@@ -29,8 +29,15 @@ end
ncvim.plugin {
+ dependencies = {
+ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", -- Required for v0.4.0+
+ "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- If you want devicons
+ "stevearc/resession.nvim" -- Optional, for persistent history
+ },
config = function()
- local buffers = require('cokeline.buffers')
+ local buffersApi = require('cokeline.buffers')
local tabs = require('cokeline.tabs')
local get_hex = require('cokeline.hlgroups').get_hl_attr
@@ -48,10 +55,10 @@ ncvim.plugin {
local success, buff_nr = pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf, tabpage.focused.number)
if success == false then
- print("tab err: " .. buff_nr)
+ -- print("tab err: " .. buff_nr)
return nil
- local buf = buffers.get_buffer(buff_nr)
+ local buf = buffersApi.get_buffer(buff_nr)
return buf
@@ -60,13 +67,103 @@ ncvim.plugin {
active = {
fg = function() return get_hex('Folded', 'fg') end,
bg = function() return get_hex('Visual', 'bg') end,
+ error = {
+ fg = function() return get_hex('ErrorMsg', 'fg') end,
+ },
+ warning = {
+ fg = function() return get_hex('WarningMsg', 'fg') end,
+ },
inactive = {
fg = function() return get_hex('CursorLine', 'fg') end,
bg = function() return get_hex('CursorLine', 'bg') end,
+ error = {
+ fg = function() return get_hex('Substitute', 'fg') end,
+ },
+ warning = {
+ fg = function() return get_hex('WinBar', 'fg') end,
+ },
+ },
+ error = {
+ fg = function(buffer)
+ if buffer.is_focused then
+ return get_hex('ErrorMsg', 'fg')
+ else
+ return get_hex('Substitute', 'fg')
+ end
+ end
+ },
+ warning = {
+ fg = function(buffer)
+ if buffer.is_focused then
+ return get_hex('WarningMsg', 'fg')
+ else
+ return get_hex('WinBar', 'fg')
+ end
+ end
+ local get_window_buffer = function(window)
+ local success, buff_nr = pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf, window.number)
+ if success == false then
+ print("tab err: " .. buff_nr)
+ return nil
+ end
+ return buffersApi.get_buffer(buff_nr)
+ end
+ local get_tab_buffers = function(tabpage)
+ return ncvim.utils.filter(
+ function(v)
+ return v ~= nil
+ end,
+ ncvim.utils.map(
+ get_window_buffer,
+ tabpage.windows
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ local buffer_has_errors = function(buffer)
+ if buffer == nil or buffer.diagnostics == nil or buffer.diagnostics.errors == nil then
+ return false
+ end
+ return 0 < buffer.diagnostics.errors
+ end
+ local buffer_has_warnings = function(buffer)
+ if buffer == nil or buffer.diagnostics == nil or buffer.diagnostics.warnings == nil then
+ return false
+ end
+ return 0 < buffer.diagnostics.warnings
+ end
+ local tab_errors_num = function(tabpage)
+ local buffers = get_tab_buffers(tabpage)
+ if buffers == nil then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local total_errs = 0
+ for _, buff in pairs(buffers) do
+ if buff.diagnostics == nil or buff.diagnostics.errors == nil then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ total_errs = total_errs + buff.diagnostics.errors
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ return total_errs
+ end
+ local tab_has_errors = function(tabpage)
+ return 0 < tab_errors_num(tabpage)
+ end
default_hl = {
fg = function(tabpage)
@@ -178,6 +275,63 @@ ncvim.plugin {
return buffer.is_focused
+ fg = function(tabpage)
+ local buffer = get_tabpage_head_buffer(tabpage)
+ if buffer == nil then
+ return ''
+ end
+ return
+ buffer_has_errors(buffer) and buffer.is_focused and highlight.active.error.fg()
+ or buffer_has_errors(buffer) and not buffer.is_focused and highlight.inactive.error.fg()
+ or buffer_has_warnings(buffer) and buffer.is_focused and highlight.active.warning.fg()
+ or buffer_has_warnings(buffer) and not buffer.is_focused and highlight.inactive.warning.fg()
+ or tab_has_errors(tabpage) and highlight.inactive.error.fg()
+ or buffer.is_focused and highlight.active.fg()
+ or highlight.inactive.fg()
+ end
+ },
+ {
+ text = function(tabpage)
+ local buffer = get_tabpage_head_buffer(tabpage)
+ if buffer == nil then
+ return ''
+ end
+ return
+ (buffer.diagnostics.errors ~= 0 and ' ' .. buffer.diagnostics.errors)
+ or (buffer.diagnostics.warnings ~= 0 and ' ' .. buffer.diagnostics.warnings)
+ or tab_has_errors(tabpage) and ' ' .. tab_errors_num(tabpage)
+ or ''
+ end,
+ fg = function(tabpage)
+ local buffer = get_tabpage_head_buffer(tabpage)
+ if buffer == nil then
+ return ''
+ end
+ return
+ buffer_has_errors(buffer) and buffer.is_focused and highlight.active.error.fg()
+ or buffer_has_errors(buffer) and not buffer.is_focused and highlight.inactive.error.fg()
+ or buffer_has_warnings(buffer) and buffer.is_focused and highlight.active.warning.fg()
+ or buffer_has_warnings(buffer) and not buffer.is_focused and highlight.inactive.warning.fg()
+ or tab_has_errors(tabpage) and highlight.inactive.error.fg()
+ or nil
+ end,
+ truncation = {
+ priority = 1,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ text = function(tabpage)
+ return ' '
+ end,
bg = highlight.inactive.bg,