Xdefaults 14 KB

  1. #What is Xdefaults
  2. #Xdefaults is a configuration file that your terminal emulator (and many other X applications) will use for settings, so you don't have to #specify long command line args.
  3. #Xdefaults is the old name, still used as convention, but it's called Xresources since years and located in the users $HOME as a hidden file. If you #don't have this file it's normal. Most people will have to create it before it is there.
  4. #An example of .Xresources
  5. #Xft.dpi: 96
  6. #Xft.rgba: rgb
  7. #Xft.antialias: true
  8. #Xft.hinting: true
  9. #Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
  10. #xcalendar*firstDay: 1
  11. #xcalendar*markHoliday: false
  12. #Xcursor.theme: whitelarge
  13. #Xcursor.size: 32
  14. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. #
  16. # U R X V T - Setting
  17. #
  18. #real transparency with active compositor
  19. #URxvt*depth: 32
  20. #URxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd
  21. #
  22. #URxvt*scrollBar: false
  23. #URxvt*scrollColor: grey13
  24. #URxvt*troughColor: black
  25. #URxvt*scrollBar_floating: true
  26. #URxvt*scrollBar_right: true
  27. #URxvt*cursorColor: darkorange1
  28. #URxvt*foreground: grey75
  29. #URxvt*background: grey15
  30. #URxvt*saveLines: 7777
  31. #URxvt*cursorBlink: false
  32. #URxvt*termName: rxvt-256color
  33. #URxvt*font: xft:Dejavu Sans Mono:pixelsize=10.5
  34. #URxvt*boldFont: xft:Dejavu Sans Mono:pixelsize=10.5
  35. #URxvt*colorBD: #FFB700
  36. #URxvt*transparent: true
  37. #URxvt*shading: 33
  38. #URxvt*tintColor: turquoise
  39. #URxvt.cutchars: ()*,<>[]{}|`""''
  40. #URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 6
  41. #URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: 0
  42. #URxvt.tabbed.tab-fg: 0
  43. #URxvt.tabbed.tab-bg: 3
  44. #URxvt*iso14755_52: false
  45. #URxvt.perl-ext-common: matcher
  46. #URxvt.urlLauncher: urlLauncher $0
  47. #URxvt.keysym.C-Delete: perl:matcher:last
  48. #URxvt.keysym.M-Delete: perl:matcher:list
  49. #URxvt*matcher.pattern.1: \\bhttps?:\/\/(www.youtube.com|youtube.com|youtu.be)/\\S*
  50. #URxvt*matcher.launcher.1: urlLauncher -flash $0
  51. #URxvt*matcher.pattern.2: \\bhttps?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([\\w-]*)
  52. #URxvt*matcher.launcher.2: urlLauncher -flash $0
  53. #URxvt*matcher.pattern.3: \\bhttps?:\/\/[\\w-.]*\/[\\w./?&@#-]*\\.(?i)(mp4|flv|wmv)
  54. #URxvt*matcher.launcher.3: urlLauncher -video $0
  55. #URxvt*matcher.pattern.4: \\bhttps?:\/\/[\\w-.]*\/[\\w./?&@#-]*\\.(?i)(mp3|ogg|wav|wma)
  56. #URxvt*matcher.launcher.4: urlLauncher -audio $0
  57. #URxvt*matcher.pattern.5: \\bhttps?:\/\/[\\w-.]*\/[\\w./?&@#-]*\\.(?i)(jpg|jpeg|png)
  58. #URxvt*matcher.launcher.5: urlLauncher -image $0
  59. #URxvt*matcher.pattern.6: \\bhttps?:\/\/[\\w-.]*\/[\\w./?&@#-]*\\.(?i)(gif)
  60. #URxvt*matcher.launcher.6: urlLauncher -gif $0
  61. #colors
  62. #black
  63. #URxvt*color0: #171717
  64. #URxvt*color8: #737373
  65. #red
  66. #URxvt*color1: #FF5E5E
  67. #URxvt*color9: #FF7878
  68. #green
  69. #URxvt*color2: #9CE82B
  70. #URxvt*color10: #9ACD32
  71. #yellow
  72. #URxvt*color3: #F0E68C
  73. #URxvt*color11: #EEE8AA
  74. #blue
  75. #URxvt*color4: #008AFF
  76. #URxvt*color12: #4F98FF
  77. #magenta
  78. #URxvt*color5: #E88CFF
  79. #URxvt*color13: #EDA6FF
  80. #cyan
  81. #URxvt*color6: #87CEFA
  82. #URxvt*color14: #B0E2FF
  83. #white
  84. #URxvt*color7: #DCDCCC
  85. #URxvt*color15: #FFFFFF
  86. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. #
  88. # X T E R M 2 - Setting
  89. # options: true or false
  90. #
  91. ! Use a nice truetype font and size by default...
  92. xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono Book
  93. xterm*faceSize: 11
  94. ! Every shell is a login shell by default (for inclusion of all necessary environment variables)
  95. xterm*loginshell: true
  96. ! I like a LOT of scrollback...
  97. xterm*savelines: 16384
  98. ! double-click to select whole URLs :D
  99. xterm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48
  100. ! DOS-box colours...
  101. xterm*foreground: rgb:a8/a8/a8
  102. xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00
  103. xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00
  104. xterm*color1: rgb:a8/00/00
  105. xterm*color2: rgb:00/a8/00
  106. xterm*color3: rgb:a8/54/00
  107. xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/a8
  108. xterm*color5: rgb:a8/00/a8
  109. xterm*color6: rgb:00/a8/a8
  110. xterm*color7: rgb:a8/a8/a8
  111. xterm*color8: rgb:54/54/54
  112. xterm*color9: rgb:fc/54/54
  113. xterm*color10: rgb:54/fc/54
  114. xterm*color11: rgb:fc/fc/54
  115. xterm*color12: rgb:54/54/fc
  116. xterm*color13: rgb:fc/54/fc
  117. xterm*color14: rgb:54/fc/fc
  118. xterm*color15: rgb:fc/fc/fc
  119. ! right hand side scrollbar...
  120. xterm*rightScrollBar: true
  121. xterm*ScrollBar: true
  122. ! stop output to terminal from jumping down to bottom of scroll again
  123. xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false
  124. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. #
  126. #
  127. # A T E R M - Setting
  128. #
  129. #
  130. Aterm*background: #000000
  131. Aterm*foreground: #ffffff
  132. Aterm*transparent: true
  133. Aterm*shading: 80
  134. Aterm*cursorColor: #d8d8d8
  135. Aterm*scrollbars: false
  136. Aterm*saveLines: 2000
  137. Aterm*tinting: gray
  138. Aterm*scrollBar: false
  139. #Aterm*scrollBar_right: true
  140. Aterm*transpscrollbar: true
  141. Aterm*borderwidth: 0
  142. Aterm*font: -lfp-gamow-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-c-*-iso8859-5
  143. Aterm*geometry: 80x25
  144. Aterm*fading: 70
  145. #colors
  146. #black
  147. Aterm*color0: #333333
  148. Aterm*color8: #686868
  149. #red
  150. Aterm*color1: #CA5E5E
  151. Aterm*color9: #FF595D
  152. #green
  153. Aterm*color2: #ABCB8D
  154. Aterm*color10: #AFD78A
  155. #yellow
  156. Aterm*color3: #C48D62
  157. Aterm*color11: #E0A765
  158. #blue
  159. Aterm*color4: #8CA0B0
  160. Aterm*color12: #3D6A82
  161. #magenta
  162. Aterm*color5: #CC98E0
  163. Aterm*color13: #E1A2DC
  164. #cyan
  165. Aterm*color6: #44CACF
  166. Aterm*color14: #6CBFC4
  167. #white
  168. Aterm*color7: #E7E6DD
  169. Aterm*color15: #F0EFE7
  170. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. #
  172. # X C A L C - Setting
  173. #
  174. #
  175. xcalc*geometry: 200x275
  176. xcalc.ti.bevel.background: #111111
  177. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.background: #000000
  178. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.DEG.background: #000000
  179. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.DEG.foreground: LightSeaGreen
  180. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.GRAD.background: #000000
  181. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.GRAD.foreground: LightSeaGreen
  182. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.RAD.background: #000000
  183. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.RAD.foreground: LightSeaGreen
  184. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.INV.background: #000000
  185. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.INV.foreground: Red
  186. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.LCD.background: #000000
  187. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.LCD.foreground: LightSeaGreen
  188. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.LCD.shadowWidth: 0
  189. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.M.background: #000000
  190. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.M.foreground: LightSeaGreen
  191. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.P.background: #000000
  192. xcalc.ti.bevel.screen.P.foreground: Yellow
  193. xcalc.ti.Command.foreground: White
  194. xcalc.ti.Command.background: #777777
  195. xcalc.ti.button5.background: Orange3
  196. xcalc.ti.button19.background: #611161
  197. xcalc.ti.button18.background: #611161
  198. xcalc.ti.button20.background: #611111
  199. xcalc.ti.button25.background: #722222
  200. xcalc.ti.button30.background: #833333
  201. xcalc.ti.button35.background: #944444
  202. xcalc.ti.button40.background: #a55555
  203. xcalc.ti.button22.background: #222262
  204. xcalc.ti.button23.background: #222262
  205. xcalc.ti.button24.background: #222272
  206. xcalc.ti.button27.background: #333373
  207. xcalc.ti.button28.background: #333373
  208. xcalc.ti.button29.background: #333373
  209. xcalc.ti.button32.background: #444484
  210. xcalc.ti.button33.background: #444484
  211. xcalc.ti.button34.background: #444484
  212. xcalc.ti.button37.background: #555595
  213. xcalc.ti.button38.background: #555595
  214. xcalc.ti.button39.background: #555595
  215. XCalc*Cursor: hand2
  216. XCalc*ShapeStyle: rectangle
  217. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. #
  219. # X M E S S A G E - Setting
  220. #
  221. #
  222. Xmessage.form.okay.shapeStyle: rectangle
  223. Xmessage.form.okay.background: red
  224. Xmessage.form.okay.foreground: yellow
  225. Xmessage*message*background: #3c3c3c
  226. Xmessage*buttons: OK
  227. Xmessage*defaultButton: OK
  228. Xmessage*Background: #3c3c3c
  229. Xmessage*Foreground: #D3D3D3
  230. Xmessage.Scrollbar: WhenNeeded
  231. Xmessage.form.message.Scroll: WhenNeeded
  232. Xmessage*Font: -*-FreeSans-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  233. Xmessage*borderWidth: 0
  234. Xmessage*Text.borderWidth: 0
  235. Xmessage*Command.shapeStyle: rectangle
  236. Xmessage*Text.?.cursorColor: #D3D3D3
  237. #### other options ####
  238. #Xmessage.form.okay.shapeStyle: rectangle
  239. #Xmessage.form.okay.background: #777777
  240. #Xmessage.form.okay.foreground: snow
  241. #Xmessage*message*background: snow
  242. #Xmessage*buttons: OK
  243. #Xmessage*defaultButton: OK
  244. #Xmessage*Background: black
  245. #Xmessage*Foreground: grey85
  246. #Xmessage.Scrollbar: WhenNeeded
  247. #Xmessage.form.message.Scroll: WhenNeeded
  248. #Xmessage*Font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  249. #Xmessage*borderWidth: 0
  250. #Xmessage*Text.borderWidth: 0
  251. #Xmessage*Command.shapeStyle: oval
  252. #Xmessage*Text.?.cursorColor: white
  253. #Xmessage*Background: black
  254. #Xmessage*Foreground: green
  255. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. #
  257. # X F O N T S E L - Setting
  258. #
  259. #
  260. #XFontSel*sampleText.background: TEXTBG
  261. XFontSel*menu*showUnselectable: false
  262. XFontSel*MenuButton.shadowWidth: 0
  263. XFontsel*Toggle*ToggleStyle: check
  264. XFontsel*MenuButton*Justify: left
  265. XFontsel*MenuButton*MenuButtonStyle: select
  266. # .xfontsel.pane.commandBox.quitButton.background: #777777
  267. # .xfontsel.pane.commandBox.quitButton.foreground: snow
  268. # .xfontsel.pane.commandBox.ownButton.background: orange3
  269. # .xfontsel.pane.commandBox.ownButton.foreground: snow
  270. # .xfontsel.pane.commandBox.countLabel.background: snow
  271. # .xfontsel.pane.viewPort.sampleText.background: #777777
  272. # .xfontsel.pane.viewPort.sampleText.foreground: snow
  273. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field0.background: #777777
  274. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field0.foreground: snow
  275. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field1.background: #777777
  276. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field1.foreground: snow
  277. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field2.background: #777777
  278. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field2.foreground: snow
  279. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field3.background: #777777
  280. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field3.foreground: snow
  281. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field4.background: #777777
  282. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field4.foreground: snow
  283. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field5.background: #777777
  284. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field5.foreground: snow
  285. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field6.background: #777777
  286. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field6.foreground: snow
  287. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field7.background: #777777
  288. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field7.foreground: snow
  289. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field8.background: #777777
  290. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field8.foreground: snow
  291. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field9.background: #777777
  292. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field9.foreground: snow
  293. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field10.background: #777777
  294. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field10.foreground: snow
  295. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field11.background: #777777
  296. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field11.foreground: snow
  297. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field12.background: #777777
  298. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field12.foreground: snow
  299. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field13.background: #777777
  300. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.field13.foreground: snow
  301. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox*foreground: #000000
  302. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.borderWidth: 1
  303. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.internalHeight: 1
  304. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.internalWidth: 2
  305. # .xfontsel.pane.fieldBox.MenuButton.shapeStyle: rectangle
  306. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. #
  308. # X C O L O R S E L - Setting
  309. #
  310. #
  311. xcolorsel*Background: black
  312. xcolorsel*Foreground: green
  313. xcolorsel*Font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  314. xcolorsel.geometry: 399x595
  315. xcolorsel*displayFormat: #rrggbb
  316. # xcolorsel*maxRows: 99
  317. ################## comments ##################
  318. #I've changed all the settings but they do nothing#
  319. #Changes will not be visible until you run
  320. # xrdb ~/.Xresources
  321. # $ your-user-name $HOME/.Xresources
  322. #And then run xterm or or urxvt or anything again, because the already running instance won't be involved.
  323. #How to load those settings on startup?
  324. #Add
  325. #$ your-user-name ~/.Xresources
  326. #Are there more options that are not listed here?
  327. #Yes, for a complete listing of what all items your terminal emulator will take reference its man page. Typically you can open its man page and type
  328. #/RESOURCES
  329. #Hit enter and most of the time this will bring you to where the begining of the optins listed are.
  330. #External resources
  331. #http://dotfiles.org/.Xdefaults
  332. #http://dotfiles.org/.Xresources
  333. #http://xwinman.org/resource.php