#9 Use more lenient requirements

Ghost ingin menggabungkan 0 komit dari deleted menjadi necklace/master
Ghost komentar 3 tahun lalu

Require greater than or equal to each module version instead of exactly that version, to prevent dependency hell (none of these modules have breaking changes).

Require greater than or equal to each module version instead of exactly that version, to prevent dependency hell (none of these modules have breaking changes).
Nichlas Severinsen komentar 3 tahun lalu

It is imperative that all code contributed be legitimately free software. For that reason, code from anonymous (or pseudonymous) contributors will not be accepted.

Also, too lenient for me.

It is imperative that all code contributed be legitimately free software. For that reason, code from anonymous (or pseudonymous) contributors will not be accepted. Also, too lenient for me.
Silahkan membuka kembali permintaan tarik ini untuk melakukan operasi gabungan.
Masuk untuk bergabung dalam percakapan ini.
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