.gitignore 731 B

  1. # This file is used for Git repositories to specify intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore.
  2. # If you are not using git, you can delete this file. For more information see: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore
  3. # For useful gitignore templates see: https://github.com/github/gitignore
  4. .vscode/
  5. # Salesforce cache
  6. .sfdx/
  7. .localdevserver/
  8. # LWC VSCode autocomplete
  9. **/lwc/jsconfig.json
  10. # LWC Jest coverage reports
  11. coverage/
  12. # SOQL Query Results
  13. **/scripts/soql/query-results
  14. # Logs
  15. logs
  16. *.log
  17. npm-debug.log*
  18. yarn-debug.log*
  19. yarn-error.log*
  20. # Dependency directories
  21. node_modules/
  22. # Eslint cache
  23. .eslintcache
  24. # MacOS system files
  25. .DS_Store
  26. # Windows system files
  27. Thumbs.db
  28. ehthumbs.db
  29. [Dd]esktop.ini