changelog 1.1 KB

  1. qtau (0.5.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
  2. [ Tobias Platen ]
  3. * prepare for release 0.5
  4. * fix crash
  5. * desktop appicon
  6. * settings for qtau
  7. * add utau convert script
  8. * add support for espeak voices
  9. * interface changes for sinsy
  10. * fix espeak voice support
  11. * tempmap fixes
  12. * fix ust import
  13. * note editor fixes
  14. * add tests for tempomap
  15. * cleanup
  16. * README ->
  17. * update README
  18. * update README again
  19. * switch from irc to mumble
  20. * update README again
  21. * vosamp refactoring
  22. * vosamp refactoring
  23. * refactoring
  24. * vosamp cleanup
  25. * fix dyndrawer ui element
  26. * add dynamics to low level score format
  27. * add experimental note property editor
  28. * add dyn table
  29. * update
  30. * update
  31. * add XMPP
  32. * add DynTableModel, selection logic
  33. * editor: note dynamics
  34. * editor debug output cleanup
  35. * add DYN to Score and VoSamp
  36. * add dyn test
  37. * add mailing lists
  38. * add voice directory things
  39. * tempomap: fix hang
  40. * score: add new parser for params
  41. * more work on dyn handling
  42. * add modulation/vosamp cleanup
  43. * DYN/PIT refactoring
  44. -- isengaara <isengaara@nerdlicht> Sun, 07 Mar 2021 15:35:49 +0100