812 B


What is this?

My own Neovim config. The main thing I don't like in AstroNvim and others is that they tend to be more usual IDEs -like. I'm pretty used to Vim hotkeys, so I created my own config with little overrides. E.g. to save a file you still need to do :w. And if you like you can bind it to a hotkey.


  • As little custom mappings as possible
  • Loads .env.lua from your project folder to specify environment variables or project specific settings.


  1. Launch ./install
  2. ???????
  3. PROFIT!


  • How to configure NcVim
  • Session picker as telescope picker, not ui-select
  • Ability to provide which-key description for custom key maps
  • lazy loading
  • Mason Astro-like GUI
  • Astro-like notifications
  • Astro-like dashboard