {Example Cross Sections} \label{sec:examples}
  232. You can create a cross section from scratch, as described in
  233. section~\ref{sec:create}, or you can start with one of the example
  234. cross sections that is distributed with TNT, and modify it according
  235. to your needs.
  236. The example cross sections are in the TNT installation directory,
  237. under {\tt .../TNT/examples}. Choose {\bf File $\Rightarrow$ Open}
  238. from the menus, navigate to the example directory, and choose one of
  239. the cross section files. You may then modify it and save it elsewhere
  240. with {\bf File $\Rightarrow$ Save As}.
  241. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  242. % Creating a Cross Section
  243. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  244. \subsection {Creating a Cross Section} \label{sec:create}
  245. To create a new cross section, you can choose {\bf File $\Rightarrow$
  246. New} from the menu. This will clear any existing structures from the
  247. layer stackup and the drawing window.
  248. Enter a model title in the {\bf Title} field. The model title should be
  249. descriptive, and will be saved with the cross section model. Set the
  250. units to match the physical dimensions of your transmission line
  251. structure.
  252. Start adding structures to the layer stackup by creating a ground
  253. plane, then adding layers of dielectrics and conductors. Clicking on
  254. the {\bf New Ground Plane} button will open a new window allowing you
  255. to define the structure name and the thickness. Clicking {\bf Add} on
  256. the dialog will add the ground plane to the layer stackup and the
  257. drawing.
  258. Continue by adding dielectric layers. Click on the {\bf New
  259. Dielectric Layer} button to open the dielectric properties entry form.
  260. Each layer has a name, thickness and material characteristics. Make
  261. sure that the default units selected at the top of the screen match
  262. your intentions for the layer dimensions. (You don't really want a 42
  263. meter thick dielectric, do you?)
  264. Layers will appear in the cross section drawing as you add them, and
  265. layer names will appear in the layer stackup. If you do not add a top
  266. ground plane (i.e., microstrip), then air is assumed to be above the
  267. top defined layer.
  268. Add conductors to the cross section by selecting one of {\bf New
  269. Rectangle}, {\bf Trapezoid}, or {\bf Circular Conductors} buttons,
  270. which will open a new properties dialog for the conductors. Each
  271. conductor structure has dimensions and material properties. When you
  272. {\bf Add} these conductors, they will rest atop the last defined
  273. dielectric layer. You can add a single conductor, or a group of
  274. identical conductors with a specified pitch. You can specify X and Y
  275. offsets to the conductors.
  276. You can also define {\bf New Dielectric Block}s which are arbitrary
  277. rectangles of dielectric material. These blocks can be used to define
  278. non-planar (conformal) dielectric structures.
  279. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  280. % Modifying a Cross Section
  281. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  282. \subsection {Modifying a Cross Section} \label{sec:modify}
  283. Select cross section elements by clicking on them either in the {\bf
  284. Layer Stackup} window or on the cross section drawing.
  285. Double-clicking on a cross section element opens its properties
  286. dialog. You can choose to {\bf Modify} the properties or {\bf Delete}
  287. the structure.
  288. You can rearrange the order of the layer stackup by clicking and
  289. dragging structures in the {\bf Layer Stackup} window.
  290. The cross section drawing is supposed to give you a graphical
  291. depiction of your transmission line cross section. Unfortunately, the
  292. scale of many conductor definitions makes it difficult to see the
  293. drawing easily. You may need to use the zoom buttons to get a better
  294. view of the structures.
  295. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  296. % Printing
  297. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  298. \subsection {Printing}
  299. You can print the cross section picture on a postscript printer by
  300. choosing {\bf File $\Rightarrow$ Print} from the menu. The print
  301. dialog offers several options, including paper size, orientation, and
  302. output specification.
  303. On Unix systems, the default printer command is {\bf lpr}, which
  304. should work for most installations. Choose a different print command,
  305. or add options, if you choose. On Windows systems, the default
  306. printer command is {\bf PrFile32.exe}, which is a small utility
  307. program that directs the postscript to a Windows print queue. If you
  308. do not have a postscript printer, you will likely get many pages of
  309. printed postscript commands.
  310. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  311. %
  312. % BEM MMTL
  313. %
  314. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  315. \section {BEM MMTL}
  316. The Boundary Element Method (BEM) Multilayer Multiconductor
  317. Transmission Line (MMTL) simulator is the most recent of several
  318. generations of electromagnetic modeling packages developed at the
  319. SPPDG. This program uses the Method of Moments (MOM) technique to
  320. quickly compute capacitance and inductance parameters for a
  321. transmission line structure.
  322. BEM MMTL is loss free, and makes use of the so-called ``Quasi-TEM''
  323. assumptions. It is assumed that the electromagnetic fields are
  324. substantially transverse to the direction of propagation ``down'' a
  325. transmission line. For typical printed circuit board (PCB)
  326. geometries, BEM MMTL should be accurate up to about 5 GHz. This
  327. frequency limit scales with geometry and materials, so BEM MMTL should
  328. give good results at higher frequencies for smaller geometries and
  329. lower losses. Pure Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) propagation does
  330. not exist, since all materials contains some loss. However, in most
  331. PCB, multichip module (MCM) and integrated circuit (IC) designs,
  332. losses are relatively small, and the ``Quasi-TEM'' assumptions apply.
  333. MMTL requires a bottom ground plane. A top ground plane (for
  334. stripline) is optional. The ground plane name is not particularly
  335. important, and thickness is irrelevant. This is a perfect ground
  336. plane.
  337. Dielectric permittivity (relative dielectric constant) is used to
  338. compute capacitance and inductance. BEM MMTL does not use the
  339. dielectric loss tangent or the conductor conductivity.
  340. If a conductor name starts with ``G'' or ``g'', it is a special
  341. ``ground'' conductor. This conductor will be considered as absolute
  342. ground, and will not appear in the MMTL results. This feature is very
  343. useful for defining coplanar waveguides.
  344. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  345. % Running BEM MMTL
  346. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  347. \subsection {Running BEM MMTL}
  348. Choose {\bf BEM $\Rightarrow$ Run BEM MMTL Simulation} from the TNT
  349. menu to run the simulator. You will be prompted to enter several
  350. values to control the simulation.
  351. {\bf Coupling Length} (in default units) and {\bf Risetime} are used
  352. to compute crosstalk estimates for the transmission line segment. The
  353. matrix of MMTL results is presented in per-meter values, and the
  354. circuit parameters are considered frequency independent.
  355. {\bf Conductor} and {\bf Dielectric Segments} are mesh parameters that
  356. BEM MMTL will use to discretize the cross section components.
  357. Conductors and dielectric segments can be meshed with different
  358. resolutions. These values control (to some extent) the simulation
  359. accuracy. Larger numbers may give a more accurate answer, but also
  360. result in more computation time. Really large numbers (like 100) are
  361. not recommended.
  362. Clicking on {\bf Run} will save the cross section file and run the
  363. simulator. A log window will be displayed that will show the
  364. simulator output. MMTL will list values that it reads from the cross
  365. section file, and print messages as it performs various computations.
  366. The output will include ``Asymmetry Ratios'' for both the inductance
  367. and electrostatic induction matrices. The MoM algorithm employed by
  368. MMTL does not have a precise error computation, but it does check the
  369. output parameter matrices for symmetry. If the values are asymmetric,
  370. it may indicate that more (or sometimes fewer) conductor or dielectric
  371. segments should be specified for the simulator.
  372. \begin{figure}[hbt]
  373. \begin{center}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{mmtl-run}\end{center}
  374. \caption { Running BEM MMTL }
  375. \label{fig:mmtl-run}
  376. \end{figure}
  377. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  378. % Exporting HSPICE W-Element
  379. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  380. \subsection {Exporting HSPICE W-Element}
  381. Choosing {\bf BEM $\Rightarrow$ Generate HSPICE W} from the menu will
  382. generate a W-element model from the MMTL results. The model file will
  383. have the same name as your cross section file, with the extension {\tt
  384. .hspice-w.rlgc}. TNT will open a new window to show you the generated
  385. W-element model. You can cut and paste from this window, or refer to
  386. the generated file from other applications.
  387. The W-element file contains a comment header that describes the
  388. original cross section and MMTL run. Matrices $L_0$ and $C_0$ are
  389. copied directly from MMTL's inductance and electrostatic induction
  390. matrices.
  391. Conductor losses, $R_0$ and $R_S$ are estimated from the conductor
  392. geometries and materials properties, with these formulations.
  393. \begin{equation}
  394. R_0 = R_{DC} = \frac {1} {\sigma C_\text{Area}} \; \Omega/m
  395. \end{equation}
  396. \begin{equation}
  397. R_S = R_{AC} = \frac {\sqrt{ \pi \mu_0 / \sigma}} {C_\text{Circum}} \; H/m
  398. \end{equation}
  399. Where $\sigma$ is the conductivity, $C_\text{Area}$ is the conductor
  400. area, $C_\text{Circum}$ is the conductor circumference, and $\mu_0$ is
  401. the permeability of free space.
  402. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  403. % Parameter Sweep
  404. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  405. \subsection {Parameter Sweep}
  406. TNT can run BEM MMTL iteratively, sweeping one or more parameters
  407. through a range of values. Choosing {\bf Sweep $\Rightarrow$ Sweep
  408. Simulation} from the menu will allow you to choose the parameters to
  409. be swept, from a dialog similar to that shown in
  410. Figure~\ref{fig:sweep-select}. Note that you can select any number of
  411. parameters, including the simulation control parameters normally found
  412. on the BEM MMTL simulation control dialog shown in
  413. Figure~\ref{fig:mmtl-run}.
  414. \begin{figure}[hbt]
  415. \begin{center}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{sweep-select}\end{center}
  416. \caption { Choosing BEM MMTL parameters to sweep }
  417. \label{fig:sweep-select}
  418. \end{figure}
  419. Once you have selected parameters to sweep, you must specify starting
  420. and ending values and the number of iterations for each parameter. A
  421. dialog similar to Figure~\ref{fig:sweep-parameters} will allow you to
  422. enter the controlling values.
  423. \begin{figure}[hbt]
  424. \begin{center}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{sweep-parameters}\end{center}
  425. \caption { Specifying BEM MMTL Sweep Ranges}
  426. \label{fig:sweep-parameters}
  427. \end{figure}
  428. Sweeping several parameters can result in a very large number of
  429. simulations. TNT will run a comprehensive sweep, including $N$ runs,
  430. where $N$ is the product of the number of iterations of each selected
  431. parameter. If you choose ten iterations of each of three different
  432. parameters, you should expect 1000 MMTL runs. TNT prompts you one
  433. last time with the total number of iterations, to give you one last
  434. chance to bail out.
  435. Once the simulations are run, you can view the results of all the
  436. simulations, or write a ``character separated file'' (sometimes called
  437. a ``comma separated file'' or csv), which is suitable for import into
  438. a spreadsheet program for analysis. All parameters are exported to
  439. the csv file.
  440. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  441. % Iterating Conductor Width
  442. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  443. \subsection {Iterating Conductor Width}
  444. Iteration is a specialized form of parameter sweep. For some
  445. transmission line designs, all layer thicknesses and materials
  446. properties are fixed, and the engineer has control only over line
  447. width. The iteration feature of TNT allows you to specify these basic
  448. cross section parameters, and then run MMTL iteratively until a
  449. certain characteristic impedance is obtained.
  450. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  451. % Wavelet Simulators
  452. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  453. \section {Wavelet Simulators}
  454. TNT includes two prototype wavelet-based transmission line simulation
  455. tools. These tools use a simple finite element approach with Coifman
  456. wavelet basis functions to compute full-wave transmission line
  457. parameters. You may choose either the ``RL'' calculator for
  458. resistance and inductance, or the ``CAP'' calculator for capacitance.
  459. The ``RL'' calculator dialog allows you to enter a number of frequency
  460. points at which you would like the parameters computed. Simply enter
  461. the frequencies, in hertz, separated by spaces (e.g., ``1e9 2e9
  462. 3e9''). The ``CAP'' calculator simply computes the line-to-line
  463. capacitance, which is relatively independent of frequency.
  464. These simulators have not been completely generalized. They are
  465. limited to a single ground plane, so stripline simulations will be
  466. incorrect. They also are also limited to planar dielectric layers,
  467. and will crash if attempting to simulate rectangle dielectrics.
  468. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  469. % On-Line help
  470. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  471. \section {On-Line Help}
  472. TNT includes online help in the form of this users guide and other
  473. documentation. The online help is displayed in a web browser. On
  474. Unix systems, TNT will attempt to run firefox, opera, mozilla, and
  475. netscape, in that order, to display the files. On Windows, TNT will
  476. attempt to launch the default web browser on the document.
  477. Printable versions of these documents are also available in TNT's {\tt
  478. doc} directory, in portable document format (PDF).
  479. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  480. % Acknowledgments
  481. %-----------------------------------------------------------
  482. \section {Acknowledgments} \label{sec:acknowledgements}
  483. The authors would like to thank the engineers of Mayo SPPDG for their
  484. patience, feedback, and technical support; Dr. George Pan of Arizona
  485. State University and the students of his signal propagation laboratory
  486. for algorithm research and prototype code; N. Naclario, Z. Lemnios,
  487. D. Healy, D. Cochran, A. Krishnan, DARPA, and C. Hanson, SPAWAR/Code
  488. 8505, for program support.
  489. \clearpage
  490. \begin{thebibliography}{99}
  491. \bibitem{Mayo-108} Pan, G-W, K. S. Olson, and B. K. Gilbert, {\em
  492. Improved Algorithmic Methods For the Prediction of Wavefront
  493. Propagation Behavior in Multiconductor Transmission Lines for High
  494. Frequency Digital Signal Processors.} IEEE Transactions on
  495. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 8(6)608-621
  496. (June) 1989.
  497. \bibitem{Mayo-131} Pan, G. W., J. A. Prentice, S. K. Zahn,
  498. A. J. Staniszewski, W. L. Walters, and B. K. Gilbert, {\em The
  499. Simulation of High-Speed, High-Density Digital Interconnects in Single
  500. Chip Packages and Multichip Modules,} IEEE Transactions on Components,
  501. Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, 15(4):465-477 (August) 1992.
  502. \end{thebibliography}
  503. \end{document}