locales.ini 6.6 KB

  1. [global]
  2. no_js = "You don't have javascript enabled. Good luck with that."
  3. description = Movim is a kickass distributed social networking platform that protect your privacy an comes with a set of awesome features.
  4. loading = Loading…
  5. or = Or
  6. [page]
  7. account = Account
  8. administration = Administration
  9. communities = Communities
  10. home = Home
  11. explore = Explore
  12. account_creation = Account Creation
  13. news = News
  14. avatar = Avatar
  15. contacts = Contacts
  16. chats = Chats
  17. configuration = Configuration
  18. profile = Profile
  19. publish = Publish
  20. post = Post
  21. blog = Blog
  22. about = About
  23. login = Login
  24. help = Help
  25. feed = Feed
  26. posts = Posts
  27. gallery = Gallery
  28. visio = Visio-conference
  29. share = Share
  30. room = Room
  31. tag = Tag
  32. [error]
  33. error = Error: %s
  34. cannot_load_file = "Cannot load file '%s'"
  35. widget_load_error = "Requested widget '%s' doesn't exist."
  36. widget_call_error = "Requested event '%s' not registered."
  37. whoops = "Whoops!"
  38. websocket = Movim cannot talk with the server, please try again later
  39. oops = Oops!
  40. [button]
  41. call = Call
  42. validate = Validate
  43. refresh = Refresh
  44. add = Add
  45. delete = Delete
  46. remove = Remove
  47. cancel = Cancel
  48. close = Close
  49. update = Update
  50. updating = Updating
  51. submit = Submit
  52. submitting = Submitting
  53. reset = Reset
  54. register = Register
  55. reply = Reply
  56. unregister = Unregister
  57. save = Save
  58. clear = Clear
  59. upload = Upload
  60. connecting = Connecting
  61. bool_yes = Yes
  62. bool_no = No
  63. edit = Edit
  64. return = Return
  65. accept = Accept
  66. refuse = Refuse
  67. next = Next
  68. previous = Previous
  69. search = Search
  70. share = Share
  71. discover = Discover
  72. like = Like
  73. not_now = Not Now
  74. enable = Enable
  75. invite = Invite
  76. sign_up = Sign Up
  77. [input]
  78. username = Username
  79. password = Password
  80. [day]
  81. title = Day
  82. monday = Monday
  83. tuesday = Tuesday
  84. wednesday = Wednesday
  85. thursday = Thursday
  86. friday = Friday
  87. saturday = Saturday
  88. sunday = Sunday
  89. [client]
  90. bot = Bot
  91. desktop = Desktop
  92. phone = Phone
  93. web = Web
  94. registered = Registered
  95. [presence]
  96. online = Online
  97. away = Away
  98. dnd = Do Not Disturb
  99. xa = Extended Away
  100. offline = Offline
  101. error = Error
  102. [mood]
  103. afraid = afraid
  104. amazed = amazed
  105. amorous = amorous
  106. angry = angry
  107. annoyed = annoyed
  108. anxious = anxious
  109. aroused = aroused
  110. ashamed = ashamed
  111. bored = bored
  112. brave = brave
  113. calm = calm
  114. cautious = cautious
  115. cold = cold
  116. confident = confident
  117. confused = confused
  118. contemplative = contemplative
  119. contented = contented
  120. cranky = cranky
  121. crazy = crazy
  122. creative = creative
  123. curious = curious
  124. dejected = dejected
  125. depressed = depressed
  126. disappointed = disappointed
  127. disgusted = disgusted
  128. dismayed = dismayed
  129. distracted = distracted
  130. embarrassed = embarrassed
  131. envious = envious
  132. excited = excited
  133. flirtatious = flirtatious
  134. frustrated = frustrated
  135. grateful = grateful
  136. grieving = grieving
  137. grumpy = grumpy
  138. guilty = guilty
  139. happy = happy
  140. hopeful = hopeful
  141. hot = hot
  142. humbled = humbled
  143. humiliated = humiliated
  144. hungry = hungry
  145. hurt = hurt
  146. impressed = impressed
  147. in_awe = in awe
  148. in_love = in love
  149. indignant = indignant
  150. interested = interested
  151. intoxicated = intoxicated
  152. invincible = invincible
  153. jealous = jealous
  154. lonely = lonely
  155. lost = lost
  156. lucky = lucky
  157. mean = mean
  158. moody = moody
  159. nervous = nervous
  160. neutral = neutral
  161. offended = offended
  162. outraged = outraged
  163. playful = playful
  164. proud = proud
  165. relaxed = relaxed
  166. relieved = relieved
  167. remorseful = remorseful
  168. restless = restless
  169. sad = sad
  170. sarcastic = sarcastic
  171. satisfied = satisfied
  172. serious = serious
  173. shocked = shocked
  174. shy = shy
  175. sick = sick
  176. sleepy = sleepy
  177. spontaneous = spontaneous
  178. stressed = stressed
  179. strong = strong
  180. surprised = surprised
  181. thankful = thankful
  182. thirsty = thirsty
  183. tired = tired
  184. undefined = undefined
  185. weak = weak
  186. worried = worried
  187. [month]
  188. title = Month
  189. january = January
  190. february = February
  191. march = March
  192. april = April
  193. may = May
  194. june = June
  195. july = July
  196. august = August
  197. september = September
  198. october = October
  199. november = November
  200. december = December
  201. [year]
  202. title = Year
  203. [date]
  204. today = Today
  205. tomorrow = Tomorrow
  206. yesterday = Yesterday
  207. ago = %d days ago
  208. day = day
  209. [post]
  210. title = Title
  211. place = Place
  212. by = by
  213. geolocalisation = Geolocalisation
  214. email = email
  215. empty = No content
  216. no_comments = No comments yet
  217. older = Get older posts
  218. new_items = %s new items
  219. comment_error = Comment publication error
  220. comments_get = Get the comments
  221. comment_add = Add a comment
  222. share = Share with
  223. share_everyone = Everyone
  224. delete = Delete this post
  225. updated = Updated
  226. content_not_found = Content not found
  227. default_title = Contact publication
  228. comments = Comments
  229. original_deleted = Original post deleted
  230. [api]
  231. error = The API is not reachable, try again later
  232. [field]
  233. type_here = Type here