#12 Added guide on saving Soundcloud direct download enabled tracks to Archive.org

SETI2261 chce zlúčiť 1 revíziu z vetvy SETI2261/soundcloud do vetvy musichoarders/master

This merge request proposes to add a small guide on how to save tracks that have direct download enabled into archive.org.

This means that if a SoundCloud gets deleted, then there is a direct download from archive.org which will allow anyone to download a track from archive.org as if they are direct downloading from SoundCloud.

The FAQ has been updated to link to this guide, as well some minor spelling corrections.

This merge request proposes to add a small guide on how to save tracks that have direct download enabled into archive.org. This means that if a SoundCloud gets deleted, then there is a direct download from archive.org which will allow anyone to download a track from archive.org as if they are direct downloading from SoundCloud. The FAQ has been updated to link to this guide, as well some minor spelling corrections.
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